Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Charlotte Gainsbourg observa a su madre, Jane Birkin, como nunca lo ha hecho, sin reservas. Usando una cámara, se exponen mutuamente y dan pasos en falso, dejando espacio para que se desarrolle una relación maternofilial.
Self (archive footage)
In May 1974, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing became President of the Republic and wanted to bring about a new era of modernity. One of his first decisions was to break up the ORTF with the creation of three new television channels: TF1, Antenne 2 and FR3. Three new public channels but autonomous and competing. It is a race for the audience which is engaged then, and from now on the channels will make the war! This competition will give birth to a real golden age for television programs, with variety shows in the forefront. The stars of the song are going to invade the living rooms of the French for their biggest pleasure. This unedited documentary tells the story of the metamorphosis of this television of the early 1970s, between freedom of tone, scandals, political intrigues and programs that have become mythical.
Serge Gainsbourg
(archive footage)
About the Gabriel Matzneff affair and pedophilia in French culture and society from the 1950s to the present day. "It was not very difficult to know who Matzneff was at the time." Vanessa Springora denounces thus, in an interview with the Parisian , the support which benefited the writer Gabriel Matzneff , in the years 1970 and 1980. The author fifties then maintains an affair with the young girl, aged 14 years. A relationship under control that the editor tells in Le Consentement (éd. Grasset), published Thursday. "After having analyzed the work " , the Paris public prosecutor's office announced Friday January 3 the opening of an investigation for "rapes committed on the person of a minor of 15 years".
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
With her dreamy eyes, her sylph silhouette and her wicker basket, Jane Birkin won the hearts of Gainsbourg and the French. Kaleidoscopic portrait of a multi-faceted pop heroine.
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
Neïla Salah es una joven del extrarradio parisino que sueña con ser abogada. Se ha matriculado en la facultad de Derecho más importante de París, pero el primer día de clase Neïla tiene un enfrentamiento con Pierre Mazard, un profesor conocido por ser provocativo y por hablar fuera de tono. Para redimirse, el profesor propone a Neïla ayudarla a preparar una importante prueba a nivel nacional. Aunque cínico y exigente, Pierre sería la ayuda ideal que Neïla está necesitando... Pero para ello tendrán que empezar los dos por superar una serie de prejuicios.
Himself (archive footage) (uncredited)
Major actress of the New Wave, Anna Karina is bound to the great renewal of cinema in the 1960s. Her companion in life, Dennis Berry revisits the story of her memories with Jean-Luc Godard and the great directors she knew, her memorable meeting with Serge Gainsbourg, and also, more recently, her career as a singer. With a gaze halfway between mischief and severity, the New Wave's Danish muse embodied a new feminity – deeply linked with women's liberation.
Himself (Archive Footage) (uncredited)
Whitney Houston fue el epítome de una superestrella, una "princesa estadounidense", la artista más premiada de todos los tiempos. A pesar de ganar millones, más éxitos consecutivos número 1 que los Beatles y una de las mejores voces de la historia, ella nunca podría ser ella misma. Murió de una sobredosis de drogas y tenía solo 48 años. Compilado a partir de imágenes en su mayoría sin precedentes y tomas exclusivas, el documental Whitney Houstons cuenta una historia de vida increíble y conmovedora desde la perspectiva de las personas más cercanas a ella.
Himself (archive footage)
Hailed in France as a national treasure, Serge Gainsbourg was beloved both for his music and for being the country’s favorite ’enfant terrible’. This poetic documentary presents Gainsbourg entirely in his own words, accompanied by carefully selected archival footage, including musical performances and Gainsbourg’s previously unreleased personal films.
Self (archive footage)
A feature-length documentary starring Fran Lebowitz, a writer known for her unique take on modern life. The film weaves together extemporaneous monologues with archival footage and the effect is a portrait of Fran's worldview and experiences.
Self (archive footage)
La famosa actriz, que ha erigido la reserva y la discreción en una ética de vida, conversa con la directora Anne Andreu para un programa televisivo. Recuerda su infancia, su carrera, ciertas películas, determinados actores, ciertos directores... mientras evoca a aquellas personas que amó: su hermana Françoise, Roger Vadim, Marcello Mastroianni o François Truffaut mientras explica cómo combina la vida pública y privada.
Self (archive footage)
Directed by Gilles Chappaz.
Self (archive footage)
Extensive compilation of clips, interviews, TV appearances and other media excerpts that feature Serge Gainsbourg, one of France's greatest 20th century singers and artists.
A live concert of the Scottish band Belle & Sebastian. This was recorded for the Black Sessions at Studio 105, Paris, France on 5th October 1998.
A live concert of the Scottish band Belle & Sebastian. This was recorded for the Black Sessions at Studio 105, Paris, France on 5th October 1998.
Self (archive footage)
The legendary photographer William Klein has designed this fascinating book on fashion photography, with a selection of images from throughout his career, including material from his films. Though Klein claims roots in areas as diverse as painting, street photography, the tabloids, and B movies, his fashion work has been known since the fifties and sixties and has been a constant in his career.
Original Music Composer
A los tres años Marie perdió a Elisa, su madre, que se suicidó, y sus abuelos la acogieron. A ellos nunca les quiso y siempre intentaba escandalizarlos, hasta que hartos de aguantarla la llevaron a un reformatorio. Allí Marie conoció a la alborotadora Solange, y poco después a Ahmed. Los tres forman una familia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Claude Berri, who usually participates in films by directing them, here returns to the screen as Stan, an over-the-hill lothario, much given to quoting Shakespeare, who occasionally goes around naked under his raincoat and exposes himself to strangers, who are usually not interested in his primitive display of genitalia. It also appears that he is unable to sexually satisfy his much younger lover, and he suspects her of having another boyfriend. He earns his living tutoring students (mostly young girls) in English literature. When, in his frustration, he gropes one of the girls in her home during a tutoring session, she protests, her father (who is at home) beats him up, and he is sentenced to a jail term. There, he is teamed up with a slightly loopy murderer. When he gets out of jail, he finds his girlfriend has left for good, and ends his life.
The interests, obsessions, and fantasies of two singular artists converge in this inspired collaboration between Agnès Varda and her longtime friend the actor Jane Birkin. Made over the course of a year and motivated by Birkin’s fortieth birthday—a milestone she admits to some anxiety over—Jane B. by Agnès V. contrasts the private, reflective Birkin with Birkin the icon.
Stan, a screenwriter, had his time of glory in Hollywood. Today, alcoholic with a certain envy for suicide, his only link to life is his daughter, Charlotte.
Stan, a screenwriter, had his time of glory in Hollywood. Today, alcoholic with a certain envy for suicide, his only link to life is his daughter, Charlotte.
Original Music Composer
Un atractivo ladrón (Depardieu) un día conoce a una pareja (Miou Miou y Michel Blanc) que discute en un bar. Interviene para que dejen de discutir y los conquista contándoles su excitante vida. Primero seduce a la mujer, después al marido, y acaba introduciéndolos en el mundo del robo.
Highlighting the work of emerging fashion world all-stars like Karl Lagerfeld, Jean-Paul Gaultier and agnès b., Klein surveys the state of women’s fashion in the 1980s with this eccentric hybrid documentary scored by Serge Gainsbourg.
Although based on a novel by Georges Simenon, director (and songwriter) Serge Gainsbourg has superimposed several dark emotions and a subtle brutality over the weak plot about a man's trip to Africa and his unfortunate passion for a murderess whose amorality sends the disillusioned fellow back to Europe. Sometimes described as frustrating and self-centered, reactions to this film swing across a broad spectrum of complaints -- not the least might be whether or not Gainsbourg is using a clichéd and stereotypical view of "dark Africa" to convey what he sees in his characters.
Self (uncredited)
Clan Bettoun: Raymond (el patriarca), Maurice (hijo), Jacky (el sobrino), Roland (el sobrino), Albert (primo de Raymond), Pepe (el amigo de Raymond), Samy (la guardia cuerpo) son un clan familiar de los agresores los pies de negro los judíos de la delincuencia organizada francés. Leurs activités sont la gestion de casinos. Sus actividades son la gestión de casinos, juego de la organización de boxeo clandestino de juegos de azar, ilegal, el proxenetismo, la extorsión y el ajuste de cuentas sangriento contra otros clanes en árabe y francés.
El co-fundador de la agencia de prensa Gamma, Raymond Depardon, rodó este documental sobre los fotógrafos de prensa en París. Siguió y filmo a los fotógrafos durante el mes de octubre de 1980.
Original Music Composer
Alice invites all four men she has loved in her life for the dinner of New Year's Eve at the same time and unites them all in her house. In sentimental flashbacks they recall the former times. At 35, Alice is a career woman who doesn't think she has time for a lasting relationship. Thus, her love life has been, and probably always will be, a series of trysts and one-night stands.
Alice invites all four men she has loved in her life for the dinner of New Year's Eve at the same time and unites them all in her house. In sentimental flashbacks they recall the former times. At 35, Alice is a career woman who doesn't think she has time for a lasting relationship. Thus, her love life has been, and probably always will be, a series of trysts and one-night stands.
El film describe la atormentada vida del pintor austríaco Egon Schiele -uno de los fundadores del expresionismo-, su adicción al sexo y al alcohol y la sucesión de tragedias sentimentales y humillaciones públicas cuando es acusado y detenido por pornografía. Después de la Primera Guerra Mundial, sus pinturas serán testimonio de su furia, pero la vida le tiene reservadas aún más desventuras... Los últimos años de la corta vida de Egon Schiele, el pintor expresionista austríaco, están descritos en el contexto de los últimos años del gobierno de los Habsburgo. La historia comienza en torno a 1912 cuando Schiele (Mathieu Carriere) y su amante y musa artística Wally (Jane Birkin) se hicieron amigos de una adolescente obsesionada (Nina Fallenstein) que se ha escapado de su hogar para encontrarse con Schiele. Posteriormente Schiele es encarcelado por considerarse que se había comportado de una manera sexual inapropiada con mujeres menores.
Original Music Composer
Un grupo de turistas llega a Costa de Marfil con la intención de pasárselo lo mejor posible y olvidar todos sus problemas.
Emmanuelle y su marido arquitecto continúan con su estilo de vida amoral en las Seychelles. Pero cuando un romance causal entre ella y un director de cine comienzan, su marido muestra signos muy tradicionales de los celos.
‘Madame Claude’ cuenta la historia real de una parisina con un oscuro pasado. Madame Claude (Françoise Fabian) ha creado, en la actualidad, una red de chicas de compañía para la alta sociedad. Ella se encarga de enviar a sus prostitutas a cualquier parte del mundo en la que se necesiten sus prácticas sexuales para satisfacer los deseos de los hombres más poderosos del mundo.
Con su empresa es capaz de manipular a los grandes hombres de negocio y políticos. Mientras tanto, David Evans (Murray Head) está chantajeando a las autoridades con fotos de los miembros de las altas esferas y las prostitutas de Madame Claude. Pero, aunque David cree que su plan será muy efectivo, los hombres con poder harán cualquier cosa por mantener guardados sus secretos.
Original Music Composer
La joven camarera Johnny trabaja y vive en una área de servicio para camioneros, donde se siente sola y espera que, algún día, le llegue el amor. Johnny se fija en Krassky, un conductor del camión de la basura, a pesar de que Boris, su jefe, le alerta que en realidad es homosexual. Quizá sea por su aspecto de chicazo, pero también Krassky se siente atraído por Johnny. Ninguno de los dos repara en que Padovan, el novio de Krassky, cada vez se muestra más y más celoso...
La joven camarera Johnny trabaja y vive en una área de servicio para camioneros, donde se siente sola y espera que, algún día, le llegue el amor. Johnny se fija en Krassky, un conductor del camión de la basura, a pesar de que Boris, su jefe, le alerta que en realidad es homosexual. Quizá sea por su aspecto de chicazo, pero también Krassky se siente atraído por Johnny. Ninguno de los dos repara en que Padovan, el novio de Krassky, cada vez se muestra más y más celoso...
La joven camarera Johnny trabaja y vive en una área de servicio para camioneros, donde se siente sola y espera que, algún día, le llegue el amor. Johnny se fija en Krassky, un conductor del camión de la basura, a pesar de que Boris, su jefe, le alerta que en realidad es homosexual. Quizá sea por su aspecto de chicazo, pero también Krassky se siente atraído por Johnny. Ninguno de los dos repara en que Padovan, el novio de Krassky, cada vez se muestra más y más celoso...
L'inconnu du lac
"In Serieux comme le plaisir, two men and a woman live quite happily together in a romantic liaison. The woman is probably wealthy anyway, so the trio doesn't worry much about money. One day they decide to take a trip in their beat-up car, managing the whole affair in their own special, insouciant manner. They are followed by a suspicious policeman who thinks there's something fishy about this group..."
Original Music Composer
Complications abound in this French film, which tells the story of a filmmaker who is attempting to put his real life into a movie; his interactions with the people in the movie he is filming create reverberations in his "real" life, although the past remains unchanged. Among the complications is his growing regard for the woman who plays his cinematic wife. She may wind up replacing his actual wife in real life. One of the highlights of this film is the insight it gives into the actual mechanics of filmmaking.
Police Inspector
Un monstruo ataca una villa escocesa, dejando una estela de cuerpos horriblemente mutilados como evidencia. Las sospechas recaen sobre los habitantes de un castillo cercano, que están envueltos con una maldición que envuelve a un gato asesino.
Un oficial de la marina mercante le regala a su novia, una joven modelo, un telescopio. Ésta, junto con sus compañeras de piso, descubre con su nuevo juguete que los vecinos del edificio de enfrente son unos atracadores. Al principio no les hace mucha gracia la situación, pero finalmente deciden robar a los ladrones. (FILMAFFINITY)
Original Music Composer
El dueño de una librería de París sufre una crisis personal. Para resolverla decide convertir su negocio en un sex-shop, lo que le convierte en un obseso sexual.
Although Gainsbourg and Birkin had appeared in a string of films since their magnetic collision in Pierre Grimblat’s Slogan, Melody was a bit of diversion from their collaborations since it’s a series of interwoven videos inspired by the Gainsbourgalbum. For '71 it’s a novel concept to bring visual life to an LP, but even more surprising are the short film’s amazing visuals that director Averty crafted using a wealth of video filters, overlays, camera movements and chroma key effects. Averty applies these in tandem with the increasing tone of Gainsbourg’s songs, which more or less chronicle an older man's affair with a young girl. Each song is comprised of steady, sometimes brooding poetic delivery, with refrains timed to the phrase repeats of each song, while Alan Parker’s buzzing guitar accompanies and wiggles around Gainsbourg’s resonant voice. The bass is fat and groovy, the drums easy but steady, and the periodic use of strings or rich vibrato makes this short a sultry little gem.
Desde tiempos inmemoriales, Malava, un pueblo polaco cerca de la frontera rusa, ha vivido del robo y del contrabando de caballos. De repente, llega al pueblo una guarnición rusa que requisa, en nombre del Zar, todos los caballos para la Guerra Ruso-Japonesa. El temor de los jóvenes a ser alistados en el ejército ruso, los lleva a organizar un movimiento de resistencia.
A group of 19 young women, led by a partizan man, are the only people available to escort a number of partisan wounded in the struggle for freedom, in the mountain ranges invaded by the Nazi army. The crossing of difficult tracks, and a few encounters with enemy patrols provide danger, and death for some heroines. Two girls are in love with the column's commander, but love for the motherland and freedom will prove stronger.
Original Music Composer
Serge Morgan is a killer working for the American Mafia. After performing a contract in New York for his employers, he takes the plane back to Paris and, during the flight, he gets to know Jane, the rich daughter of an ambassador. Once in Orly Airport he gets seriously wounded by the men of French drug kingpin Henri Emery. He manages to escape them though and takes refuge at Jane's. Passion sets in between the killer and the young lady. As of then, sex will be intertwined with blood and death. For better or worse...
Serge Morgan
Serge Morgan is a killer working for the American Mafia. After performing a contract in New York for his employers, he takes the plane back to Paris and, during the flight, he gets to know Jane, the rich daughter of an ambassador. Once in Orly Airport he gets seriously wounded by the men of French drug kingpin Henri Emery. He manages to escape them though and takes refuge at Jane's. Passion sets in between the killer and the young lady. As of then, sex will be intertwined with blood and death. For better or worse...
Original Music Composer
Auguste Maroilleur, an elderly farmer, exploits 400 hectares of crop land with the help of his family, over which he rules with an iron hand. Things go awry the day he discovers one of his grandsons is involved in drug traffic. To make matters worse, the reckless youth has hidden the white powder in the Maroilleur farm. Without a moment's hesitation, Auguste gets rid of the toxic substance but, of course, the mob has different views...
In this film, an artist attending a party smokes some dope and develops the ability to see into the future and the past. He returns to his apartment where he sees the vision of a woman who had lived there 30 years ago. His psychedelic hallucinations increase with time. Starring Richard Leduc and Danièle Gaubert with Serge Gainsbourg who also did the score.
A rebellious socially-conscious man travels to Nepal to find his dead-beat dad. There, he meets Jane, a beautiful hippie girl hooked on drugs. He's forced to steal artefacts for his father's slimy employer to earn money to help Jane.
A rebellious socially-conscious man travels to Nepal to find his dead-beat dad. There, he meets Jane, a beautiful hippie girl hooked on drugs. He's forced to steal artefacts for his father's slimy employer to earn money to help Jane.
Commercial director Serge Faberge is having an affair with Evelyne, the 18 year old fiancee of friend Hugh. His own pregnant wife Francoise usually does not mind his dalliances, until he actually walks out on her and their newborn baby to move in with Evelyne. The shoe is on the other foot when dashing stuntman Dado catches Evelyne's eye in Venice.
l'individu dragueur au cinéma
Annie is a middle-age wife, still sexy and pampered by her husband, Phillippe, who is the owner and general manager of a dynamic company. Under the deluge of sexy Swedish movies, sexy advertising on the streets, sexy intimate clothing in ladies' shops, and even talks about sex and marital infidelity with her mother and female friends, Annie starts feeling left aside by her husband, and trying to attract in a number of ways - and failing. It's not the all-purpose secretary at the office that is keeping him late, it's a tax expert that, asking the most innocent questions, is finding out how Philippe can manage a company without profits, and still manage a home, may be two... with high quality levels.
M. Drugstore
Mister Freedom es un superhéroe americano que, en nombre de Dios y de su país, roba, viola y mata a cualquiera que esté en desacuerdo con él. Cuando se entera de que Francia corre el peligro de caer en manos de los comunistas, se va allí para impedirlo.
Original Music Composer
Mister Freedom es un superhéroe americano que, en nombre de Dios y de su país, roba, viola y mata a cualquiera que esté en desacuerdo con él. Cuando se entera de que Francia corre el peligro de caer en manos de los comunistas, se va allí para impedirlo.
French youth drama.
Jacques spends his summer vacation with his grandfather, Jericho, in the company of his wife Marie. The malicious ancestor quickly realizes that his grandson's marriage is on the brink of breakdown. He does everything to save him.
Serge Gainsbourg (uncredited)
En las afueras de París, un coche blindado que contiene una fortuna en joyas es secuestrado por una banda de ladrones armados. Una vez que ha tomado los bienes robados, el jefe de los ladrones, Quinquín, elimina rápidamente a todos sus cómplices, incluyendo Gouvion, el inspector de policía encargado del transporte de las joyas. Cuando se entera de la muerte Gouvion, el Comisario Joss decide hacerse cargo de la investigación, a pesar de que sólo le quedan unos pocos meses para retirarse. (FILMAFFINITY)
Original Music Composer
En las afueras de París, un coche blindado que contiene una fortuna en joyas es secuestrado por una banda de ladrones armados. Una vez que ha tomado los bienes robados, el jefe de los ladrones, Quinquín, elimina rápidamente a todos sus cómplices, incluyendo Gouvion, el inspector de policía encargado del transporte de las joyas. Cuando se entera de la muerte Gouvion, el Comisario Joss decide hacerse cargo de la investigación, a pesar de que sólo le quedan unos pocos meses para retirarse. (FILMAFFINITY)
Manon is an amoral, free spirit who uses sex to surround herself in relatively luxurious surroundings.
Original Music Composer
Anne, an unhappily married actress, temporarily assumes the identity of her sister Simone, the successful director of a London fashion house.
Un doctor descubre que uno de sus pacientes está siendo perseguido por una sociedad secreta. Decide investigar el asunto. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un antiguo ladrón de cajas fuertes es secuestrado por un grupo de guerrilleros, con el objeto de robar el tesoro de un dictador sudamericano.
Mathieu hereda una red de prostíbulos de su suegro. El único problema es que no está motivado para recibir esta herencia.
Music Editor
Crazed scientist Herbert Von Krantz invents a device to sterilize all nuclear weapons, and a mad herd of rival spies desperately try to get their hands on it.
le chef des Chauves
Crazed scientist Herbert Von Krantz invents a device to sterilize all nuclear weapons, and a mad herd of rival spies desperately try to get their hands on it.
Anna is working at a parisian advertising agency. The director has fallen in love with a young woman he only knows through a photograph, that of Anna.
L'ami de Serge
Anna is working at a parisian advertising agency. The director has fallen in love with a young woman he only knows through a photograph, that of Anna.
Anna is working at a parisian advertising agency. The director has fallen in love with a young woman he only knows through a photograph, that of Anna.
Original Music Composer
La CIA encarga a un científico americano una peligrosa misión en Alemania Oriental: debe encontrarse con un investigador ruso, cuyas obras ha traducido, que le entregará un microfilme con información imprescindible para que los americanos sean los primeros en llegar a la Luna. Una vez allí, agentes de la inteligencia rusa seguirán sus pasos.
Patrick Gérard
Tulipe es un anciano jubilado que vive solo en un antiguo vagón, y que tiene como afición cultivar tranquilamente su jardín y la pintura al óleo, pero también tiene una fuente secreta de ingresos. Su ahijado, Noel, descubre que Tulipe es en realidad un maestro falsificador, que produce copias perfectas de billetes de 10 francos. La novia de Noel ve en esto esto una oportunidad de volverse ricos, pero deben convencer a Tulipe de falsificar billetes de 500 francos.
Original Music Composer
Tulipe es un anciano jubilado que vive solo en un antiguo vagón, y que tiene como afición cultivar tranquilamente su jardín y la pintura al óleo, pero también tiene una fuente secreta de ingresos. Su ahijado, Noel, descubre que Tulipe es en realidad un maestro falsificador, que produce copias perfectas de billetes de 10 francos. La novia de Noel ve en esto esto una oportunidad de volverse ricos, pero deben convencer a Tulipe de falsificar billetes de 500 francos.
Man Asking for a Lighter (uncredited)
Layton, agente del servicio secreto, ha de descubrir el paradero de Hakim Gregory, un traficante de drogas que ha escapado de la cárcel después de matar a varios guardias, pero las mujeres se interponen en su camino...
Layton, agente del servicio secreto, ha de descubrir el paradero de Hakim Gregory, un traficante de drogas que ha escapado de la cárcel después de matar a varios guardias, pero las mujeres se interponen en su camino...
Film por episodios que reúne a directores tan distintos como los franceses Claude Chabrol y Jean-Luc Godard, el italiano Ugo Gregoretti, el japonés Hiromichi Horikawa y el franco-polaco Roman Polanski. Cada uno de ellos relata una estafa supuestamente célebre y real.
The brother of a delinquent schoolboy falls in love with his teacher and intrigues to make him reciprocate her love, and succeeds.
Original Music Composer
Short subject on how fashion is created-- not by the great couturiers, but on the street.
An automobile tribute
Jean le pianiste
Las aventuras de dos bellas bailarinas francesas contratadas para actuar en una sala de fiestas de Hong Kong.
Strip-tease has a pleasing Paris setting and a convincing strip club atmosphere, where a roster of exotic dancers do their thing. Making the club atmosphere work is the animated Dany Saval, as a charming gossip and outspoken cheerleader for the art of the strip-tease. Berthe encourages Ariane to loosen up and enjoy what she's doing.
le pianiste/ Pianist
Strip-tease has a pleasing Paris setting and a convincing strip club atmosphere, where a roster of exotic dancers do their thing. Making the club atmosphere work is the animated Dany Saval, as a charming gossip and outspoken cheerleader for the art of the strip-tease. Berthe encourages Ariane to loosen up and enjoy what she's doing.
In a tyrannical kingdom there is an evil ruler and a queen who lusts after Hercules who is attracted to a handmaiden. A rebellion overthrows the ruler.
Sansón es detenido mientras atraviesa Sulom y descubre que la reina ya no manda en el país: un señor de la guerra y su ejército de mercenarios controla el reino. Sansón luchará contra el opresor.
Una patricia romana se enamora de un esclavo cristiano y lo acompaña en su azarosa vida de perseguido, hasta culminar con un grupo de mártires en el circo, donde se juegan una última carta.
Original Music Composer
Miléna is living in her grandmother's baroque château when the rich lady dies. The lawyer Miguel, who had a previous relationship with Miléna, insists the other two grandchildren, Fifine and her brother Jean-Paul, visit the château for the reading of the will, even though they have been estranged from the family at an early age. However Robert, who had been living with Fifine in an open relationship, arrives and impersonates Jean-Paul. Robert falls for Fifine's cousin Miléna while Fifine has designs on Miguel. In the meantime, the butler César is focusing his lecherous intentions on Prudence, the maid he had just hired.
Léon, le photographe, associé d'Anita
Recién casada con el apuesto dentista Herve Dandieu, Virginie (Brigitte Bardot) descubre que su marido está involucrado en el asesinato del propietario de una escuela de danza. Virginie comienza a trabajar como profesora de baile en el estudio para demostrar a la policía que su marido es inocente, y quizá encontrar al verdadero asesino...