Hans W. Geißendörfer

Nacimiento : 1941-04-06, Augsburg, Germany


Toter Winkel
La última viajera del tiempo: Esmeralda
Los vigilantes, guiados por el conde de Saint Germain, se han esforzado para registrar en el Cronógrafo la sangre de los doce viajeros del tiempo y están a punto de alcanzar su objetivo: obtener la piedra filosofal. Última entrega basada en las novelas "El amor a través del tiempo" de Kerstin Gier.
Cemetery of Splendour
Una solitaria ama de casa de mediana edad atiende a un soldado con la enfermedad del sueño, cayendo en alucinaciones que desencadenan en sueños extraños, fantasmas y romances.
The Bunker
Un joven estudiante busca tranquilidad y aislamiento para centrarse en un importante trabajo, pero acaba como profesor de un peculiar niño que es educado en casa por sus padres, aislado del exterior en una mansión-búnker. 'The Bunker' es una historia retorcida, oscura y divertida sobre la niñez, el crecimiento y la educación.
La última viajera del tiempo: Zafiro
En esta segunda parte, Gwen y su novio Gideon deben enfrentarse y escapar del conde de St. Germain. Gwen ya es consciente, al igual que Gideon, de que es portadora de los genes del viaje. Por otra parte, Lucy y Paul se unen a la liga florentina y, en principio, se convierten en enemigos de Gwen. Adaptación cinematográfica de la segunda parte de la trilogía “Rubí” de la escritora alemana Kerstin Gier.
Rubí, la última viajera del tiempo
En casa de Gwendolyn Sheperd nada ni nadie es del todo “normal”, empezando por su excéntrica tía abuela Maddy, que tiene extrañas visiones, pasando por Lucy, que se escapó de casa hace 17 años sin dejar rastro alguno... También está Charlotte, su encantadora y perfecta prima, quien, según parece, ha heredado un extraño gen familiar que le permitirá viajar en el tiempo. Pero un increíble secreto está a punto de salir a la luz: la portadora del misterioso gen para viajar a través del tiempo no es Charlotte, ¡sino la propia Gwen! Ella es, en realidad, la duodécima y última viajera en el tiempo y se dice que cuando su sangre se una a la de los otros once viajeros, se cerrará el misterioso “Círculo de los doce”. Para obtener más información, Gwen deberá viajar al pasado y por suerte o por desgracia, no lo hará sola: la acompañará el undécimo viajero en el tiempo, el arrogante, atractivo y sarcástico Gideon, con quien va a vivir algo más que una peligrosa carrera a través del tiempo…
El amigo alemán
Cuenta la historia de amor entre Sulamit, hija de inmigrantes alemanes judíos y Friedrich, hijo de un inmigrante alemán nazi, quienes se conocen durante su adolescencia en Buenos Aires durante los años 50. Su amor transcurre con el telón de fondo de los grandes cambios políticos en la Alemania del 68 y de la dictadura militar en la Argentina.
In der Welt habt ihr Angst
Music student Eva has fallen head over heels in love with musician Jo. They have a burning passion for one another and discover that they are able to communicate without auxiliary means, even across great distances. Their love is so great that Eva even follows her boyfriend into heroin addiction. But now this has to come to an end: Eva is pregnant and the two of them plan to go cold turkey in the solitude of New Zealand.
In der Welt habt ihr Angst
Music student Eva has fallen head over heels in love with musician Jo. They have a burning passion for one another and discover that they are able to communicate without auxiliary means, even across great distances. Their love is so great that Eva even follows her boyfriend into heroin addiction. But now this has to come to an end: Eva is pregnant and the two of them plan to go cold turkey in the solitude of New Zealand.
In der Welt habt ihr Angst
Music student Eva has fallen head over heels in love with musician Jo. They have a burning passion for one another and discover that they are able to communicate without auxiliary means, even across great distances. Their love is so great that Eva even follows her boyfriend into heroin addiction. But now this has to come to an end: Eva is pregnant and the two of them plan to go cold turkey in the solitude of New Zealand.
Tío Boonmee recuerda sus vidas pasadas
Sufriendo de insuficiencia renal aguda, el tío Boonmee ha decidido pasar sus últimos días rodeado de sus seres queridos en el campo. Sorprendentemente, el fantasma de su esposa fallecida parece cuidar de él, y su hijo perdido regresa a casa en una forma no humana. Contemplando las razones de su enfermedad, Boonmee camina por la jungla con su familia a una cueva misteriosa : el lugar de nacimiento de su primera vida.
Gegenschuss - Aufbruch der Filmemacher
Based on the novel Hohaj by Elisabeth Rynell, it depicts the devastation felt by Elizabeth, a woman who had lost her husband in a car accident and wants to leave her three young children to join him in death by wandering out into the snowy deserts of Lapland. As she wanders through the snow, Elizabeth discovers the story of Aron and Ina, a couple who overcame dark secrets and over-controlling family members to be with each other.
Based on the novel Hohaj by Elisabeth Rynell, it depicts the devastation felt by Elizabeth, a woman who had lost her husband in a car accident and wants to leave her three young children to join him in death by wandering out into the snowy deserts of Lapland. As she wanders through the snow, Elizabeth discovers the story of Aron and Ina, a couple who overcame dark secrets and over-controlling family members to be with each other.
Based on the novel Hohaj by Elisabeth Rynell, it depicts the devastation felt by Elizabeth, a woman who had lost her husband in a car accident and wants to leave her three young children to join him in death by wandering out into the snowy deserts of Lapland. As she wanders through the snow, Elizabeth discovers the story of Aron and Ina, a couple who overcame dark secrets and over-controlling family members to be with each other.
The Nine Lives of Tomas Katz
Executive Producer
Cuenta la historia de un misterioso hombre (Thomas Fisher) que sale de un agujero y llama a un taxi en Londres. A lo largo del día él se va apoderando de las identidades de numerosas personas con las que se encuentra, lo que junto a un eclipse de sol, hará que la ciudad entre en caos.
Entführung aus der Lindenstraße
A comedy directed by George Moorse.
Senator Isaak Kohler shoots and kills Professor Winter in a crowded restaurant, while Winter is dining with the struggling idealistic young lawyer, Felix Spat. Kohler puts up no defense and is sentenced to twenty years. Kohler then gets his daughter Helene to pay the reluctant Spat to reinvestigate the case, on the assumption that Kohler is innocent. The newspapers pick up on this and begin to question whether Kohler was wrongly convicted.
Gudrun is a teen-aged girl living in Germany during World War II. Her father is away serving in the army and her mother has sent her to a rural village to stay with her grandmother, a cafe proprietor. In that ironically idyllic setting, Gudrun frolics with a youth who yearns to join the Hitler Youth, though his father is a pastor who has been outspoken against the regime and will soon be arrested. Meanwhile, Gudrun's mother has been having an affair with an army officer. This causes grave difficulties when her husband, who has deserted and is hiding out in grannie's cellar, stumbles upon the couple.
Gudrun is a teen-aged girl living in Germany during World War II. Her father is away serving in the army and her mother has sent her to a rural village to stay with her grandmother, a cafe proprietor. In that ironically idyllic setting, Gudrun frolics with a youth who yearns to join the Hitler Youth, though his father is a pastor who has been outspoken against the regime and will soon be arrested. Meanwhile, Gudrun's mother has been having an affair with an army officer. This causes grave difficulties when her husband, who has deserted and is hiding out in grannie's cellar, stumbles upon the couple.
Gudrun is a teen-aged girl living in Germany during World War II. Her father is away serving in the army and her mother has sent her to a rural village to stay with her grandmother, a cafe proprietor. In that ironically idyllic setting, Gudrun frolics with a youth who yearns to join the Hitler Youth, though his father is a pastor who has been outspoken against the regime and will soon be arrested. Meanwhile, Gudrun's mother has been having an affair with an army officer. This causes grave difficulties when her husband, who has deserted and is hiding out in grannie's cellar, stumbles upon the couple.
Die Beimers
A group of young people become involved with the kidnap of a local politician with the aim of halting construction work on a nearby nuclear power plant.
A group of young people become involved with the kidnap of a local politician with the aim of halting construction work on a nearby nuclear power plant.
Year of the Turtle
The story of an impossible love between a 60 years old jobless bookkeeper and an unpredictable 40 years younger woman, who seems to be in big troubles.
Edith's Diary
Edith runs a left-wing journal and when her marriage starts to fall apart (her husband is unfaithful), she can find no solace in her son who is more of a problem than an asset. On top of heading toward a divorce and being unable to handle her son's asocial tendencies, her neurotic uncle moves in, demanding personalized care. Just to keep her sanity intact, Edith starts writing in her diary to vent her own feelings and ambitions. As her son goes from bad to worse over a five-year period, it turns out that Edith's diary may be of more benefit than she could have ever imagined. In this adaptation of Edith's Diary by Patricia Highsmith, director and writer Hans W. Geissendoerfer has maintained Highsmith's psychologically tormented characters while changing the location and time of her story from the U.S. of the 1960s to Germany in the early 1980s.
Edith's Diary
Edith runs a left-wing journal and when her marriage starts to fall apart (her husband is unfaithful), she can find no solace in her son who is more of a problem than an asset. On top of heading toward a divorce and being unable to handle her son's asocial tendencies, her neurotic uncle moves in, demanding personalized care. Just to keep her sanity intact, Edith starts writing in her diary to vent her own feelings and ambitions. As her son goes from bad to worse over a five-year period, it turns out that Edith's diary may be of more benefit than she could have ever imagined. In this adaptation of Edith's Diary by Patricia Highsmith, director and writer Hans W. Geissendoerfer has maintained Highsmith's psychologically tormented characters while changing the location and time of her story from the U.S. of the 1960s to Germany in the early 1980s.
Edith's Diary
Edith runs a left-wing journal and when her marriage starts to fall apart (her husband is unfaithful), she can find no solace in her son who is more of a problem than an asset. On top of heading toward a divorce and being unable to handle her son's asocial tendencies, her neurotic uncle moves in, demanding personalized care. Just to keep her sanity intact, Edith starts writing in her diary to vent her own feelings and ambitions. As her son goes from bad to worse over a five-year period, it turns out that Edith's diary may be of more benefit than she could have ever imagined. In this adaptation of Edith's Diary by Patricia Highsmith, director and writer Hans W. Geissendoerfer has maintained Highsmith's psychologically tormented characters while changing the location and time of her story from the U.S. of the 1960s to Germany in the early 1980s.
Der Platzanweiser
The Magic Mountain
Hans Castorp, fresh from university and about to become a civil engineer, comes to the Sanatorium Berghof in the Swiss Alps to visit his cousin Joachim, an army officer, who is recovering there from tuberculosis. Intending to remain at the Berghof for three weeks, Hans is gradually contaminated by the morbid atmosphere pervading the place. Wishing very much to be considered a patient like the others, he achieves his ends and stays in the sanatorium for ...seven years. During this time, he has enough time to take part in the furious philosophical debates pitting against each other Settembrini, a secular humanist, and Naphta, a totalitarian Jesuit. And to fall in love with the beautiful but enigmatic Clawdia Chauchat. When he is finally discharged in 1914 - along with all the other patients - it is only to plunge into the horrors of World War I.
The Magic Mountain
Hans Castorp, fresh from university and about to become a civil engineer, comes to the Sanatorium Berghof in the Swiss Alps to visit his cousin Joachim, an army officer, who is recovering there from tuberculosis. Intending to remain at the Berghof for three weeks, Hans is gradually contaminated by the morbid atmosphere pervading the place. Wishing very much to be considered a patient like the others, he achieves his ends and stays in the sanatorium for ...seven years. During this time, he has enough time to take part in the furious philosophical debates pitting against each other Settembrini, a secular humanist, and Naphta, a totalitarian Jesuit. And to fall in love with the beautiful but enigmatic Clawdia Chauchat. When he is finally discharged in 1914 - along with all the other patients - it is only to plunge into the horrors of World War I.
Theodor Chindler - Die Geschichte einer deutschen Familie
La celda de cristal
Cuando una escuela se derrumba con todos los niños dentro, el arquitecto Phillip Braun es juzgado y condenado por deficiencias en el diseño y construcción del edificio, y es enviado a prisión. Su abogado descubre que la verdadera responsabilidad del incidente pudiera ser otra...
La celda de cristal
Cuando una escuela se derrumba con todos los niños dentro, el arquitecto Phillip Braun es juzgado y condenado por deficiencias en el diseño y construcción del edificio, y es enviado a prisión. Su abogado descubre que la verdadera responsabilidad del incidente pudiera ser otra...
The Sternstein Manor
The Sternstein Manor
Die Wildente
Consul Werle holds a reception in honour of the homecoming of his son Gregers. At the reception, Gregers meets his childhood friend, Hjalmar Ekdal, who is married to Gina, a former maid of the Werle family. Hjalmar is unaware that Werle had an affair with Gina and that their 14-year-old daughter Hedwig is not his child. Gregers moves in with the Ekdals with the intention of allowing unsuspecting Hjalmar and his family to share in the "happiness of truth". Hedwig is entirely devoted to a wild duck, which lives on a pond outside their house. When Hjalmar learns the truth about his daughter, he wants to leave his family. Gregers advises Hedwig to kill the wild duck so that her father, impressed by this sacrifice, will return home. On the following day, Hedwig's birthday, she doesn't shoot the duck, but shoots herself instead.
Die Wildente
Consul Werle holds a reception in honour of the homecoming of his son Gregers. At the reception, Gregers meets his childhood friend, Hjalmar Ekdal, who is married to Gina, a former maid of the Werle family. Hjalmar is unaware that Werle had an affair with Gina and that their 14-year-old daughter Hedwig is not his child. Gregers moves in with the Ekdals with the intention of allowing unsuspecting Hjalmar and his family to share in the "happiness of truth". Hedwig is entirely devoted to a wild duck, which lives on a pond outside their house. When Hjalmar learns the truth about his daughter, he wants to leave his family. Gregers advises Hedwig to kill the wild duck so that her father, impressed by this sacrifice, will return home. On the following day, Hedwig's birthday, she doesn't shoot the duck, but shoots herself instead.
Die Eltern
Ann, a ten-year-old girl, becomes the sole heir of millions from her grandmother. Ann's parents, who are short of money and have lost all hope of a bright future try to manipulate Ann's imagination in such a way that she loses her mind.
Die Eltern
Ann, a ten-year-old girl, becomes the sole heir of millions from her grandmother. Ann's parents, who are short of money and have lost all hope of a bright future try to manipulate Ann's imagination in such a way that she loses her mind.
Perahim - die zweite Chance
When her father dies unexpectantly, a young woman starts to get suspicious about her mother's behaviour.
When her father dies unexpectantly, a young woman starts to get suspicious about her mother's behaviour.
In the Southwest of 1915 Carlos backs an intended uprising of the common countymen against his father Phillip, a despotic landowner who exploits the rural poors in his silver mines. But Carlos' indecision and his love for his young and beautiful stepmother leads into a failure.
In the Southwest of 1915 Carlos backs an intended uprising of the common countymen against his father Phillip, a despotic landowner who exploits the rural poors in his silver mines. But Carlos' indecision and his love for his young and beautiful stepmother leads into a failure.
Eine Rose für Jane
Eine Rose für Jane
A group of vampires terrorizes a small village on the German North Sea Coast. The young Jonathan joins a group of fellow students and locals, who plan an uprising against the vampires.
A group of vampires terrorizes a small village on the German North Sea Coast. The young Jonathan joins a group of fellow students and locals, who plan an uprising against the vampires.
Zensur – Verordnet und Verinnerlicht
Scientific documentary film exposing the cencorship laws in the BRD as an instrument used for propaganda. Its the third part of the "Bundesdeutsche Filmpolitik" Trilogie.
Der Fall Lena Christ
Der Fall Lena Christ
Love and So Forth
Assistant Director
Munich, 1968: a period of liberation, student revolts, state repression. Amidst the restlessness, chemistry student Robbie meets the Irish cello player Nancy. They feel compelled to pursue a passion in spite of their careers. But does romantic love have a place in such convoluted, contesting times?