Bernardo Arancibia Flores
Costa, un descreído productor de cine, y Sebastián, joven e idealista realizador, trabajan juntos en un proyecto ambicioso que van a rodar en Bolivia. La cinta que van a filmar tratará sobre la llegada de los españoles a América poniendo el acento en la brutalidad de su empresa y en el coraje de varios miembros de la Iglesia que se enfrentaron con palabras a las espadas y las cadenas. Pero Costa y Sebastián no pueden imaginar que en Bolivia, donde han decidido instalar su Santo Domingo cinematográfico, les espera un desafío que les hará tambalearse hasta lo más profundo. Tan pronto como estalla la Guerra del Agua (abril de 2000) las convicciones de uno y el desapego del otro comienzan a resquebrajarse, obligándoles a hacer un viaje emocional en sentidos opuestos.
A team of young aspiring filmmakers are searching for the ideal actress for a horror film. The candidates are forced to endure long torture scenes, which they cannot stop once begun, including strange incisions in different parts of the body with sharp instruments of various sizes, the use of cigarettes and blowtorches to burn the skin, the crushing of the toes at the point of a hammer, and other twisted things that leaving the girls as bleeding remains. This is alternated with direct explanations to the camera by the director, the producer, and the cameraman who explain their crazy criteria about art and the aesthetic-dramatic sense of the scenes.
A team of young aspiring filmmakers are searching for the ideal actress for a horror film. The candidates are forced to endure long torture scenes, which they cannot stop once begun, including strange incisions in different parts of the body with sharp instruments of various sizes, the use of cigarettes and blowtorches to burn the skin, the crushing of the toes at the point of a hammer, and other twisted things that leaving the girls as bleeding remains. This is alternated with direct explanations to the camera by the director, the producer, and the cameraman who explain their crazy criteria about art and the aesthetic-dramatic sense of the scenes.