Pietro Caliandro


Tutti giù per terra
The vicissitudes of Walter – a dissatisfied and disenchanted 20-year-old on-and-off philosophy student without a job, a girlfriend or any real beliefs – who reluctantly returns to his native Turin to live with his irascible blue-collar father and his mother, almost mute due to a severe nervous breakdown.
Non più di uno
Willy Signori e vengo da lontano
Willy is involved in a fatal car accident. Willy takes on the responsibility of supporting the dead man's pregnant girlfriend and the child, after it's birth.
Antes de entrar finalmente en el Cielo, las almas de los muertos pasan un período en un limbo, de donde sólo salen cuando nadie los recuerde en el mundo de los vivos. Bajo el cuidado del salaz Domenico (Vittorio Gassman), los visitantes de un pequeño cementerio cuentan cómo llegaron a la paz eterna.
Caruso Pascoski (di padre polacco)
Psychiatrist Caruso is arguably as nutty as his patients. He can remember at two years old being completely besotted by the charms of a naked girl. Even today, he can think of little else besides sex, sex, sex.
Production Accountant
Una historia del paso a la madurez, en la que un chico se resiste al mundo de los adultos y la inevitable pérdida de las alegrías de la infancia.