Keiichi Suzuki

Keiichi Suzuki

Nacimiento : , Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan


Keiichi Suzuki


September 1923
Original Music Composer
Based on the murder of nine street peddlers in the aftermath of the Great Kanto earthquake
Me llamo Chihiro
Una exprostituta que no oculta su pasado empieza a trabajar en un puesto de comida en una pequeña ciudad costera y a consolar a las almas solitarias que pasan por allí
Melting Sounds
Tracing Her Shadow
Original Music Composer
An old Chinese woman visits Japan to find her missing daughter whom she adopted in post-WWII China. Her granddaughter and a retired Japanese policeman join her search.
Mother To Earth: The Untold Story Of EarthBound
The secret history behind Nintendo's biggest cult classic, MOTHER, better known as EarthBound Beginnings. Learn how a prototype leaked out, was dumped online by teenage hackers in the late 90's, then released officially on the WiiU virtual console 25 years later as we talk to the employees that localized the game, the composer in Japan, and a lawyer to find out just how much trouble we're all in!
Shun and Nagisa first meet and fall in love during their first year of high school. While Shun is graduating from university, Nagisa tells him that he doesn't see a future for them. Despite Shun's strong feelings, they go their separate ways. Years later, Shun is now a store owner, living alone in a rural area. Out of the blue, Nagisa arrives with his six-year-old daughter, Sora. Spending time together, Shun realizes he still harbors feelings for Nagisa. Can Nagisa reconcile with his feelings for Shun, which have been there all along?
Last letter
Kokichi Tono
Una mujer se reencuentra con su sobrina en el funeral de su hermana tras haberle perdido la pista durante años. Su labor consiste en informar a los invitados de los motivos de la muerte de su familiar, un hecho que su hija no parece haber aceptado aún. En mitad de esta situación, un antiguo novio de la fallecida envía un mensaje a su teléfono móvil asegurando que está enamorado de ella, aunque nadie sabe a ciencia cierta si es consciente de que ya no se encuentra entre los vivos.
Okko, el hostal y sus fantasmas
Original Music Composer
Después de perder a sus padres en un accidente de coche, Okko empieza a vivir en el campo con su abuela que lleva una posada japonesa tradicional. Mientras se prepara para ser la propietaria de la posada, empezará a ver fantasmas amistosos.
Outrage 3
Original Music Composer
Kitano vuelve a interpretar a Otomo, un ejecutor de la antigua familia del crimen Sanno-kai que ahora está instalado en Cores del Sur, pero cuando la banda rival Hannabishi-kai empieza una guerra en su nuevo hogar, Otomo tendrá que regresar a Japón en busca de venganza.
There Is No Lid on the Sea
Mari's father
Mari is exhausted by life in the city and opens up a shop selling snow cones in the small town of Nishiizu where she grew up. The simple flavors of her cold desserts soothe the emotional wounds of her customers and Mari comes to terms with herself by spending time with a young woman with a scarred face.
Ryuzo and the Seven Henchmen
Original Music Composer
Ryuzo and his 7 former henchmen are all retired yakuza, but they now live as regular old men. One day, Ryuzo becomes the victim of a phishing fraud. He calls his 7 men together to reform their society.
For the Plasma
Original Music Composer
For the Plasma begins in a remote house on the coast of Maine, where a young woman named Helen has found work as a forest-fire lookout responsible for monitoring the nearby woodland. While analyzing CCTV footage of the surrounding forest, she discovers she can reconfigure her perception to predict shifts in global financial markets. But when her inquisitive and demanding friend Charlie arrives at the house, Helen finds herself challenged and unsettled by her new colleague, and the two girls’ relationship begins to unravel. From this cryptic premise grows a lo-fi mind-bender of intimate scale and startling relevance that flirts with sci-fi and horror conventions, even as it subverts them. To the strains of an electronic score, For the Plasma juxtaposes pastoral imagery with surveillance technology, every shade and shadow captured in gorgeous 16mm.
Tamako in Moratorium
Keisuke Sakai
Tamako graduated from a university in Tokyo, but she now lives with her father back in Kofu. Tamako doesn't help her father or tries to get a job. She spends her time just eating and sleeping throughout the four seasons of the year.
Las vacaciones de Jesús y Buda
Original Music Composer
"Las Vacaciones de Jesús y Buda" adapta un manga de humor de Hikaru Nakamura, que cuenta las vivencias y hábitos cotidianos de Jesús y Buda, quienes han decidido irse a vivir juntos a un piso en la Tierra. (FILMAFFINITY)
Outrage 2
Otomo sale de la cárcel dispuesto a derrocar al clan Sanno, que lo dio por muerto años atrás. A esta venganza personal se suma una guerra entre familias rivales y, también, la ofensiva de las fuerzas de la ley contra el crimen organizado.
The Wife of Gegege
Mutsuo Tsuzuki
A woman from rural Japan marries a struggling cartoonist in Tokyo. Their life is difficult before he finds success, but at least they're together.
Varios clanes yakuza se enfrentan en una lucha implacable por alcanzar el poder y la protección del Padrino. Durante muchos años, Otomo ha visto cómo progresaban sus colegas: de los tatuajes elaborados y las falanges seccionadas han pasado a las altas finanzas. Dentro de un mundo donde reinan la corrupción, la traición y la venganza, sus esfuerzos por llegar a la cima, o al menos sobrevivir, no tienen fin porque en ese mundo no existen los héroes.
Dear My Love
Too shy to speak out the word of appreciation, too busy to show that you care... Many excuses lie between each and every couple, when they look back the distance created during the long years in which they took each other for granted... Love Letters sent from husbands to wives and from wives to husbands, quietly voice their unspoken appreciation for each other over the years that they have shared. The original idea comes from the postcard project "Love Letters at Sixty" which has brought a wave of sympathy to the precious emotions shared by many married couples.
Speed Master
Hayato Akaboshi quits racing cars and settles in a village when he accidentally kills another driver. He works at a garage and turns its fortunes around, making the owner of another garage jealous.
Red Colored Elegy
Uninvolved with the political movements of the time, Ichiro and Sachiko hope for something better, but they’re no revolutionaries; their spare time is spent drinking, smoking, daydreaming, and sleeping—together and at times with others.
Akai bunka jutaku no hatsuko
Owner of Ramen Shop
15-year-old Hatsuko (Higashi Ayu) lives with her elder brother in a humble town house. Their mother died when they were young, and the father disappeared. The brother (Shioya Shun) left high school before graduation to work at a factory, but spends their meager house-keeping money on adult entertainment. Hatsuko, who is poor and has no friends, finds emotional support in Mishima (Sano Kazuma), a boy in her class, who helps her with her study to go to a high school together. However, Hatsuko's brother causes trouble at the factory and gets the sack. Hatsuko gives up her dream of going to high school. In spring, the modest relationship continues between Mishima, now a high school student, and Hatsuko who works at a biscuit factory. One day, Hatsuko's long-gone father reappears. In a drunken frenzy, he sets fire to the house to go and rejoin the mother, leaving Hatsuko without a place to live. Hatsuko leaves the town on her own, drawing strength from the promise of marriage with Mishima.
30 years of the band, 30 years of Japanese rock. The story of passion toward the band and music.
Have a Nice Day
Compilation film featuring short works from directors Hitoshi Yasaki ("Short Cakes"), Yuki Tanada (scriptwriter "Sakuran," "Tsuki to Cherry"), Hiroyuki Nakano ("Stereo Future," "Samurai Fiction"), Masahiko Nagasawa ("Yoru no Picnic"), Masaya Kakehi ("Bijokan), and more for a total of 18 shorts. This time around the theme is "24 hours," where filming for each work must have been completed in 24 hours in order to appear in this film.
Tokyo Godfathers
Original Music Composer
Es Navidad y la nieve cubre la ciudad de Tokio con su blanco manto. En algún lugar de Shinjuku encontramos a tres vagabundos: Gin, Hana y Miyuki. Una noche oyen unos lloros que salen de entre un montón basura y encuentran a un angelical bebé. Gin insiste en llevarlo a la policía y que ellos se encarguen de él. Sin embargo, Hana, que siempre ha tenido la ilusión de tener un bebé, no quiere dejárselo a nadie y que sean ellos mismos los que busquen a los padres. Así será como estos tres amigos se embarcan en la aventura de encontrar a la familia del bebé...
Original Music Composer
Japón, siglo XIX. Zatoichi es un vagabundo ciego que vive del juego y de dar masajes. Pero además es un maestro con la espada, rápido y preciso como el mejor samurai. En una ciudad en las montañas, a merced de la banda de Ginzo, Zatoichi y su fiel amigo Shinkichi conocen a un par de geishas, bellas y peligrosas. Okinu y su hermana Osei han llegado a la ciudad a vengar el asesinato de sus padres, y su única pista es el misterioso nombre de Kuchinawa
Chicken Heart
Original Music Composer
Former boxer Iwano, teamed up with Sada and Maru, who live in the same apartment building, makes his daily living as a punching bag for drunken businessmen in some corner of the amusement quarters. The three have continuously avoided putting themselves in a situation that could tie them down, especially Iwano, who is totally clueless about what he wants to do with his life. One day, they receive notice that their apartment building will be torn down. As a compensation for the eviction, their remaining rent is considered as settled. Having lost their place to live, the three each try to find their way.
Swallowtail Butterfly
Ambientada en un decadente barrio futurista de Tokio, Yentown. Después de que fallezca su madre, una prostituta se hace cargo de la hija de ésta, dándole el nombre de Mariposa. Comenzará a trabajar para un negocio por el que pasan todo tipo de despojos sociales...
Believing that the world will end that very day, three mental patients Coco, Tsumuji, and Satoru set out upon a journey. Walking upon the tops of the walls of the city, they seek to find a picnic spot with the best vantage point to view the final event.
Carta de amor
Male Itsuki's Father
El prometido de Hiroko falleció hace dos años a causa de un accidente de alpinismo. Mientras observa su foto en el anuario del instituto, decide escribirle una carta. Sorprendentemente, recibirá una respuesta... (FILMAFFINITY)
Ghost Soup
It's Christmas Eve in Tokyo as Ichiro is moving into his new apartment one month ahead of schedule. As he is getting settled in, two strangers enter the apartment and are surprised to find him there. They begin complaining that he is upsetting their plans for a Christmas party to be thrown in the apartment that night before attempting to kick him out.
Super Folk Song: Piano ga Aishita Onna
A documentary capturing the recording process of singer Yano Akiko's 1992 cover album, Super Folk Song.
Boys Will Be Boys
Yukihiro Takahashi Live 1983