Honorato Ruiz


La muerte de Gina obligará a Greta y Gemma, sus hermanas, a volver a estar juntas después de mucho tiempo y a replantearse si compartir sangre implica realmente ser familia.
Como en casa
Mateo es un joven agente inmobiliario sin escrúpulos. Vive en una casa donde no le falta de nada, pero su acomodada vida se verá perturbada una mañana por la presencia de una intrusa.
Como en casa
Mateo es un joven agente inmobiliario sin escrúpulos. Vive en una casa donde no le falta de nada, pero su acomodada vida se verá perturbada una mañana por la presencia de una intrusa.
Al cielo se va en bici
Paula waits impatiently for the ghost of her ex-girlfriend. Her friend Julen accompanies her without fully understanding the situation. Together they share this strange and magical moment in their lives, waiting for a sign from beyond that doesn't seem to come.
Al cielo se va en bici
Paula waits impatiently for the ghost of her ex-girlfriend. Her friend Julen accompanies her without fully understanding the situation. Together they share this strange and magical moment in their lives, waiting for a sign from beyond that doesn't seem to come.
Al cielo se va en bici
Paula waits impatiently for the ghost of her ex-girlfriend. Her friend Julen accompanies her without fully understanding the situation. Together they share this strange and magical moment in their lives, waiting for a sign from beyond that doesn't seem to come.