Ingo Naujoks

Ingo Naujoks

Nacimiento : 1962-03-01, Bochum, Germany


Ingo Naujoks


Mama geht nicht mehr
Radio Home
Franks Opa
Four teenage friends - Frank, Spüli, Mücke, and Pommes - try to have their first contact with the opposite gender. Not so easy in the Ruhr region of the 80s. Attempts at dancing and being in a band go wrong, and their parents and teachers can't help with that, so the four teens need to get creative.
1000 Mexicans
Lukas and Adam are best friends and roommates on the Hamburger Kiez. Lukas, single-minded, clever and creative, is well on the way to making a career in an advertising agency. Adam, a charming hothead, tries in vain to gain a foothold in the Hamburg film industry. He still holds on to their shared childhood dream, one day to found a film production with Lukas. Lukas, on the other hand, prefers to avoid professional collaboration with his chaotic friend.
Der Bulle und das Landei - Goldrausch
Horst Schaurig
The White Snake
Pferd Phönix (voice)
Endres wants to be more than just a farmer's son. He wants to be able to read and write, wear clothes without holes and sleep in a proper bed. He goes to the court of the King, who is said to be the cleverest man in the land. Endres becomes his personal servant and every day after dinner brings him a mysterious golden bowl. No-one knows what the bowl contains, not even Princess Leonora. When the queen's ring goes missing, suspicion falls on Endres.
Playa del Futuro
Donato trabaja como salvavidas patrullando la espectacular, pero peligrosa, Praia do Futuro. Cuando se lanza al mar para rescatar a dos hombres atrapados por la corriente, consigue salvar a Konrad, un alemán de vacaciones en Brasil, pero su acompañante se hunde en el mar. Mientras esperan a que su cuerpo salga a la superficie, un fuerte lazo crece entre Donato y Konrad y los primeros escarceos sexuales dan pie a una conexión más profunda y emocional.
Zwei mitten im Leben
The Golden Goose
König Eduard
Simpleton is a poor carpenter's apprentice. Everyone makes fun of his naivete. His greatest wish is to make the sad Princess happy. When he gets a Golden Goose as a gift, he resolves to give it to the Princess...
Auf den zweiten Blick
Berlin, Capital of Germany. The integration of East and West, multicultural society, departure, movement, creativity, active life, but also loneliness, solitude, and anonymity. Everyone yearns for togetherness, and each love is possible. 'At Second Glance' is a film about Kay and Falk, Benjamin and Elena, Till and Pan - three visually impaired couples in the big city juggernaut Berlin - who meet, discover, and feel attracted to each other.
Un satélite de un medio de comunicación francés se estrella en la Puerta de Brandemburgo. 13 minutos después comienzan a caer satélites en toda La Tierra, las comunicaciones se colapsan.
Three musically talented children look to the future, but their hopes crumble when Germany and Russia enter into war.
Jetzt sind wir dran!
Liebeskuss am Bosporus
Pfandleiher Puchalke
For the music historian Jakob collapses his well-ordered, quiet world, when he realizes that he can earn no more money with his original work. When he hears that a Türkpop label is looking for a summer hit, he sees his chance. Although this genre of music is completely alien to him, he decides to expand his knowledge in this area in order to find "the" summer hit and be able to pay his rent again. Out of necessity, the lover of Bach cantatas and dark concert halls exchanges his old Berlin apartment for an extended weekend for an apartment in Istanbul
London. Liebe, Taubenschlag 2
Tauben JoJo
Zimmer mit Tante
Professor Franz Gmeiner
Since her childhood, the eccentric artist Johanna Seelig has been living in her parents' home, an old inn on a picturesque lake. She has not rented a room for a long time, her only permanent guest is the quirky German studies professor Franz Gmeiner. One day when Johanna takes her offended niece Malu with her, her contemplative life is whirled upside down. The family comedy "Room with Aunt" tells the story of an unusual friendship. The main roles are played by Jutta Speidel and Nadia Hilker.
Kika superbruja y el libro de hechizos
Kika es una niña normal y corriente que un día encuentra un libro de magia y empieza a vivir sorprendentes aventuras en compañía de un pequeño dragón llamado Héctor. Todo empieza cuando la mayor de las brujas se esta haciendo vieja, necesita encontrar una joven sucesora, para ello envía a su pequeño y barrigón dragón a buscarla. Pronto Héctor el Dragón llega a casa de la pequeña Kika, una niña que tal vez sea elegida como la nueva Superbruja, aquella que además tiene el deber de cuidar el Gran Libro de Hechizos. Un relato de fantasía y aventura donde la magia blanca deberá triunfar sobre la magia negra que envuelve a un terrible villano. ¿Se convertirá Kika en la siguiente Superbruja?
Ein Sommer mit Paul
Jakob Sprenger
Tischlein deck dich
No one takes the clumsy Max Klopstock seriously. Even the gluttonous goat makes fun of him. Max wants to prove his worth to his father and lovely Lotte. So he packs his knapsack and heads out into the world like his older brothers Emil and Joeckel did.
Schade um das schöne Geld
Piet Blinker
In einem kleinen Dorf an der Küste, wo sich Robbe und Hering Gute Nacht sagen, geht alles seinen friesischen Gang: Der Himmel hängt tief, die Träume hoch, und das Leben schippert irgendwo dazwischen. Bis die örtliche Tippgemeinschaft den 50 Millionen-Jackpot im Lotto knackt. Genug Geld für alle, sollte man meinen. Doch weit gefehlt! Es beginnt das große Hauen und Stechen um die Beute: zwischen der alleinerziehenden und trickreichen Schichtarbeiterin Mirabel, dem Fischfabrikanten Klaas Jonkers, dem Bademeister und der Surflegende Menno, Mennos Freundin Gloria, dem Busfahrer Bruno, Mirabels Brüdern Jimmy und Piet, dem Bürgermeister Zotebier und dem Lottoladen-Chef Arie Tammen. Raffiniert weiß die kluge Mirabel ihre Gewinnteilhaber zu überlisten und sich ihr Stück vom Glück zu sichern. Doch auch ihre Brüder verschaffen sich, ebenso planlos wie effektiv, ihren Platz an der Sonne – in einem friesisch-herben Showdown.
Run for Your Life!
He lived the junkie's life as a heroin addict. Triathlon transformed him. Biopic of the record breaking Ironman Andreas Niedrig.
Der Prinz von nebenan
Vater Axel Kruse
Verrückt nach Emma
Krauses Fest
Günter Dost
Police chief Krause celebrates Christmas every year with his two sisters. However, this year everything will be different.
Theo, Agnes, Bibi und die anderen
Udo Troester
Hands off Mississippi
Pferdeschlachter Pit
Ein Teufel für Familie Engel
Rainer Engel
Vater Undercover - Im Auftrag der Familie
Ein Hauptgewinn für Papa
Johannes Haugk
Maria an Callas
After the death of his sick wife, a man discovers that she had an e-mail friend he did not know.
Pommery und Hochzeitstorte
Una serie de explosiones realizadas por una plataforma de extracción petrolífera en el mar del Norte provoca pequeños movimientos sísmicos que, lógicamente, alarman a la población de las zonas costeras más cercanas al epicentro. (FILMAFFINITY)
Suche Mann für meine Frau
Paul Wilke
A confusion makes the loving, slightly chaotic family man Christoph come to the conclusion that he has only a few months to live. Full of panic, the control freak decides to make provision for the time after his death: He is determined to find a suitable man for his soon to be widowed wife Friederike. However, the search for a worthy successor is more difficult than expected.
Mama und der Millionär
Frieder Wohlfahrt
The single mother Leonie has great worries: Since her ex-boyfriend left her a huge debt mountain, knows the young cosmetics saleswoman hardly how to make a living. In her distress, Leonie decides to catch a millionaire. She is on the verge of falling in love with her new colleague Oliver. What Leonie does not suspect: The alleged temporary worker is in truth no less than the son of her employer - and thus a "real" millionaire
Girl Overboard
Die Bullenbraut – Ihr erster Fall
Nachts, wenn der Tag beginnt
Horst Rüssmann
Hilfe, ich bin Millionär
Uncle Heinrich Bamberg
Alemania, años veinte. Tras la muerte de sus padres, dos hermanas gemelas son separadas. Una crecerá con una tía en Holanda, llevando una vida acomodada, mientras la otra lo hará en duras circunstancias en una granja alemana propiedad de su tío.
Das Paradies ist eine Falle
Tanners letzte Chance
Herbert Knocke
Herz oder Knete
Christian Morus
The resolute cleaning lady Adele Weiß is not thrilled that her lovely daughter Linda just wants to marry the naughty son of the arrogant textile entrepreneur Carl Morus. In order to break the ice, the children, who are willing to marry, arrange a dinner, during which Adele and Carl go crazy in all the rules of the art. When the children are suddenly no longer sure if they should step in front of the altar, and Carl discovers his heart for the life-smart Adele, it comes to some oblique entanglements.
Tattoo (Tatuaje)
Stefan Kreiner
En Berlín, el detective Minks (Christian Redl) recorre el mundo de las salas de tatuajes para encontrar a un asesino que siente especial debilidad por la piel de sus víctimas. Un thriller de terror al estilo de "Seven".
Hermann Schwarz
Unser Papa, das Genie
Zacharias Stern
Ein Engel und Paul
Beautiful and mysterious Marie seduces Paul, a successful lawyer and loyal family man, who becomes obsessed with her. However, what he doesn't know is that she was hired to do it. She takes pity on him and confesses.
Paulas Schuld
Gnadenlose Bräute
Bloody Nuisance
Pit Rahlke
El testimonio de un inocente
Peter Nowak
Nico, un pequeño de nueve años de edad, presencia un horrible asesinato en una villa abandonada y se lo cuenta a su madre. La mujer acude a la policía, pero cuando las autoridades se desplazan hasta el lugar de los hechos, alguien ha borrado todas las huellas del crimen, incluido el cadáver. Los agentes, entonces, ponen en duda la versión del niño.
Vor meiner Zeit
As soon as Walter (Ingo Naujoks) meets Anne (NADESHDA BRENNICKE) he is totally overwhelmed. He leaves his wife and daughter immediately and marries his new dream girl. When he was watching a film one day in which Anne plays a roll, he begins to doubt his ideal image of her and he becomes obsessed with the past of his new wife
Der Runner
Kalt ist der Abendhauch
Love story spanning 60 years of the lives of Charlotte and Hugo. As a teenager before the war she is in love with him, but he marries her sister. They share some brief happy moments during the difficult post-war period, then they are separated for the longest time. They meet again as 80-year olds.
Der tote Taucher im Wald
Harry Minx
A crime comedy about the urban legend of the dead diver in the forest.
Frauen lügen nicht
Ein tödliches Verhältnis
Still Movin'
Frido Lipinski
The alien Harald has booked a package holiday on Earth and is trying to find shelter at science fiction editor Rita Reichmans flat. Her admirer Frido Lipinski so not amused because Rita seems to succumb to Haralds charm. But Harald also has quite a few problems in learning the rules of conduct of the earthlings and that he cannot lie, complicates the situation.
Winnie / Chip
Esther and Sophie are BFF! When it comes to men, they however differ fundamentally . While the career woman Esther is on uncomplicated sex and therefore experienced with her lover Winnie, Sophie is still looking for her prince charming . When she meets Chip , a PC expert , she believes to have finally found this . But then it turns out that Chip is none other than Winnie . From Esther and Sophie are suddenly bitter rivals...
Die Aktion
Sven Droste
Dangerous Dowry
Ella is just an ordinary cab-driver in Berlin, Germany. One day she meets Aleksej, a young Russian guy, who offers her DM 100.000 should she decide to marry him formally. Ella first delays answering, but when she finally decides to do it, it is too late. What Ella doesn't know is that Aleksej has stolen the Deutschmarks from his brother Jewjenij, crown-prince of the Moscow Mafia. And Jewgenij is no one who accepts loosing something...
Der Mörder und die Hure
Die Traumnummer - Die Hotline zum Glück
Die Sturzflieger
Rio Kowalski
Hermano durmiente
En el principio del siglo 19 , Johannes Elias Alder nace en un pequeño pueblo en las montañas de Austria . Mientras crecía es considerado extraño por los otros aldeanos y descubre su amor a la música , sobre todo a tocar el órgano en la iglesia local . Después de experimentar una "maravilla acústica " , sus cambios en el color de los ojos y se pueden escuchar hasta los sonidos más sutiles . Elias se enamora platónica con Elsbeth , la hermana de Peter , el hijo de un vecino , quien amar sentimientos hacia Elias desde entonces. Después de Elsbeth se casa con otra , Elias ( 22 años) decide poner fin a su vida por no dormir nunca más..
Nobody Loves Me
Lasse Laengsfeld
Fanny Fink (Maria Schrader) acaba de cumplir los 30 y siente que su vida se está consumiendo, y que no encontrará el amor. Uno de sus vecinos es Orfeo (Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss), un africano gay, pintoresco y encantador, que no puede pagar el alquiler, y se refugia en casa de Fanny. Entre ambos comienza una relación de amistad que deparará a Fanny muchas sorpresas.
Magic Müller
Mueller is a young and unsuccessful actor who has one big problem. He does not have time. He does not have time for his little daughter Elina and he does not have time for Petra who actually just wanted to make an interview with his room-mate Willy. Mueller is busy, always busy in every kind of situation. All his problems seemed to be solved when he realizes that Willy has invented a time-machine. Everything could be fine now, if just Mueller had listened better to Willy's warnings about the rules of time travelling.
Wir können auch anders ...
Die Brüder Kipp (Joachim Król) und Most (Horst Krause) machen sich auf den Weg, um das Gut ihrer Oma zu erben. Auf diesem Weg begegnen sie Viktor (Konstantin Kotljarov), einem desertierten russischen Soldaten, der die beiden kidnappt und Nadine (Sophie Rois), die sich ihnen freiwillig anschließt. Zwischendurch gibt es noch einen Zusammenstoß mit Straßenrowdies, was diesen allerdings nicht gerade gut bekommt. Auf ihrem Weg zum Erbe (oder was davon übrig bleibt) geraten die Protagonisten in manche scheinbar ausweglose Situation.
After his training as a policeman, the young, shy Köppe is transferred to a northern German town. Unfortunately, in an area where fox and rabbit say goodnight, there is little for a lawman to do. So Köppe kills time with the search for mysterious cow murderers, flirting with two attractive women and befriending a likeable petty crook.