Thomas Louden


Sakima and the Masked Marvel
Envuelto en la sombra
Elderly Man (uncredited)
Un detective privado, que casi vive en la miseria, descubre un día que lo están siguiendo. Tras acorralar a su perseguidor, averigua que actúa a las órdenes de un antiguo socio con el que acabó enemistado. Poco después se ve envuelto en un calculado plan de asesinato.
Mañana es vivir
Englishman on Ship
Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Elizabeth y John llevan un año casados cuando él decide alistarse voluntario para ir al frente. Al acabar la guerra, Elizabeth recibe la noticia de que su esposo ha fallecido en combate. Sin embargo, John no está muerto. Mutilado y desfigurado, se encuentra en un hospital austriaco donde el doctor Ludwig decide realizarle operaciones, entre ellas, una cirugía estética. A pesar de los consejos del médico para que John regrese a su hogar y con su esposa, éste considera que su vida está acabada y decide seguir constando como fallecido. Con el tiempo Elizabeth se casa. Pero el destino hace que John regrese a los EEUU después de 20 años.
El trigo está verde
Old Tom
Miss Moffat (Bette Davis), una inglesa que va a vivir a un pequeño pueblo galés, descubre que los niños trabajan en las minas. Impresionada por esta situación, decide escolarizarlos. Adaptación de la obra de Emlyn Williams. En 1979 el maestro George Cukor dirigió otra versión protagonizada por Katharine Hepburn.
Alma rebelde
Sir George Lynn
Adaptación de la célebre novela de Charlotte Brontë con un reparto de lujo, encabezado por Joan Fontaine y Orson Welles sobre la profunda historia de amor de una institutriz y un rico heredero que se verá truncada por un trágico acontecimiento del pasado de éste.
The Masked Marvel
A team of two-fisted insurance investigators (one of whom disguises himself as The Masked Marvel) endeavor to discover and thwart the loathsome saboteur Sakima.
Sagrado matrimonio
Court Clerk (uncredited)
Basada en la novela de Arnold Bennett. Un artista que regresa a su hogar después de muchos años en el extranjero, se hace pasar por su criado muerto para evitar a la prensa
La señora Miniver
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una familia inglesa, que vive en un pequeño pueblo, logra sobrevivir a los bombardeos alemanes. La madre se encuentra al frente de la casa esperando que su hijo y su marido regresen de la guerra.
Sé fiel a ti mismo
Historia de un joven que se muestra desilusionado de la guerra, pero el amor que siente por una mujer, le hará recobrar su coraje y patriotismo.
The Power of God
As the elderly man visiting his wife's grave remembers how a renewed faith in Christianity help a shady businessman, a juvenile delinquent a young couple and a shiftless man find the way to righteousness.
Dr. Phillips
Millionaire Baron de Courland and his fiancée Linda Stewart employ Jim Logan as a guide for their hunting trip in the jungle. Linda finds unplanned adventure in her sudden love for Jim, ultimately forsaking her future with the Baron for the joys of true love.
Thomas - Bronsons' First Butler
A punto de casarse con Sky, Linda se enamora de Jeff y se casa con él. Pronto se dará cuenta de que quizá no haya hecho una buena elección, pues Jeff solo piensa en su trabajo y apenas tienen tiempo para estar juntos. Así que, poco después, Linda pide el divorcio. De solucionar la crisis matrimonial se encargará Sky, que ha fabricado una poción que borrará los recuerdos de la pareja haciendo que vuelvan a enamorarse.
Honeymoon in Bali
John (uncredited)
Bill Burnett, a resident of Bali, visits New York City, meets and falls in love with Gail Allen, the successful manager of a Fifth Avenue shop, who is determined to remain free and independent. Bill proposes, Gail declines and Bill goes home to Bali. But a young girl, Rosie, and Tony the Window Cleaner, who dispels advice on every floor, soon have Gail thinking maybe she was a bit hasty with her no to Bill's proposal. Ere long she discovers that she does love Bill and can't live without him. She goes down to Bali to give him the good news. He learns that he is soon to marry Noel Van Ness. She goes back to New York City.
Our Leading Citizen
Frederick the Butler
Lem Schofield, a lawyer in a one-time small-town turned industrialized big city, runs his firm on examples set by Abraham Lincoln and is a friend to the poor. Clay Clinton, his late partner's son joins the firm but is anxious for fast success and considers Schofield's old-fashioned principles antiquated. Being in love with Schofield's daughter and impatient for success he moves to offices supplied by the city's most powerful industrialist, J.T. Tapley, who has plans to use Clay's good family lineage as a stepping stone to political power. The unscrupulous Tapley precipitates a strike in his factory mill which causes a rupture between the former partners. Schofield sets out to bring Tapley and his political henchmen to justice.
Prison Break
The Priest
Story of a tuna fisherman who has been wrongfully convicted of a murder he did not commit. His exemplary behavior in prison ensures that he is up for early parole. He realizes, however, that his movements will be limited, and he will be unable to join and wed his beloved. The only solution is to escape and hunt down the real killer, himself.
Robert Louis Stevenson's hero David Balfour joins rebel Alan Breck Stewart in 18th-century Scotland.
The World's Champion
Theatre Play
Young William Burroughs comes from wealth but not nobility, so despite his income he is not welcomed when he pursues Lady Elizabeth Galton, and indeed he is not only beaten by her cousin but thrown out by his own father for the disgrace he has caused. He travels to the United States where he becomes a champion prizefighter. Upon his return to England, he finds circumstances quite changed for Lady Galton and he sets out to change her circumstances further.