Roman Svoboda


Las margaritas
Set Decoration
Dos chicas jóvenes concluyen, mientras toman el sol en bikini, que "si en este mundo todo está corrompido, estaremos corrompidas nosotras también". Así se activa el mecanismo que pone en marcha la película: una tras otra, se irán produciendo escenas inconexas en las cuáles las dos protagonistas juegan a ser malas con su entorno. Engañan a hombres maduros para comer gratuitamente, escriben y dibujan en las paredes de su casa, improvisan un baile en un cabaret para boicotear el número que está en escena, engullen y despedazan los manjares de un banquete preparado para otros. Rompiendo toda linealidad narrativa y empleando la técnica collage tanto a nivel visual como auditivo.
Set Decoration
Michal's father and his friends are stigmatized by their war experience and the post-war social deformations in which they took part either directly, or watched them cowardly and in silence. They are trying to repress their feelings of guilt and justify their behavior to the young generation with memories of their heroic war feats. Michal, however, does not want to have anything to do with their problems. He subconsciously perceives the unpleasant atmosphere in the family as well as his father's hypocrisy. After one of many quarrels with his father, he runs away from home, determined to go his own way.
Set Decoration
Psychological study of country girl Jitka and her blossoming love for an older man afraid of her youth and spontaneity.