Timothy Birt


Our Father
Father Gabriel Infante
Father Gabriel, a charismatic, man of God, undergoes a critical test of his faithfulness when he is reunited after 20 years with the woman he loved. Now a religious sister, she finds herself drawn to the mystical boxing priest who beyond being a dynamic leader in the community also heals the sick and performs miracles. When the two religious' passionate romance becomes uncontainable, they encounter a character from their past that will force Father Gabriel to choose between God's will and his will.
Tentación del tejedor de milagros
Fr. Gabriel Infante
Una cautivadora historia de romance prohibido, ambientada en San Antonio, Texas, una de las ciudades más románticas de los Estados Unidos, que involucra a un místico sacerdote bajo la opresión satánica y a una encantadora hermana misionera trotamundos.