Marjorie Weaver

Marjorie Weaver

Nacimiento : 1913-03-02, Crossville, Tennessee, USA

Muerte : 1994-10-01


Marjorie Weaver (March 2, 1913 – October 1, 1994) was an American film actress of the 1930s through the early 1950s.


Marjorie Weaver
Marjorie Weaver


Hollywood Victory Caravan
Marjorie Weaver
Una niña está desesperada por llegar a Washington D.C. para estar con su hermano solitario, soldado herido. Ella persuade a Bing Crosby para que la deje unirse a su caravana.
Fashion Model
Peggy Rooney
When two employees of a clothing factory are murdered, the shadow of suspicion falls upon a lowly stock boy.
Leave It to Blondie
Rita Rogers
Older but no wiser, Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead enter a songwriting contest. It's all part of a plan to cover charity checks that they've signed separately but can't cover. Along the way, Blondie's blood boils when Dagwood gets innocently mixed up with beautiful music teacher Rita Rogers.
Shadow of Suspicion
Claire Winter
Brash ladies' man James Dale and his partner, wisecracking Everett Northrup, are sent by Cartell & Co. jewelers to safeguard the arrival of the famous Stonehaven necklace at one of its branch offices, recently the victim of a jewel robbery.
Pardon My Rhythm
Dixie Moore
A high school bandleader captures the interest of a popular co-ed.
The Great Alaskan Mystery
Ruth Miller
The obsessive scientist Dr. Miller is working on a matter-transmitter invention called the Paratron; a conspiratorial team of spies and no-goods pursue him to Alaska, trying to steal the device.
You Can't Ration Love
Marian Douglas
In this WW II musical, a group of lovely college co-eds, realizing that there is a shortage of single young men, decide to begin rationing their dates so that all of them can have some fun. This is beneficial for the campus wimp who suddenly finds himself the hottest property on campus.
Let's Face It
Jean Blanchard
Un soldado estacionado en una base del ejército quiere casarse con su novia, pero no tienen dinero. Tres compañeras del trabajo de ella quieren volver con sus maridos, y contratan al soldado y a dos de sus amigos para "acompañarlas durante el fin de semana. Los maridos se presentan de repente.
Just Off Broadway
Judy Taylor
Private detective Michael Shayne is on the case again, but this time he's stuck on a jury for a murder trial. So, what does he do? Why, he skips out on sequestration in order to solve the case himself!
The Mad Martindales
Evelyn Martindale
A girl tries to pay the mortgage on a Nob Hill home and gets involved in selling her father's art treasures.
The Man Who Wouldn't Die
Catherine Wolff
A man believed to be dead and buried escapes from his grave and returns to the scene of the crime seeking revenge.
Man at Large
Dallas Davis
FBI agent Bob Grayson works in collaboration with Max, a British agent posing as a fugitive German aviator. Meanwhile, fearless girl reporter Dallas Dayle is assigned by her editor to track down the enemy aviator and get an exclusive story. When she catches up with Grayson and Max, Dallas is under the impression that Grayson is a rival reporter and Max is the genuine fugitive.
For Beauty's Sake
Dime Pringle
A woman-hater who inherits a beauty salon gets a new perspective on females after capturing a gang of thieves.
Murder Among Friends
Mary Lou
A society doctor helps an insurance-company file clerk check deaths related to a big policy.
Michael Shayne: Private Detective
Phyllis Brighton
Millionaire sportsman Hiram Brighton hires gumshoe Michael Shayne to keep his spoiled daughter Phyllis away from racetrack betting windows and roulette wheels. After Phyllis slips away and continues her compulsive gambling, Shayne fakes the murder of her gambler boyfriend, who is also romancing the daughter of casino owner Benny Gordon, in order to frighten her. When the tout really ends up murdered, Shayne and Phyllis' Aunt Olivia, an avid reader of murder mysteries, both try to find the identity of the killer.
Murder Over New York
Patricia Shaw
When Charlie's old friend from Scotland Yard is murdered when they attend a police convention in New York, Chan picks up the case he was working on.
Georgie Tomlin
A woman tormented by the hunting death of her husband forbids her son to have anything to do with horses. But when he falls for the daughter of his father's trainer, he defies his mother by entering the Maryland Hunt.
Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise
Paula Drake
On a cruise ship from Honolulu to San Francisco, the famous Chinese detective encounters four more murders while trying to figure out the murder of a Scotland Yard friend.
Shooting High
Marjorie Pritchard
A movie company making a film about a famous sheriff hires his grandson as a stand-in for the lead.
The Cisco Kid and the Lady
Julie Lawson
An orphan whose father has been killed by bandits inherits a mine. Cisco saves the mine and the child and also finds the child's real mother.
Chicken Wagon Family
Cecile Fippany
Addie Fippany, her father Jean Paul Batiste Fippany, her mother Josephine and her sister Cecile roam the country-side in a mule-drawn wagon, trading trinkets to farmers for chickens which they sell in the cities. Addie and her father love the care-free life, but Mrs. Fippany and Cecile want to settle down in New York City. As soon as the "chicken wagon family" reaches New York, Addie gets into mischief and a policeman, Matt Hibbard, helps her and falls in love with Cecile. He helps the family settle into a deserted firehouse which is up for public sale.
El joven Lincoln
Mary Todd
Se basa en los años de juventud de Abraham Lincoln, que llegaría a ser presidente de los Estados Unidos (1861-1865). El antiguo leñador de Kentucky es ya un abogado que empieza a destacar por su defensa de los derechos de los más humildes. Fue candidata al Óscar en 1939 por el mejor guión original.
Hold That Co-ed
Marjorie Blake
Un político que se presenta a gobernador ayuda a una universidad a conseguir la victoria de su equipo de fútbol americano.
I'll Give a Million
Jean Hofmann
After saving a tramp from suicide, a millionaire takes his clothing and disappears. Word is out that he will give a million dollars to anyone who is kind to a tramp.
Three Blind Mice
Moira Charters
Tres hermanas algo descocadas reciben una pequeña herencia, abandonan Kansas y se marchan a un apartamento de lujo en Manhattan, con la intención de cazar un marido rico y seguir con ese nivel de vida antes que se les acabe el dinero.
Kentucky Moonshine
The Ritz Brothers pretend to be Kentucky hillbillies in order to get a booking on a radio show.
Sally, Irene and Mary
Mary Stevens
Las manicuras Sally, Irene y Mary ansían triunfar en Broadway. Cuando Mary hereda un viejo transbordador, lo convierten en un club de éxito.
Second Honeymoon
Una mujer recién casada en segundas nupcias y que encuentra a su marido, un hombre de negocios, aburrido, se topa por casualidad con su adinerado y playboy primer marido.
Life Begins in College
Miss Murphy
Cuando un estudiante indio adinerado dota a la universidad para que puedan mantener al entrenador de fútbol, se rumorea que el indio ha jugado profesionalmente y no puede estar en el equipo.
Hot Water
Vicki Enfield
The Jones family is in an uproar when Dad's campaign for mayor appears sabotaged by an anonymous newspaper article.
The Californian
Rosalia Miller
Native son returns from school in Spain to California in 1855 and finds corrupt politicians stealing land from old California families. He becomes a sort of Robin Hood in order to fight them.
Big Business
A small town drugstore owner (Jed Prouty) hopes to strike it rich by investing his savings in an oil well. Comedy.
La contraseña
Miss Blackburn
Un exoficial de la Marina, empleado del presidente McKinley a principios del siglo XX, lucha contra una poderosa organización criminal que ha hecho del atraco a entidades bancarias su principal fuente de financiación.
Melody for Two
Switchboard Operator
A singing bandleader signs on with an all-girls band.
On the Avenue
Chorus Girl (uncredited)
A new Broadway show starring Gary Blake shamelessly lampoons the rich Carraway family. To get her own back, daughter Mimi sets out to ensnare Blake, but the courtship is soon for real, to the annoyance of his co-star, hoofing chanteuese Mona Merrick.
Here Comes Carter
Bronson's Secretary
A radio commentator avenges an old wrong by blowing the whistle on Hollywood scandals
China Clipper
An aviator ignores skeptics to make the first commercial flight from San Francisco to China.