John-Clay Burnett


We Three Kings
Amy, Catherine, and Charles Fay can't wait for their Uncle Henry to arrive for Christmas. This is the first year since Mama passed away and the children are working together to fill the void and put together a Christmas play at their church. There are challenges along the way, from a runaway lamb to the stern lady who plays the church organ, but with the help of Uncle Henry's new song, 'We Three Kings,' not only is the Christmas pageant a success, but the children learn truths about Jesus and the gifts that were given to Him by the Magi.
We Three Kings
Amy, Catherine, and Charles Fay can't wait for their Uncle Henry to arrive for Christmas. This is the first year since Mama passed away and the children are working together to fill the void and put together a Christmas play at their church. There are challenges along the way, from a runaway lamb to the stern lady who plays the church organ, but with the help of Uncle Henry's new song, 'We Three Kings,' not only is the Christmas pageant a success, but the children learn truths about Jesus and the gifts that were given to Him by the Magi.
Ana es una joven que fue capturada como esclava y estando de venta en el mercado es liberada por los cristianos de Esmirna en el siglo II d.C. Es llevada a casa del Obispo de Esmirna, el reconocido Policarpo quien la acoge como una hija en medio de su casa y su familia. Ana que tenía otras creencias conoce en el nuevo lugar donde se encuentra cómo es la vida de los cristianos, qué piensan y qué creen y valora la bondad y amor que hay entre ellos. Pero un evento irrumpe en medio de esta situación. Un decreto del Proconsul Romano que ordena que para jurar fidelidad al César todos los habitantes de esa región deben reconocerle como dios y adorarle.