Robert Shayne

Robert Shayne

Nacimiento : 1900-10-04, Yonkers, New York, USA

Muerte : 1992-11-29


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Robert Shayne (October 4, 1900 – November 29, 1992), born Robert Shaen Dawe, was an American actor whose career lasted for over 60 years. He was best known for portraying Inspector Bill Henderson in the American television series Adventures of Superman. Shayne became an actor after having worked as a reporter at the Illustrated Daily Tab in Miami, Florida. His initial acting experience came with repertory companies in Alabama, including the Birmingham Players. Shayne's first Broadway appearance came by 1931 in The Rap. His other Broadway shows include Yellow Jack (1934), The Cat and the Canary (1935), Whiteoaks (1938), with Ethel Barrymore, and Without Love (1942), with Katharine Hepburn. Shayne began his film career in 1934, appearing in two features. In 1942, he became a contract actor with Warner Bros.. He played many character roles in movies and television, including a film series of Warner Bros. featurettes called the "Santa Fe Trail" series such as Wagon Wheels West, and as a mad scientist in the 1953 horror film The Neanderthal Man. He appears briefly in Alfred Hitchcock's North by Northwest, seated at a booth in a hotel bar, where his character meets Cary Grant's character, just as the latter is about to be kidnapped. He also had a small but pivotal role in the 1953 sci-fi classic Invaders From Mars as a scientist. He also enjoyed a brief rebirth in his career when he was cast as the blind newspaper vendor in The Flash television show. He was by this time actually blind and learned his lines by having his wife read them to him and then rehearse until he memorized them. Shayne portrayed Police Inspector William "Bill" Henderson on the 1950s TV series Adventures of Superman. He appeared sporadically in the early episodes of the series, in part because he came under HUAC scrutiny and was briefly blacklisted on unproven and unspecific charges of association with Communism. As the program evolved, especially in the color episodes, he was brought into more and more of them, to the point where he was a regular on the series.


Robert Shayne


The Naked Monster
Prof. Bradshaw
Using soundtracks and extensive footage from many old movies, this spoof/homage of 1950's science-fiction films brings back many favorite actors from these classic movies, some reprising their former roles, to help destroy a giant stop-motion monster that is threatening to destroy Los Angeles.
The Specialist
Chairman Hopkins
Jerry Bounds, an upright lawyer, must stand up against Pike Smith and his the water company's efforts to exploit a local lake.
Millonarios por una pata
Refinery Executive (uncredited)
Albert Dooley es un joven biólogo investigador, al que su sueldo apenas alcanza para vivir. Un día, cuando está en su laboratorio experimentando con patos, uno de ellos se escapa y sufre una radiación, quedando excluido por ello para los experimentos
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Cmdr. William H. Buracker (uncredited)
Tora! Tora! Tora! es la señal japonesa para atacar. La película reproduce de manera meticulosa el ataque a Pearl Harbor y todos los hechos que le precedieron. Las primeras escenas nos muestran las diferencias entre ambas posturas: por una parte los imperialistas japoneses deciden realizar un ataque por etapas, por otro lado los altos mandos del ejército americano ignoran esta posibilidad. A pesar de que algunos mensajes interceptados a los japoneses advertían de este peligro, éstos nunca llegaron a las manos de la alta comandancia del ejército americano. Los avisos de los radares son ignorados, incluso la caza de un submarino japonés en Pearl Harbor antes del ataque no se reporta.
500 millas
Well-Wisher at Indy Victory (uncredited)
Frank Capua, piloto de coches de carreras se casa y adopta a Charlie, el hijo de su mujer. Su matrimonio parece ir bien, a pesar de los continuos viajes de circuito en circuito. También la relacion entre Charlie y Frank se va estrechando con el paso del tiempo. Hasta que un dia, Frank descubre que su esposa le está engañando con Lou, su rival y compañero de escuderia. Y esto sucede en vísperas de la competicion más importante de la temporada: las Quinientas Millas de Indianapolis.
Runaway Girl
Walter Quillen
Vineyard owner Randy Minola becomes captivated by the worldly Edella, much to the chagrin of his girlfriend Winnie.
Un tigre se escapa
Governor's Advisor
Un tigre se escapa del camión de un circo a su paso por un pequeño pueblo y se esconde en los bosques de los alrededores. Esto provoca el pánico en la localidad y todo el mundo quiere al animal muerto de inmediato, a excepción de la hija del sheriff. Ella quiere capturar al tigre y llevarlo a un zoológico, salvando así la vida del tigre.
20,000 Eyes
Police Lieutenant
An investment counselor turns jewel thief when the gangster he embezzled funds from demands to be paid back.
Cage of Evil
Victor Delmar
While investigating a diamond heist, disgruntled cop Harper falls for Holly, the top suspect's main squeeze. When she convinces him to kill her boyfriend and make off with her and the loot, they start down a treacherous path full of dark surprises.
Why Must I Die
Charlie Munro
A night club singer who is the daughter of a small-town crook is tried and convicted of murder.
Valley of the Redwoods
Capt. Sid Walker
Wayne, Jan, and Dino try pulling off a heist of a lumber company's payroll, and everything seems to go wrong right from the beginning, in spite of Dino's expertise. The trio take off for the woods in Canada with Wayne suffering from a wound and the law in hot pursuit. To complicate matters slightly there is a romantic tie-up with Jan, someone too tough and efficient to be easily won over.
Diez semanas en el circo
Husband - Circus Spectator
Acogido por sus tíos después de quedar huérfano, Toby Tyler huye para unirse al circo.
Con la muerte en los talones
Larry Wade (uncredited)
Debido a un malentendido, a Roger O. Thornhill, un ejecutivo del mundo de la publicidad, unos espías lo confunden con un agente del gobierno llamado George Kaplan. Secuestrado por tres individuos y llevado a una mansión en la que es interrogado, consigue huir antes de que lo maten. Cuando al día siguiente regresa a la casa acompañado de la policía, no hay rastro de las personas que había descrito.
The Rebel Set
Lt. Cassidy
Three beatniks are brought together to rob an armored car, only to face betrayal from amongst their ranks.
I, Mobster
The rise and fall of gang lord Joe Sante. A crime boss appears before a Senate subcommittee. A flashbacks tell his story.
Cómo hacer un monstruo
Gary Droz
Peter Drummond ha sido el responsible de maquillaje y efectos especiales de películas de terror de un estudio de Hollywood durante 25 años. Cuando el estudio es vendido, se informa a Pete con brusquedad de que no van a necesitar más sus servicios ya que el estudio se va a centrar solamente en producciones musicales. Humillado, Pete decide vengarse de los responsables del estudio hipnotizando a dos actores para que crean que son auténticos monstruos, enseñándoles a asesinar y a infundir el terror.
Yo fui un cavernícola adolescente
The Fire Maker
Boy (Robert Vaughn) es un adolescente cuya tribu tiene prohibido sobrepasar los confines del árido y desolado valle donde vive, valle que limita con un país mucho más rico en vegetación y fauna. Según sus creencias, allí vive “el Dios que da muerte con su contacto”, y los espíritus asesinan con sus hechizos a los que se aventuran a llegar hasta allí. El valiente Boy, que no teme las supersticiones, decide cruzar la frontera para investigar el misterio de la muerte de sus compañeros de tribu.
Guerra de satélites
Cole Hotchkiss
La trama plantea el desconcierto de todo el mundo con la amenaza de un extraterrestre que amenaza destruir el planeta si se realiza el lanzamiento de la primera nave espacial tripulada. La ONU decide seguir adelante con el proyecto y planean lanzar al espacio a un científico (Richard Devon). Pero el científico muere en un accidente automovilístico. Aún así se escoge otro científico (Dick Miller) para reemplazar al anterior, pero el desconcierto aumenta cuando el primer sabio se muestra vivo en la mismísima ONU, para advertir del peligro de lanzar un ser humano al espacio.
Spook Chasers
The Detective
Sach and the gang (Bowery Boys) find stashed cash in an old farmhouse apparently haunted.
La garra gigante
Gen. Van Buskirk
Mitch MacAfee es miembro del equipo técnico que está probando un nuevo radar para el ejército. Un día, mientras vuela, ve un OVNI que da varias vueltas alrededor de su avión. Tras la señal de alerta, muchos escuadrones intentan interceptar el objeto sin éxito. Los militares creen que ha sido una falsa alarma de Mitch, pero empiezan a llegar numerosos informes de aviones desaparecidos en la zona. Cuando Mitch y la matemática Sally Caldwell regresan a la ciudad, son atacados por el OVNI y se estrellan. Tras ser rescatados por un lugareño, éste les habla de "La Cacanya", un ser mitológico alado que surca los cielos. Cuando Mitch y Sally llegan por fin a la ciudad, se enteran de que hay más informes de aviones desaparecidos y de que el ejército ha logrado fotografiar el objeto. Se trata de una gran nave alienígena, aparentemente indestructible, que sigue en sus ataques un rumbo definido. Todo hace suponer que pronto llegará a Nueva York.
Footsteps in the Night
Fred Horner
Two detectives investigate the strangulation murder of a man whom everyone seemed to like.
Kronos, ¡el conquistador del universo!
Air Force General
En una solitaria carretera solitaria del desierto californiano, un conductor es poseído por una extraña criatura extraterrestre. De repente, su objetivo es un observatorio gubernamental Labcentral y su director. Mientras tanto, una enorme masa cúbica ha emergido del océano y se dirige hacia las ciudades, absorbiendo todas las fuentes de energía que encuentra a su paso. La cuenta atrás de una invasión alienígena se pone en marcha.
Hot Shots
Pierre M. Morley
Sach and the gang baby-sit a bratty TV star.
Dance With Me, Henry
District Attorney Martin Proctor
Bud and Lou are the owners of the amusement park Kiddieland. Bud, a compulsive gambler, gets in trouble with the mob, and Lou finds himself struggling to keep his adopted children. When Bud is forced to make a shady deal, Lou tries to arrange a deal with the DA, but winds up framed for murder.
Rumble on the Docks
A Brooklyn-born 17-year-old's loyalty is torn between his parents' old-fashion values and a local gangster's flashy lifestyle.
El hombre indestructible
Dr. Bradshaw
Un peligroso convicto es condenado a la silla eléctrica. Pero su organismo no colapsa con los 300.000 voltios que recibe sino que, merced a un experimento científico para lograr una cura contra el cáncer, resucita e inicia una venganza contra los gangsters que le llevaron a esa situación.
King of the Carnival
Jess Carter
Treasury agents go after a ring of counterfeiters operating out of a traveling carnival.
Double Jeopardy
Mr. Ross
Marc Hill is the attorney for Emmet Devrey, a real estate developer with a past, who is being blackmailed by his former partner Sam Baggett. When Sam's unfaithful wife Marge cooks up a scheme with her used car salesman lover Jeff Calder to bilk both Devrey and her alcoholic husband, Sam is killed and Devrey is accused of the crime. Mark is called to prove his employers innocence.
Murder Is My Beat
Bert Rawley
El cadáver del Sr. Dean es encontrado boca abajo en la chimenea, con su rostro desfigurado por las quemaduras, sin poder ser reconocido. Los detectives Patrick (Paul Langton) y Rawley (Robert Shayne) arrestan a Eden Lane (Barbara Payton), una cantante de un nightclub, que es condenado por el crimen. De camino a la cárcel, Eden ve a un hombre a través de la ventanilla del tren, que lo identifica como el asesino, y tanto Patrick como la propia Eden saltan del tren para capturarlo... (
The Desperado
Attorney Wilson
"Only a fool sticks his neck out for somebody else. Don't get in the habit of it." Outlaw gunslinger Sam Garrett offers that sage wisdom to fellow fugitive Tom Cameron, who's on the run from the "Bluebellies," Texas State Police officers who wield a brutal iron fist of enforcement in the early 1870s. But quick-draw, hard-bitten Garrett soon decides not to take his own advice after young Cameron heads home to surrender - and instead gets framed for a revenge murder by a jealous rival for the affections of his girl.
Trader Tom of the China Seas
In this 12 Chapter serial the UN enlists trader Tom Rogers and Vivian Wells, to lead the effort to prevent the natives from starting a revolution in Burmatra and its neighbors.
Flight Nurse
In this war drama, set during the Korean War, an Air Force nurse gets involved in a love triangle on the front lines.
El hombre de Neandertal
Prof. Clifford Groves
Un científico efectúa pruebas en una cabaña de la montaña, transformando a un gato en un dientes de sable, y a su criada en una prehomínida. Finalmente, lo probará sobre sí mismo, deviniendo en un hombre de Neanderthal que vagará por los bosques.
Los invasores de Marte
Dr. William Wilson
Desde la ventana de su habitación, el pequeño Jimmy divisa un platillo volante que aterriza cerca de su casa. El extraño comportamiento que a partir de entonces muestran las personas que lo rodean, lo lleva a pedir ayuda a la doctora Pat Blake y a su amigo el astrónomo doctor Kelston. Tras investigar el caso, llegan a la conclusión de que todo lo que está ocurriendo forma parte de un plan de invasión de la Tierra desde el planeta Marte.
El príncipe de los piratas
Prime Minister Treeg
Siglo XVI. Tras una sangrienta campaña contra las tropas españolas que han invadido Francia, Rolando, el intrépido príncipe de los Países Bajos, regresa a su país con su ejército de voluntarios. Al llegar a la Corte, tendrá que desenmascarar una conspiración en la que participa su propio hermano, que tiene la intención de traicionar al país y venderlo al enemigo.
Marshal of Cedar Rock
Paul Jackson / Fake John Harper
Banker Mason is after the ranchers land so he can resell it to the railroad for a profit. He has the railroad agent killed and replaces him with his stooge who then offers even less than Mason. But Rocky eventually suspects Mason and when Bill Anderson informs him the agent is a fake, they head out after Mason
Mr. Walkie Talkie
Capt. Burke
Military comedy about two sergeant buddies constantly getting into trouble.
Behind Southern Lines
Two episodes of the TV series "Wild Bill Hickok" edited together and released as a feature.
The Ring
Jimmy - Aragon's Manager
A young Mexican/American learns about life both inside and out of the ring when he takes up boxing.
Without Warning!
Dr. Werner, Police Psychiatrist
Police track a serial killer.
Rebelión india
Maj. Nathan Stark
Es 1885 en Arizona y un Capitán del Ejército ha dispersado a sus tropas para mantener a los blancos fuera de las tierras del Gobierno, manteniendo así la paz con los Apaches. Pero hay quienes en Tucson quieren que los mineros vuelvan a buscar oro y presionan a los funcionarios en Washington. Pronto llega un nuevo comandante, las tropas son retiradas y los mineros van tras el oro. Los blancos luego matan a un minero con una flecha para que puedan atacar a los indios con la esperanza de que las tropas los eliminen cuando tomen represalias.
Criminal Lawyer
Clark Sommers
A drunken attorney tries to sober up in order to defend a friend in murder case.
The Dakota Kid
Ace Crandall
Dakota Kid is a young outlaw who joins a gang headed by Ace Crandall. Crandall's aim is to unseat Sheriff Tom White and then use his power to enrich himself at the community's expense. Dakota impersonates a long-lost nephew of the sheriff, and is made a marshal. Through his association with the sheriff's grandson, Red White and his friend Judy, plus falling in love with Mary Lewis, the Kid gradually reforms.
Missing Women
A woman becomes desperate to find a pair of car thieves after her husband -- while on their honeymoon -- is killed during a robbery.
El Experimento de Alcatraz
Barry Morgan
Un científico decide probar una vacuna contra una grave enfermedad, realizada con isótopos radioactivos, aplicándosela a unos presidiarios, con la promesa de que serán puestos en libertad tras el experimento. Desgraciadamente, los efectos de la vacuna son imprevisibles y provocan los instintos asesinos de uno de ellos, el cuál mata a un compañero. Aún así, el doctor hará todo lo posible por continuar con el experimento, a pesar de la oposición del gobierno.
Big Timber
A young man goes to work in a logging camp to fulfill a boyhood ambition and a jealous loggers rigs things to make him appear to be an incompetent bungler. But he proves himself successfully conveying an injured workman to the hospital in a careening truck, whose brakes have been tampered with, down a mountainside.
When You're Smiling
Jack Lacey
When You're Smiling is distinguished by the presence of several top recording artists of 1950. The wafer-thin plotline concerns the misadventures of Texan Gerald Durham (Jerome Courtland), who arrives in the Big City to learn the ropes of the music business. Durham not only ends up with a recording contract, but also wins heroine Peggy Martin (Lola Albright) in the bargain. So much for the story. The principal selling card of When You're Smiling consists of the guest-star turns by Frankie Laine, Bob Crosby, The Modernaires, The Mills Brothers, Kay Starr and Billy Daniels.
Federal Man
Chief Agent Charles Stuart
A government agent travels from the United States to Mexico to nab drug dealers.
State Penitentiary
Stanley Brown
A man wrongly accused of a crime must decide between getting involved in a prison break, or remaining in jail until his wife can prove his innocence.
Rider from Tucson
John Avery
In order to make Tug Cardwell (William Phipps) sign over his rich gold claim to them, John Avery (Robert Shayne), Gypsy Avery (Veda Ann Borg) and Jackson (Marshall Reed) hire Bob Rankin (Douglas Fowley') to kidnap Tug's sweetheart Jane Whipple (Elaine Riley). Rankin hides Jane and then demands half the mine from the other crooks. Dave Saunders (Tim Holt) and Chito Rafferty (Richard Martin), friends of Tug's, find Jane and taker her to safety. The conspirators then shoot Rankin, capture Tug and force him to take them to his claim. Dave and Chito are close behind.
Customs Agent
West Coast Chief Agent J.G. Goff
An undercover agent tracks a medicine black market from China to California.
Dynamite Pass
Jay Wingate
A cowhand becomes involved in a war between a road construction crew and the greedy toll-owner hoping to thwart the new project.
The Threat
Insp. 'Murph' Murphy
A violent escaped con and his gang kidnap the police detective and DA who put him behind bars.
Forgotten Women
Richard Marshall
A tale of three women who hang out in a bar and bend the ear of Harry the bartender. Kate Allison drinks to forget playboy Andy Emerson, whom she might have married if her husband, John Allison hadn't come home before the divorce was final, which is no big deal as actors Norris and Douglas were pretty much interchangeable anyway; Ruth Marshall is reunited with husband Richard Marshall on the pleas of their son in the divorce court of Judge Donnell; and Clair Dunning makes up with husband Bill Dunning after they meet in the bar. Most of what passes for action is a couple of car wrecks, understandable considering the amount of sauce consumed in Harry's bar.
Loaded Pistols
Don Mason
Cuando las luces de un local se apagan, un hombre es asesinado con la pistola de Larry Evans. Pero alguien piensa que es inocente y le oculta de la ley, para luego investigar por su cuenta el crimen.
Vivamos un poco
Dr. Richard Field
Un agente publicitario, después de vivir unas extrañas relaciones con una psiquiatra, decide casarse con ella. Pero en el mismo altar donde se va a celebrar la ceremonia religiosa se encuentran con sus antiguos novios.
The Strange Mrs. Crane
Floyd Durant
Hoping to bury her criminal past, Jenny Hadley settles into a comfortable existence as Gina, the wife of the politician Clinton Crane. When her former associate Floyd Durant shows up to blackmail Gina, she has no choice but to murder him. Things take a bizarre turn when Barbara Arnold is charged with Durant's murder and Gina is selected to serve on the jury.
Best Man Wins
Judge Leonidas K. Carter
Jim Smiley has a frog that can jump further than anyone else's frog, and Jim becomes obsessed with entering the frog in all of the local jumping-frog contests, not realizing that his obsession is about to cost him his marriage.
The Inside Story
T.W. "Tom" O'Connor
Un agente de cobro llega a un pequeño pueblo con 1000 dólares para un granjero. Mientras espera a que el agricultor llegue, el dinero es guardado en una caja fuerte de un hotel. Sin embargo, el dinero se saca por error y solventa un serie de problemas antes de ser devuelto.
El espadachín
Ronald MacArden
En el siglo dieciocho, en Escocia, las familias McArden y Glowan soportan una violenta y larga enemistad. Alexander, un atractivo miembro del clan McArden, se enamora de la hermosa lady Barbara Glowan. Rápidamente, su relación despierta la ira del primo de Barbara, Robert Glowan, que intenta destruir a la familia enemiga para siempre. El novio, ansioso por contraer matrimonio con su enamorada, intenta que las dos irreconciliables posturas convivan en paz.
The Spirit of West Point
Col. Earl 'Red' Blaik
The story of Doc Blanchard and Glenn Davis, two All-American football players at the U.S. Army Military Academy at West Point.
Por distintos caminos
Roy Chesley
El Dr. Joseph McRory es el director de la clínica de un pequeño pueblo a la cual llega el joven Dr. Jim Pearson. Este tiene una gran afición a cantar (lo cual no gusta nada a su gruñón jefe), y se siente atraído por una atractiva profesora que ayuda en la clínica, la cual no le corresponde.
Una mujer destruida
Mr. Gordon
Despues de casarse con Ken Conway, un cantante casi desconocido, Angie Evans, una famosa cantante de cabaret, hace uso de todas sus influencias para que su marido triunfe. Tras conseguir la fama, se trasladan al campo y tienen una hija, pero ella se siente muy sola y empieza a beber, y cuanto más famoso se hace su marido más se hunde en la bebida
James O'Neil
In a series of flashbacks, shows that attorney John Morland has given a lift to a hitchhiker who turns out to be a murderer. As a result, Morland himself is implicated in a killing. A pair of detectives discover that Morland has been having business problems and no end of difficulties with his wife Catherine. The trail of clues leads to a surprising revelation.
I Cover Big Town
Chief Tom Blake
One of the four films in the Pine-Thomas series based on radio's long-running "Big Town." This time out, society editor Lorelei Kilbourne is assigned to the police beat. Her paper, "The Illustrated Press", following its usual policy of socially-correct muckraking by crusading editor Steve Wilson, is putting heat on the chief of police. But Lorelei believes the chief is qualified to do the job. She and managing editor Steve Wilson, who, in the film series, is wrong more often than right, discover a corpse and then proceed to help the police solve the crime.
Wife Wanted
Bill Tyler
Career-slipping movie star Carole Raymond buys in as a real estate partner of Jeff Caldwell. Actually, through his secretary, Nola Reed, Caldwell runs a matrimonial bureau and, with the aid of his associate, Lee Kirby, they defraud and blackmail a large group of lonely people. Carole, unknowingly, is used as bait for one of their victims, Walter Desmond, who "commits suicide." Reporter William Tyler thinks otherwise.
Nadie vive para siempre
Chet King
Un estafador se enamora de una rica viuda a la que pretendía desplumar.
Detrás de la máscara
Brad Thomas
Acusado falsamente de asesinar a un periodista corrupto del periódico, el detective Lamont Cranston, también conocido como La Sombra, promete rastrear al verdadero asesino.
I Ring Doorbells
Dick Meadows
Set at a major newspaper, this crime drama centers on a fellow who returns to newspaper reporting after he bombs as a playwright. Believing his grown son is in danger of marrying a gold digger, the paper's publisher assigns his new reporter to expose her.
Tres extraños
Bertram Fallon
Según una antigua leyenda, si varios desconocidos piden a la vez un deseo al ídolo chino Kwan Yin, éste abre los ojos y los hace realidad. Crystal Shackleford decide averiguar qué hay de cierto en todo esto. Para ello, reúne en la calle a dos extraños con problemas diferentes y les propone pedir un deseo la noche en la que comienza el nuevo año chino.
The Face of Marble
Dr. David Cochran
John Carradine stars as Dr. Charles Randolph, a scientist dedicated to deciphering the secrets of life and death. Aided by assistant David Cochran (Robert Shayne), Charles conducts experiments that have horrifying side effects. Charles's lonely wife, Elaine (Claudia Drake), is frightened by his work, and in order to protect her, housekeeper Maria (Rosa Rey) unleashes a torrent of voodoo that wrecks havoc.
San Antonio
Captain Morgan
Clay Hardin decide dejar su refugio en México y volver a San Antonio para investigar los frecuentes robos de ganado que se producen en Texas. El recién llegado sospecha que el jefe de la banda de ladrones es el dueño de un saloon, en el que trabaja una joven cantante de la que se enamora.
Frontier Days
Marshal Jim Blake
U.S. Marshal Clay Stacy brings law and order to a frontier community terrorized by an old Nemesis.
Cena de Navidad
Dudley Beecham
Elizabeth Lane es una de las columnistas más famosas del país. En sus artículos se describe a sí misma como una mujer felizmente casada, con hijos, que vive apaciblemente en una granja y cuya pasión es la cocina. Pero todo es completamente falso: es una una mujer soltera, muy ajetreada que vive en Nueva York y que jamás ha entrado en una cocina. El problema surge cuando el propietario de la revista donde trabaja la invita a su granja el día de Navidad para que prepare una comida para sus invitados.
Law of the Badlands
Bob Tate
A cavalry officer is framed for the murder of a fellow officer and cashiered out of the army. After he gets out of prison he vows to find the renegade who framed him and bring him to justice.
Hollywood Canteen
Busboy (uncredited)
El "Hollywwod Canteen" era un club que la Warner Bros creó durante la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) para que los soldados que estaban de permiso pudieran divertirse con el espectáculo y codearse con los actores de moda. Dos soldados pasan tres noches en el club: uno de ellos sueña con besar a Joan Leslie, su amor imposible durante la guerra del Pacífico. John Garfield favorece el encuentro.
I Won't Play
Chaplain aka 'Padre'
In this Oscar-winning short film, a Marine, Joe Fingers, on a South Sea island during World War II, tells tales of the influence he's had on various personalities. In the words of one of his buddies, he's either the biggest liar in the world or the most important man in show business.
Make Your Own Bed
Lester Knight
A Walter y a Vivian les cuesta conservar la servidumbre. Walter contrata a un detective privado y a su prometida para que trabajen con él, con la excusa de que espías nazis la han tomado con él, por ser fabricante de municiones. Cuando aparezcan los verdaderos espías, empezarán los líos de verdad...
Trial by Trigger
Bill Cardigan
California logger Bill Cardigan must save his stand of redwoods from being bought by unscrupulous Dan Fallon, a logging company owner from Michigan.
El señor Skeffington
Nueva York, 1914. Para salvar a su hermano, que ha cometido un desfalco, Fanny Trellis (Bette Davis), una mujer egoísta que sólo se preocupa por su belleza, se ve obligada a casarse con Job Skeffington Claude Rains), el director del banco, un hombre poco atractivo y mucho mayor que ella, pero paciente y bondadoso. El matrimonio, concertado y sin amor, pasará por varias etapas en las que ambos verán pasar dos guerra mundiales, varios amantes, una cruel enfermedad, persecuciones nazis, la ceguera y el pánico al envejecimiento.
Shine on Harvest Moon
Dan Costello
Biographical movie about the early 20th century broadway stars Nora Bayes and Jack Norworth.
Roaring Guns
Jared Whitney
Farmers take up arms against miners whose high water pressure mining operations are destroying their farms with mud and water runoff.
Gun to Gun
Steve Randall
Don Diego is a large ranch owner, the uncle of Dolores and the guardian of a young American, Steve Randall. Steve has just delivered a large herd of cattle to the ranch, where Don Diego has just found out that he must pay the local tax commissioner, Harkness a fine for unpaid taxes on a herd of over one-thousand cattle. Steve offers to drive the cattle to the commissioners office, even though he fells the fine is unjust. Arriving at the office, Steve learns that Harkness (who he has never met), who has a reputation for dishonesty, is out. Dropping by the cantina, Steve gets into a fight with Harkness, and Harkness swears vengeance on Steve, especially after Steve stampedes the cattle through the town.
Wagon Wheels West
U.S. Marshal Frankie Wilson
In this short western, a U.S. marshal seeks vengeance against the man who killed his father.
Oklahoma Outlaws
Ned Kincaid
In this short western, a gang of outlaws plots to gain control of the town of Tulsa.
Misión en Moscú
Engineer (uncredited)
El empresario Joseph E. Davies es nombrado por el presidente Roosevelt embajador de los Estados Unidos en la Unión Soviética para que averigüe cuáles son las intenciones de este país respecto a la inminente Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). El embajador se llevará algunas sorpresas en una nación que pocos conocen realmente.
Wednesday's Child
Howard Benson
A 10-year-old's happy life is shattered when his parents are divorced.
Keep 'Em Rolling
Maj. James Parker
World War I drama about a soldier and the wild horse he befriends.