Richard Cramer

Richard Cramer

Nacimiento : 1889-07-03, Bryan, Ohio, USA

Muerte : 1960-08-09


Richard Cramer


Dance of the Cookoos
Judge Beaumont / Captain
Dance of the Cookoos is merged a cinematic cross section with the high points from almost 100 works of Laurel & Hardy, into an original framework action
Law of the Lash
When Decker's gang holds up a stage, henchman Lefty takes a lady's rings. Later lefty accidentally exposes the rings buying ammunition and Cheyenne sees them. When Lefty tries to shoot Cheyenne he is captured. Now Cheyenne wants the rest of the gang and their leader.
Wild Country
Guard #1
Caxton has broken out of prison and Eddie has been sent to bring him in. Caxton is known by the polka dot band on his hat and Eddie has Soapy wear one like it. This gets Soapy arrested as soon as he rides into town but it leads Eddie to Varney and he realizes Varney will lead him to Caxton.
Principal Keeper (uncredited)
Christopher Cross es un simple cajero infelizmente casado, pero tiene un raro talento para la pintura. En cierta ocasión, conoce a una aventurera de la que se enamora y le hace creer que es un pintor de éxito. La chica y su novio, un individuo sin escrúpulos, aprovechan la ocasión para explotar al pobre hombre, que llegará incluso a cometer un desfalco en su empresa para que ella siga creyendo que es un artista de éxito.
Trail Riders
Bartender Jake
In the 18th entry of Monogram's 24 "Range Buster" films, the bank of Gila Springs is robbed by Ace Alton and his gang, and Sheriff Frank Hammond, son of Marshal Jim Hammond, is killed. The Marshal sends for the Range Busters, Dusty King, Davy Sharpe and Alibi Terhune, to come and restore order to the town. Ed Cole, head of the local vigilantes, and secretly the head of the outlaws, promptly orders the trio out of town. They visit an old friend, Rancher Mike Rand and his daughter Mary. Mary's brother Jeff has unwittingly become a gang member, and carries out Cole's orders by taking a shot at Davy, but the latter makes him a prisoner during a subsequent fight in the town café. Jeff confesses to Cole's involvement, and the Range Busters, with the help of town banker Harrison, set a trap for Cole and his outlaw vigilantes.
Tomorrow We Live
Julie Bronson, whose father operates a desert cafe, is attracting the unwanted attention of a half-crazed gangster known as The Ghost who runs a desert night club several miles away.
Arizona Stage Coach
Bartender Joe
In the midst of some friendly horseplay on their "Flying R" ranch, the Range Busters, Crash Corrigan, Dusty King and Alibi Terhune, are sobered by the arrival of a buckboard bearing their old friend Larry Meadows and his niece Dorrie Willard. Meadows seeks their aid against a gang of outlaws terrorizing his town. Ernie Willard, Dorrie's brother, has been taken in by Tex Laughlin who is using the Willard ranch as an undercover for his real occupation as a member of a gang of outlaws led by Tim Douglas, a supposed friend of the Willards.
Eagle Squadron
An American joins the British Royal Air Force just before Pearl Harbor is attacked, and falls in love with a beautiful English girl.
Texas Trouble Shooters
Bartender Mike
The Range Busters are together again to try and stop a swindle.
Los usurpadores
Deputy (uncredited)
En Alaska, durante la Fiebre del Oro, un buscador es asediado por un empresario que tiene la ley de su lado. Pronto hace su aparición una cantante de cabaret que se convierte en objetivo amoroso de ambos.
Maisie Gets Her Man
'Indian' in Third Booth with Mirror (Uncredited)
Struggling performers, Sothern and Skelton's lives are thrown off gear when they are caught with a bagful of hard cash robbed by a goon. With Skelton in prison, how will Sothern prove their innocence?
Boot Hill Bandits
Corn Hawkins - Bartender (as Dick Cramer)
Bolton's men blow up the wagon carrying the mine payroll and Marshal Crash Corrigan is supposedly killed in the explosion. A man finds his badge and gives it to Bolton. Thinking Crash dead, Bolton gives the badge away and it ends up with the Sheriff. Crash is OK and the Range Busters know Bolton is the head of the gang but that he gets his orders from someone else and that is the man they want.
Billy the Kid Trapped
Gus - Bartender
Stanton breaks Billy and his two friends Fuzzy and Jeff out of jail. He wants them free so three of his men can impersonate them for the robberies and murders he has planned.
Rock River Renegades
Bartender Henchman Ed
In Old Wyoming, a gang is plundering stagecoaches of shipped currency and a crusading newspaper editor is trying to get the local marshal replaced, because of his apparent failure to catch the gang, which seems to disappear into thin air after every robbery. The situation escalates when one of the stage drivers is mortally wounded; so the marshal sends for his friends, the Range Busters, to help him catch the criminals. Meanwhile, even the marshal's fiancee, the editor's daughter, turns against him in favor of an aggressive agitator for law and order - who secretly is leading the robber gang.
Broadway Big Shot
This drama chronicles the extreme measures taken by a determined young crime reporter to get an interview with a notorious convict. The zealous journalist, also a star quarterback on the town college team, decides to become a convict himself. He gets into the prison, becomes president of the prisoners' union, does his interview, successfully woo's the warden's daughter, and gets out in time to publish his story before anyone else does. His career is off to a tremendous start.
Billy The Kid's Round-Up
When Sheriff Hanley sends for Billy and his pals, they arrive to find him murdered and Ed Slade temporary Sheriff.
Underground Rustlers
Charlie - Bartender
Gold stages are being held up in the far west at a time when the U.S. government needs bullion, just before the famed "Black Friday" attempt to corner the gold market.
Double Trouble
Detective Hogan
Harry Langdon and Charley Rogers star in this 1941 Monogram comedy, about two bumbling brothers who take jobs at a New York food cannery and accidentally lose a valuable diamond inside a can of pork-and-beans.
El lobo de mar
Dos náufragos fugitivos de la justicia, una mujer y un joven novelista, son recogidos en el mar por el capitán Wolf Larsen, que gobierna su barco como un tirano y que considera que la piedad es un signo de debilidad. Con el paso del tiempo los náufragos se dan cuenta de que en realidad son sus prisioneros.
Pasos en la oscuridad
Detective Bringing Vernon (uncredited)
Errol Flynn es un superficial caballero de la alta sociedad. Su carácter frívolo poco hace sospechar a los que le rodean que tiene una doble vida. Compagina su faceta más exclusiva con una labor como escritor de novelas de misterio y colaborador de la policía.
The Lone Rider Rides On
Tom Cameron (George Houston) is searching for the outlaws who ambushed a wagon train, murdered his parents and stole the deed to their land. Though he was only a child at the time, he vividly remembers the scar on the ringleader's face -- and Tom will stop at nothing until he brings him to justice … and exacts vengeance. Al St. John, Hillary Brooke and Karl Hackett costar in this 1941 oater from director Sam Newfield. - George Houston, Hillary Brooke, Al St. John
Billy the Kid's Gun Justice
Escaping from the law once again, Billy, Fuzzy, and Jeff ride to the ranch of Jeff's uncle only to find another family living their. They soon learn of Cobb Allen's scheme where he sells a ranch, makes sure the rancher can't pay off his note, kicks him out, and resells the ranch. But Billy has a plan to recover the ranchers' money and he sends Fuzzy to town with a fake map to a gold treasure.
Gallant Sons
Courtroom Guard (uncredited)
When a teenager's father is accused of murder, the boy and his high-school classmates set out to find the real killer.
Trailing Double Trouble
Jake - Bartender
When Moreland's henchman attack Bob Horner the Range Busters break it up. Horner dies but they get the baby Moreland was after. He must have it to become it's guardian and take control of the Horner ranch. When the henchmen catch up with Alibi, they take the baby cradle not realizing Alibi has substituted his dummy Elmer. Crash having evidence Moreland is the one they want, now has a plan to expose him.
Queen of the Yukon
The owner of an Alaskan gambling boat and her business partner help thwart a crooked businessman who attempts to steal claims from local miners.
Arizona Frontier
A government agent uncovers the truth behind a series of raids on a freight company.
Millionaires in Prison
Guard Finding Keats' Menu (uncredited)
A crop of millionaire inmates struggle to get accustomed to prison life, while inmate Nick Burton watches out for everyone's interests on the inside.
Land of the Six Guns
Stone is buying cattle cheap in Mexico, bringing them across the border without paying duty, changing the brands, and then selling them at a big profit. When Jack Rowan arrives and buys the vacant ranch used by Stone to sneak his cattle across the border, Stone sends out his henchmen to finish Jack off.
Marinos a la fuerza
Nick Grainger - Escaped Convict (uncredited)
El malogrado Oliver trabaja desde hace tiempo en una factoría de bocinas. Tal trabajo le está costando la salud, ya que padece una extraña excitación que se convierte en delirio cada vez que suena, junto a sus oídos, una trompa o algo parecido. El médico que ha visitado para acabar con su afección le ha recomendado dos cosas: realizar un viaje largo para relajar los nervios y beber leche de cabra para mejorar su estado. Al conocer el estado de Oliver, su inseparable amigo, Stan le comenta que no es necesario realizar una gran travesía para disfrutar del aire marino, y le propone alquilar una pequeña embarcación del muelle. Oli acepta y Stan consigue una cochambrosa barca por cuatro cuartos. Junto a la pareja de amigos, viajan una entrañable cabra que le proporcionará leche a Oliver y un inesperado polizonte, un peligroso asesino que se acaba de fugar de la cárcel
Forty Little Mothers
Hiring Boss
An out-of-work professor gets a break from an old college buddy to teach at an exclusive girl's school. But events conspire against him: he finds an abandoned child which he takes under his wing, despite the school's rules against teachers having a family; and the girls in the school resent his replacing a handsome and popular teacher, and do everything in their power to get him fired.
Half a Sinner
Although young and beautiful, schoolteacher Anne Gladden fears a dull future. She finally decides to take a walk on the wild side, splurging on some fashionable new clothes and setting off to find adventure. Her new confidence inspires her to flirt with complete strangers. When a gangster pays unwanted attention to her, she ditches him and flees in his car, unaware that there's a corpse in the trunk. Determined to recover his stolen vehicle and its incriminating cargo the thug begins a desperate search. The oblivious Anne, comes to the aid of a handsome young man stranded alongside the road. Romance blooms, but after the shocking discovery of a body in the trunk, the duo decide they have to return the car. The bickering lovebirds head back to the city, trailed by both the angry gangster and the cops, who suspect the young couple of murder.
Alice in Movieland
Movie Set Crewman (uncredited)
In a U.S. town that could be anywhere, 18-year-old Alice Purdee wins a free trip to Hollywood. With the assistance of a cheerful porter, she takes the night train and dreams about her arrival. Instead of instant success, she meets disappointment after disappointment, and she needs the unexpected encouragement of her grandmother and an aging, former star whom she meets at a talent night. Finally, she gets a call to be an extra, and she's so hopeful that the regulars decide to make a fool of her. Is this the end of Alice's dream? Not if the porter has anything to say about it.
Extraño cargamento
Guard (uncredited)
Verne, un hombre encarcelado en la Isla del Diablo, intenta fugarse e involucra en la fuga a Julie, una chica de saloon, que lo delata a las autoridades. Pero Verne vuelve a intentarlo junto con otros presos, y en su huida se encuentra a Julie.
Paso al noroeste
Sheriff Packer
Un joven que aspira a convertirse en pintor acaba alistándose en un regimiento del ejército. El mayor Rogers, al mando de la unidad, trata de encontrar un paso que cruce desde el continente americano al noroeste.
Esta mujer es mía
Man with Packages in Subway (uncredited)
Durante un viaje en barco, Georgi Gragore, una bella modelo que acaba de sufrir un desengaño amoroso, está a punto de arrojarse por la borda, pero se lo impide Karl Decker, un médico con el que acaba casándose. A pesar de ello, Georgi sigue obsesionada por el hombre que la llevó a tomar tan fatal determinación; perfectamente consciente de ello, su marido le propone que decida libremente si quiere seguir con él o si prefiere volver al pasado.
Pioneer Days
Jim - Bartender
Jack Randall plays Dunham, a wandering cavalier who comes to the aid of frontier heiress Mary (June Wilkins). The girl's legacy is half-ownership of a prosperous saloon, the other half controlled by hissable villain Slater (Ted Adams). With the help of no less than two comic sidekicks (Frank Yaconelli and Nelson McDowell), Dunham cuts the villain down to size.
Legion of the Lawless
Bartender (uncredited)
Residents of a small frontier town take up arms when vigilantes try to block a railroad right-of-way.
La Sombra
Voice of 'The Black Tiger'
La Sombra lucha contra un villano conocido como The Black Tiger, que tiene el poder de hacerse invisible y está tratando de conquistar el mundo con su rayo de la muerte.
Estudiantes en Oxford
Minor Role (uncredited)
Tras varios intentos desesperados de buscar trabajo, Laurel y Hardy terminan trabajando de barrenderos. Sin proponérselo, detienen a un ladrón de bancos, por lo que el director, en agradecimiento, decide pagarles los estudios en la prestigiosa universidad de Oxford. Cuando llegan allí, protagonizan varios enredos y bromas.
El Diablo Rides
Bob rides into a border town where he runs into trouble with Lambert and his gang. Herb arrests him claiming he is the outlaw El Diablo. But it was just to save him from Lambert's gang and the two now plan to trap the outlaws.
Enterrado vivo
Centra su argumento en la lucha del alcaide de una prisión por intentar avanzar en la aplicación de normas que consigan mitigar la dureza de la vida en sus instalaciones. En su ámbito de dirección se dan cita una serie de personajes, entre los que destaca la presencia del atormentado verdugo, un joven médico y un sacerdote. A todos ellos les une su secreta admiración hacia la enfermera Joan Wright (Beverly Roberts), hacia quien desean acercarse, quizá por representar un único asidero dentro del entorno sórdido en que desarrollan su labor. Pero los sentimientos de la joven. Finalmente se inclinarán hacia la figura de joven recluso Johnny Martin (Robert Wilcox).
Locos del aire
Laundry Truck Driver
Un hombre sufre un desengaño cuando descubre que la chica a la que quiere está casada con un soldado. Pretende suicidarse con la ayuda de un amigo, pero mientras lo intenta aparece un oficial de la Legión Extranjera que los anima a alistarse, asegurándoles que en pocos días olvidarán lo sucedido. Una vez allí, las aventuras se sucederán con cómicos resultados.
Daughter of the Tong
A detective matches wits with the female leader of a crime ring.
Frontier Marshal
Bella Union Bartender
En la bulliciosa ciudad minera de Tombstone, Ben Carter, el dueño de un saloon, intenta deshacerse de un competidor que ha traído hermosas chicas de Chicago, contratando a un pistolero. En vista de que el sheriff se niega a enfrentarse con él, decide hacerlo Wyatt Earp, un antiguo explorador del Ejército, que acaba aceptando el puesto de sheriff y empieza a limpiar la ciudad de maleantes. Mientras tanto, mantiene una peculiar relación de amistad/rivalidad con Doc Holliday, un jugador tísico.
Bad Boy
Johnny Fraser (Johnny Downs) leaves his mother (Helen MacKellar) in their small home town and sets out for the big city. He obtains a job with a large firm of architects. Steve Carson (Archie Robbins), a fellow employee, is constantly flaunting the money he has won at the race track. Johnny also bets the races, but loses heavily and takes some of the firm's money to cover his losses.
S.O.S Tidal Wave
Short-Order Cook
A news reporter-commentator at a combined radio-television broadcasting station gives up his stand against the election of a corrupt mayoral candidate after a gangster threatens his family. Features tidal wave stock footage from RKO's "Deluge" (1933), q.v.
Lucky Night
$35 Passerby (uncredited)
Una noche una joven heredera (Myrna Loy) conoce a un vagabundo (Robert Taylor) en un banco del parque. Y durante esa noche de diversión y borrachera se casa con él.
Dodge, ciudad sin ley
Hotel Desk Clerk (uncredited)
Kansas, 1866. Wade Hatton intenta imponer el orden y la justicia en Dodge City, una próspera ciudad a la que llega el ferrocarril, pero que está dominada por un cacique y su banda de pistoleros. En su empeño le ayuda Abby Irving, la sobrina del médico local.
Sergeant Madden
A dedicated police officer is torn between family and duty when his son turns to a life of crime.
Rollin' Westward
Captured outlaw
A cowboy helps a pretty young woman and her father in their fight against land-grabbers who are trying to swindle them out of their cattle ranch.
In Old Montana
The Colonel sends Fred Dawson and Doc Flanders to investigate a cattleman sheepman war. Posing as a two man medicine show, they quickly become involved. When Fred tries to bring the two sides together, Joe Allison is shot and Fred blamed. With Fred in jail and a lynch mob on the way, Doc tries to break his friend out.
New Roadways
The "new roadways" of the title refer to various projects, carried out in the USA's research laboratories, that benefit mankind. These include solar energy projects, making glass that can be rolled up like a carpet, and diet experiments with mice that might lead to a cure for color blindness.
Feud of the Range
Tom Gray
In an attempt to drive out settlers of the Los Trancos valley, through which the railroad proposes to run a line, railroad representative Clyde Barton conspires with Dirk to cause a range war between the two largest ranchers, Tom Gray and Harvey Allen.
The misteriosa Miss X
Dos actores que interpretan el papel de detectives se verán involucrados en un asesinato en el hotel en el que acaban de registrarse.
Streamlined Swing
Railroad Detective (uncredited)
A group of African-American waiters on a railway believe they have made a deal to secure a railroad dining car that they set up on Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles as a diner. To bring in customers, they sing, their voices providing most of the musical accompaniment as well. At the diner, in front of a crowd of swells, the police deliver the bad news.
Phantom Ranger
A Treasury Department engraver is being held captive by a counterfeiting gang that wants him to make counterfeit plates for them. A lawman is sent to rescue him.
Six Shootin' Sheriff
2nd Bartender
Cowboy star Ken Maynard is Jim "Trigger" Morton, in town undercover while pursuing the man who framed him for robbery. But a well-placed shot tames a band of scofflaws and gains Morton the sheriff's badge. Now, he's riding on both sides of the law. The line is further blurred when old buddy Chuck (Walter Long) offers evidence of Morton's innocence in exchange for a blind eye to Chuck's impending postal heist in this classic Western.
Songs and Bullets
Outlaw Leader
Melody arrives looking for the killer of his uncle and at the same time Dumont arrives looking for the murderer of her father. They both suspect Skelton and Dumont finds incriminating evidence in his office. But when Melody finds the murder weapon in Skelton's office he is arrested by Shelton's stooge Sheriff.
Knight of the Plains
Clem Peterson
Peterson has a plan to obtain all the ranches in the valley. He gives Carson a phony Spanish land grant and has him pose as the Mexican owner. When Fred and Fuzzy have their cattle stolen by Peterson's men, they quickly become involved in the scheme.
Law of the Underworld
A respected citizen with secret ties to the local mob is faced with revealing his criminal connections to save two innocent people from execution
Thunder in the Desert
Bob arrives looking for the killer of his uncle. When the Sheriff chases him and his partner Rusty, Reno thinks they are the men he is looking for and takes them into his gang. There Bob finds his uncle's gun and knows he has found the right gang. However he realizes the gang has an unknown leader and he sets out to find him.
Love Is a Headache
Process Server (uncredited)
Charlotte, más conocida como Charlie, es una actriz de teatro cuya última obra ha sido un fracaso. No le ayuda mucho la columna semanal de Peter, amigo de la infancia que estuvo enamorada de ella (y todavía lo está), donde resaltaba los aspectos negativos de su trabajo. En tal tesitura, Peter, conmovido por la muerte del tipo que limpiaba las ventanas de su estudio, que deja dos huérfanos, lanza una campaña apoyando su adopción. El agente de Charlie se entera, y decide que la adopción será una magnífica promoción para la carrera de su actriz.
Crashing Hollywood
Detective Barging Into Makeup Room (uncredited)
A true-to-life gangster movie stirs up an all out mob assault on Hollywood.
Una nación en marcha
Historia sobre el desarrollo de las comunicaciones terrestres en los EE.UU. durante su rápida expansión en el siglo XIX. La película se centra en la vida de Ramsey McCay, empleado de la recién creada asociación entre Henry Wells y William Fargo, y de cómo gracias a su especial dedicación, la Wells-Fargo llega a convertirse en una gran empresa de correos y transporte de mercancías hacia el Oeste, presente en los mayores acontecimientos de la época.
Clipped Wings
Moran, Jones' Henchman
Mickey Lofton, young half-brother of famed war-aviator Jerry, fails in his attempt to enter the Canadian Air Corps, because of his fear of thunderstorms developed by an incident in his boyhood days. Jerry, now a Captain in the U.S. Department of Justice, is given an assignment to capture some border oil smugglers. Through his friendship with Raoul McGuire, one of the suspects, Jerry is accepted as a member of the gang. Mickey is in love with Raoul's sister, Molly. Gang leader Moran shoots and wounds Raoul, and is himself shot down by Jerry. Mickey flies Molly and her wounded brother to a hospital. Jerry takes off in another plane to guard Mickey's craft from a pursuing airplane, and crashes his plane into the gangster's plane but parachutes to safety.
The Luck of Roaring Camp
When the miners of Roaring Camp become Godfathers to a motherless baby, they name the boy Luck and promise to set aside money for him from their diggings. But when they strike it rich the money is gambled away instead.
Night Club Scandal
Prison Guard
When Dr. Ernest Tindal's wife is murdered, evidence mounts to convict her lover, Frank Marian. But Frank knows he didn't do it.....
Where Trails Divide
Ike Jones
Tom Allen comes to Rawhide to open a law office. But he becomes the Sheriff instead and goes after Wilson and his outlaw gang hoping his brother Billy is not one of them.
The Wrong Road
Detective (uncredited)
A young married couple whose plans for their life together haven't turned out as expected decide to rob the bank where the husband works of $100,000, then hide the money in a safe place and return for it after they serve out their sentences. All goes according to plan until they get out of prison, when they find that they're being trailed by an insurance investigator and the husband's old cellmate, who has decided that he wants a cut of the money.
Radio Patrol
About a young radio cop and a beautiful girl try to stop an international criminal gang from getting their hands on the formula for a new bulletproof steel.
A Bride for Henry
Bicycle Owner (uncredited)
On the day of her wedding a young woman's fiancé doesn't show up, sleeping off the results of the previous night's wild bachelor party. Miffed, the woman decides to go ahead with the wedding anyway to teach her fiancé a lesson, so she calls her lawyer, Henry, and has him stand in for her missing groom. She intends to divorce her new "husband" at the first opportunity, but Henry--who has been in love with her for a long time--is determined to win his "wife's" hand.
Rough Riding Rhythm
Murdered Sheriff Hartley
When Jim and Scrubby arrive to see Scrubby's sister, they find her murdered and suspect it was her no good husband Jake. But Jake and his men have just robbed the stage and two dectectives arrive looking for them. Finding Jim and Scrubby instead, they assume them to be the outlaws and arrest them.
Slaves in Bondage
Dutch Hendricks
Mary Lou manages to escape abduction by a prostitution ring. She tells the Chief of Detectives they were planning to take her to the Berrywood road house, a well-known den of iniquity. Jim Murray and beautician Belle Harris are using her beauty shop to recruit floozies for their road house circuit. Dona Lee, who works at the beauty salon, is falling in love with young reporter wanna-be Phillip, but Murray gets jealous and makes life rough for him. Meanwhile Dona begins to figure out the racket, but becomes threatened by Murray's unwanted advances.
North of the Rio Grande
Juror #2
Hoppy's brother has been murdered and he is on the trail of the murderers. To get them he makes himself seem to be a wanted man.
Two-Fisted Sheriff
Henchman Taggart
This is a remake of Columbia's 1932 "Cornered" that starred Tim McCoy. Bob Pearson saves the life of his friend, Sheriff Dick Houston, who has captured two stagecoach bandits and is about to be shot from ambush by a third. Bob is found a few days later near the murdered body of cattleman Herrick with a gun in his hand.
Border Cafe
Rustler (uncredited)
The spoiled, hard-partying son of a senator runs away from home after being reprimanded by his father, finds himself down-on-his luck in a tiny western town, and is rehabilitated through the friendship and wisdom of a kind and patient rancher.
Woman Chases Man
Second Subway Man (uncredited)
A pretty architect devises a wild scheme to convince a handsome millionaire to fund a new housing development project.
The Trusted Outlaw
Dan Ward, reformed and last member of an outlaw family, meets Molly Clark in a rocky draw near town. Ted Wells, a henchman for Dan's enemy Jim Swain, attempts to shoot Dan but is outdrawn and killed by the latter. Molly disappears and Dan learns that she and Wells had ridden there together. Sheriff Bob Larimer tells Dan that Molly is in love with Bert Gilmore and tried to have him ambushed. Dan takes a risky job with mine owner Pember of getting the $10,000 payroll through to the mine. Swain suspects that Dan is carrying the payroll, but his gang is unable to stop Dan. Betty Pember disregards Dan's warning that the hills are filled with Swain's men and she starts for town. She is kidnapped by Gilmore and Molly and Dan ride to her rescue.
Midnight Court
After losing his bid for district attorney, an aspiring young lawyer agrees to defend a ring of car thieves.
Man Of The People
Heckler (uncredited)
An Italian immigrant studying the law gets mixed up with crooks.
The Roaming Cowboy
Dan Morgan
Two cowboys come upon a boy whose father has just been murdered. They promise to help find his killers.
The Phantom of the Range
A man has died leaving a fortune somewhere on his ranch. Brandon and his cohorts think a map is hidden in a picture frame. But when they bid on the picture at the auction, newcomer Jerry Lane outbids them. He also buys the ranch so they place their housekeeper there to get the picture. And then to keep Jerry out of the way, they frame him for murder.
Rip Roarin' Buckaroo
Fighter "Scotty" McQuade, contender for the light-heavyweight championship of the Pacific Coast,after being duped by his manager Ted Todd and fight-promoter Lew Slater, is disgusted with the fight game and decides to go back to punching cattle. He gets a job on the ranch owned by Colonel Hayden, where he once again encounters Slater, who has a crooked deal going that will cause Hayden to lose his ranch. With the aid of the Colonel's daughter, Betty Rose, and his pal "Frozen-Face" Cohen, McQuade breaks jail on a framed charge and puts an end to Slater's crooked dealings.
Frontier Justice
Gilbert Ware
When Brent Halston returns he finds his father in an insane asylum and Wilton about to foreclose on their ranch and bring sheep onto the cattle range. When Wilton kills a rancher, Brent is blamed and jailed. Escaping jail he gets Ware to confess that he payed to have Halston committed. He then gets unexpected help from Ethel Gordon when Wilton tries to foreclose.
Santa Fe Bound
Riding toward Santa Fe, Tom Crenshaw shoots a bushwhacker who has killed Dad Bates from ambush. Discovering a money belt on Bates, Tom carries it to town, along with a letter he finds in the pocket of the killer, which offers him the means of identifying either of the dead men. In town, Tom has a run-in with gunman One-Shot Morgan and one of Morgan's henchmen sees Tom with the money belt. Tom poses as the renegade who did the killing and is accepted by Morgan and his gang. Tom's plan is working until one of the gang who knew the killer shows up and denounces him as an impostor.
For the Service
Henchman (uncredited)
Cowboy star Buck Jones made his directorial debut with the Universal western For the Service. Jones is cast as Indian scout Buck O'Bryan, trying his best to keep the peace between the Native Americans and a government outpost. O'Bryan is replaced by George Murphy (Clifford Jones), the son of commanding officer Captain Murphy (Edward Keane). Obviously unqualified for his job, Murphy proves himself a coward and a weakling, forcing O'Bryan to take over when the fort is besieged by outlaw Bruce Howard (Fred Kohler) and his gang.
The Speed Reporter
Chuck Ballard, alias Brad Franklin
Spectacular stunt work by Richard Talmadge, circus acrobat and stunt man for Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., highlights this expose of a big city criminal mastermind.
O'Malley of the Mounted
Butch - Henchman
O'Malley pretends to be an outlaw in order to join a gang terrorizing towns along the American border.
Robin Hood of El Dorado
In the 1840's Mexico has ceded California to the United States, making life nearly impossible for the Mexican population due to the influx of land and gold-crazy Americans. Farmer Joaquin Murrieta revenges the death of his wife against the four Americans who killed her and is branded an outlaw. The reward for his capture is increased as he subsequently kills the men who brutally murder his brother. Joining with bandit Three Fingered Jack, Murrieta raises an army of disaffected Mexicans and goes on a rampage against the Americans, finally forcing his erstwhile friend, Bill Warren, to lead a posse against him.
Three Godfathers
Prospector Dancing with Blackie (uncredited)
In a town called New Jerusalem, three bandits hold up a bank. After a gun battle with the townspeople, the three robbers retreat into the scorching Arizona desert. There, they happen upon an ill woman stranded with her child. As the mother dies, she begs the men to take care of her infant. The fugitives want to save the baby -- but to do so, they'll have to travel back to New Jerusalem, where they are wanted men.
Sutter's Gold
Story of the gold strike on an immigrant's property that started the 1849 California Gold Rush.
The Adventures of Frank Merriwell
Road Crew Foreman
A 12-episode serial in which scholastic sports star Frank Merriwell leaves school to search for his missing father. His adventures involve a mysterious inscription on a ring, buried treasure, kidnaping and Indian raids. He saves his father and returns to school just in time to win a decisive baseball game with his remarkable pitching and hitting.
Trail of Terror
Manning breaks out of prison and joins Blake's gang of outlaws. Later a paroled Muggs arrives to rejoin the gang. Muggs is the only one who knows where the stolen money is hidden and Manning is after it.
Riddle Ranch
Jim Riddle
Rigging a horse race, Don Carlos wins a lot of money. When he loses his winnings at the gambling table, he shoots the dealer with Horton's gun. Horton is arrested but cannot prove his innocence.
Cappy Ricks Returns
Head Slugger (uncredited)
"Cappy" Ricks comes out of retirement to fight against a bill, sponsored by his old political rivals, that, if passed, would forbid the selling of wooden shingles for house-roofs. He also takes time, along the way, to smooth the rocky road to romance being traveled by Bill Peck and Barbara Blake.
A Scream in the Night
Inspector Green (as Dick Cramer)
A colonial police detective in an Eastern seaport seeks a stolen gem, and infiltrates the underworld by posing as a look-alike wharfside bar owner.
The Phantom Cowboy
Hank Morgan
Bill Collins has a look alike the Phantom who beats Houston robbery plan. However the Phantom is shot by Houston’s men. Bill finding him dying isn’t aware that Houston is just about the get him too…
The Law of the Wild
Frank Nolan
Rex, a wild stallion, and Rinty, a police dog, are pals. Their master , John Sheldon, is framed for murder, and Alice Ingram plans to race Rex for money to pay for John's legal defense. Meantime, Frank Nolan, who has falsely accused John, sets out to steal Rex for himself.
Million Dollar Ransom
Gangster Gossip (Uncredited)
To stop his mother from marrying a man he doesn't like, a young millionaire hires an ex-con in helping him fake his own kidnaping.
The Red Rider
Joe Portos
"Red" Davison(Buck Jones), the sheriff of Sun Dog, sacrifices his job and his good name to save his best friend, "Silent" Slade from the hangman's noose, following a framed-up court decision which sentences Slade to hang for the murder of "Scotty McKee (J.P. McGowan). Davidson allows Slade to escape from jail and follows him to aid him in proving his innocence.
Rawhide Mail
Hal Drummond
Reed breaks up the first attempted gold robbery. When the outlaws next attempt is successful, Reed is jailed as the suspect. Escaping from jail, he knows who to look for.
The Vanishing Shadow
A 12-episode serial in which a son avenges the death of his father at the hands of corrupt politicians. He develops a wide variety of complex devices in his crusade . . . ray guns, robots and a 'vanishing belt.'
Saturday's Millions
Los altibajos de un equipo de fútbol americano universitario.
Crook's Tour
Stephen Dorigan
A short film from Hal Roach Studios' All-Star series.
Storm at Daybreak
Stepan, Dushan's Servant (uncredited)
Sarajevo June 28, 1914. Dushan, the Serbian mayor of a Hungarian town, has come to see the parade of Archduke Ferdinand. While there he runs into Geza, an old friend in the Hungarian Army and invites him to come to his house and visit him and his new wife.
The Rummy
Tough Mug (uncredited)
After Billy gets discharged for wrecking his Taxi, he takes a job at a Taxidermy business. Ben brings in his flea to be stuffed & loses it. They get locked in at night and are frightened.
The Kiss Before the Mirror
Bill - a murderer (uncredited)
When a famous doctor kills his adulterous wife, he is defended by his best friend, an attorney who suspects that his own wife is having an affair.
Alimony Madness
Anderson - Process Server
A man's wife is put on trial for the murder of his first wife.
Private Jones
Pete Smith (uncredited)
After America enters World War I, young William "Bill" Jones tries to avoid military service by telling the draft board that he is the sole supporter of his family and is employed by businessman Roger Winthrop, his sister Helen's boss.
The Fatal Glass of Beer
Canadian Mounted Police Officer Posthlewhistle
The prodigal son of a Yukon prospector comes home on a night that "ain't fit for man nor beast."
Don't Play Bridge With Your Wife
Stoneage Bridge Player / King Henry VIII / Mr. Roberts
A Mack Sennett-produced sound short about couples playing bridge through the ages.
Strange Innertube
Diamond Joe
After graduating from Taxi Driver school, Billy, Ben, and Clyde soon find themselves involved with a gang of jewel smugglers.
El abuelo de la criatura
Uncle Jack
Mientras Laurel y Hardy luchan en el frente durante la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918), un buen amigo suyo resulta gravemente herido y, antes de morir, les pide que busquen a su hija y la lleven a casa de sus abuelos; pero la misión resultará más difícil de lo previsto. En su segundo largometraje, Laurel y Hardy se propusieron suavizar con unas pinceladas de humor un asunto tan serio como la guerra.
Ayuda al prójimo
Judge Beaumont
Ya que en la cárcel no cabe ni un preso más, el juez ordena a los vagabundos Stan y Ollie que abandonen la ciudad antes de una hora. Una vez en la calle y bajo la lluvia, los chicos ayudan a un borracho a recuperar las llaves de su coche. Éste, agradecido, los llevará de vuelta a casa, ¡pero a la casa equivocada!
Radio Patrol
Police Dispatcher (uncredited)
A policeman in need of money is persuaded to take a $1000 bribe to stay away the night a packing house is to be robbed.
¿Hay mujeres así?
Detective Baldwin (uncredited)
Tras ser abandonada por el hombre que la ilusionó con un futuro respetable, Molly Louvain (Ann Dvorak) cae en las garras de Nicky Grant (Leslie Fenton), un truhán al que se apega para poder sostener a la pequeña hija de un padre cuyo nombre nunca confesará. Entre tanto, Jimmy Cook (Richard Cromwell), un decente botones que la ama sinceramente, es leal y constante con ella, pero, Molly se convertirá en personaje de primera plana y el reportero Scotty Cornell (Lee Tracy), irrumpirá en su vida.
Lawless Valley
Bull Lemoyne
Lawless Valley is an American western first released in 1932, directed by J.P. McGowan. The film is based on a story by Oliver Drake and stars Lane Chandler, Gertrude Messinger, Richard Cramer, J.P. McGowan and Si Jenks.
45 Calibre Echo
Saloon Owner
A cowhand and his sidekick come to the Texas border country looking for the man who had lured the cowhand's sister in bondage in Mexico. But the man doesn't want to be found and has hired some gunmen to see that he isn't.
Dream House
Movie Villain (as Rychard Cramer)
A 2 reel short directed by Mack Sennett and starring Bing Crosby.
The Unexpected Father
A wealthy bachelor hires a pretty young nanny to look after his adopted daughter. Sparks quickly fly between the two, much to the dismay of the man's calculating, money-hungry fiancée.
Night Beat
Detective Featherstone
A young couple finds themselves mixed up with mobsters planning to rob a warehouse.
The Pocatello Kid
Pete Larkin
Just after Pocatello's brother is killed, a wounded Pocatello arrives being chased by the Sheriff. Larkin switches the identity of the two brothers and then expects Pocatello to assume his brother's role in the outlaw gang.
In Line of Duty
Hugh Fraser
A Canadian Mountie officer pursuing a fugitive from the law, is left in a moral conundrum when the fugitive saves his life.
Lariats and Six-Shooters
A gang of jewel smugglers swears to take revenge on a deputy sheriff after his dogged pursuit of them forces them to flee without their goods.
Gente viva
Cabbie (uncredited)
Un botones estafador y su novia camarera están establecidos en un hotel.
Una tragedia humana
Deputy Sheriff Kraut (uncredited)
Clive, un humilde trabajador, está a punto de conquistar a una rica heredera, cuando Roberta, su antigua novia, le comunica que está embarazada; Roberta se ahoga en circunstancias extrañas y él es acusado de asesinato.
Ladies' Man
Private detective
A society gigolo goes after a rich mother and her daughter, but tries to find true happiness with his girlfriend, who is neither rich nor in "society."
El desierto pintado
Jeff y Cash encuentran un bebé, y es Cash quien decide hacerse cargo de él. Con el paso del tiempo los dos amigos llegan a ser propietarios de dos ranchos vecinos, pero entre ellos surgen problemas: la hermosa hija Jeff es uno de ellos (FILMAFFINITY)
Under The Cock-eyed Moon
The Wolf
Horace and Chester search for peace and quiet in the Arizona desert, with Lizzy, their personalized jalopy. Arriving in a small town they befriend two girls, a crack-pot prospector, and attract the ire of a dangerous outlaw.
Ladies Last
Arresting Policeman
The boys boycott the girls when they insist that the boys wear tuxedos to a big dance.
One Nutty Night
Two correspondence school detectives attempt to apprehend a maniac on the loose and get him back to the asylum.
Her Man
Detective Mac (uncredited)
A sex worker yearns to leave the grimy underground community she was born into, and sees her way out through a sympathetic sailor.
Moby Dick
Herman Melville's mad Capt. Ahab (John Barrymore) spends years hunting the white whale that got his leg.
Hell's Island
Sgt. Klotz
In this adventure, trouble ensues when two American French Legionnaires fall for the same girl and begin fighting over her when one of them announces that he plans to marry her. The argument is quite heated and in the ensuing scuffle one of them is shot and wounded.
Sweet Mama
A young girl falls in love with a member of a gang of crooks. She determines to bring the rest of the gang to justice so she can save the man she loves.
Those Who Dance
Steve Daley
A policeman doubles as a gunman to get in with the mob.
Captain of the Guard
A captain of the king's guards secretly works for the rebels.
La intrusa
Reporter (uncredited)
Marion trabaja como secretaria del abogado Hector Ferguson. Jack, cliente de Ferguson se enamora de Marion, y pasados unos meses se casan, pero la familia de él anula el matrimonio justo después de haber tenido ambos un hijo. Ante los problemas, Jack huye pero Ferguson, que ama en secreto a Marion, intentará ayudarla para darle un futuro y un bienestar al niño.
Big News
Hood (uncredited)
A reporter's marriage is jeopardized by his drinking and he finds himself accused of a murder he didn't commit.
Chinatown Nights
Bartender Who Throws Joan into Street
Joan Fry, a society woman, falls in love with Chuck Riley, the white-leader of a powerful gang in Chinatown, and he quickly drags her down into the depths with him. But seeing her so much in love with him causes him to realize he isl in love with her, and he determines to lift her up again. "Boston" Charley, the rival gang-leader, has other plans.
Kid Gloves
When a taxi carrying socialite Ruth Darrow drives into the middle of a gun battle between hijacker Kid Gloves and a trio of bootleggers, Ruth is injured. She is taken to a nearby apartment, and The Kid helps to care for her. John Stone, Ruth's fiance and a bootlegger with a respectable front, finds them together and blackmails The Kid into marrying the girl.
Weary River
Prison Radio Announcer (uncredited)
A gangster is put in prison, but finds salvation through music while serving his time. Again on the outside, he finds success elusive and temptations abound.
Across to Singapore
Mate at Nathan Ross (uncredited)
While Joel and his older ship's captain brother Mark are at sea, the latter is abandoned in Singapore by devious ship's mate Finch who, upon their return, convinces the townspeople that Joel abandoned his brother. Joel, determined to not only find Mark but to see justice done, returns the ship to Singapore.
Sharp Shooters
Cafe Mug (uncredited)
A "love-'em-and-leave-'em" sailor hooks up with a dance-hall girl in Paris while waiting for his ship to sail. She falls in love with him, and when his ship leaves port she decides to show up at its next stop and reunite with her lover. However, when she arrives at the ship's next destination, she discovers that her "lover" has already found another local girl to spend his time with. Complications ensue.