Aubrey Woods

Aubrey Woods

Nacimiento : 1928-04-09, Palmers Green, London, England, UK

Muerte : 2013-05-07


Aubrey Woods


Quincy's Quest
Mr Perfect
It's the night before Christmas, and all the toy store rejects are due to be tossed into the furnace. This includes Quincy, a most lifelike doll. In a last ditch effort to save himself and his "unwanted" chums from incineration, he goes on a long and perilous journey in search of the only one who can save them: Santa Claus.
She Loves Me
Head Waiter
BBC production of the 1963 Broadway musical which was based on Ernst Lubitsch's 1940 film "The Shop Around The Corner."
Siete hombres al amanecer
En 1942, el general de las SS Reinhard Heydrich es nombrado gobernador de la Checoslovaquia ocupada por los nazis. Pero un grupo de siete soldados checos, exiliados en el Reino Unido, son enviados a su país para eliminarlo. La película detalla la planificación del atentado, su ejecución y la dura represión que sufrieron los checos tras la muerte de Heydrich.
Don't Just Lie There, Say Something!
T.V. Chairman
Based on the hit play. A British Government Minister puts forward a bill to battle filth in the UK but that doesn't stop him having an affair with both his secretary, Miss Parkyn and Wendy, the wife of a high-up reporter. Opponents to the bill - mainly some hippy girls, lead by Johnny, kidnap the Minister's best friend and co-founder of the bill, Barry Ovis just as he was getting married to his fiancee, Joan. Barry escapes, just before the police raid the hippies hiding place - to claim that Ovis was in a orgy and get the bill defeated - and dashes back to his and Joan's flat followed by Inspector Ruff, who is investigating the kidnap and Damina, one of the hippies. Meanwhile, the Minister is also trying to use the flat to carry on his affairs with both Wendy and Miss Parkyn. The Minister, Barry & Joan tries to keep the truth from Ruft, Wilfred Potts, an old and honest MP, Birdie, the Minister's wife and stop the hippies, and this causes no end of trouble.
The Darwin Adventure
Bishop Wilberforce
The story of Charles Darwin's journey on The Beagle.
Edicto Siglo XXI: Prohibido tener hijos
Dr. Mallory
En el siglo XXI hay un exceso de población que obliga a los gobiernos mundiales a promulgar un edicto en el cual se prohíbe la concepción de hijos durante los próximos 30 años, y así evitar la destrucción del planeta Tierra. Una pareja decide de manera clandestina concebir un hijo desafiando a la ley y, en consecuencia, poniendo sus vidas en peligro...
Doctor Who: Day of the Daleks
Guerillas time-jump back from the 22nd century to assassinate Sir Reginald Styles - a diplomat working for World Peace, The Doctor discovers they are from a future where the Daleks have invaded the Earth (Following wars precipitated by Styles's destruction at the peace conference). With the Daleks desperate to maintain their version of history, The Doctor and Jo find themselves in a totalitarian future, where they must discover who really happened and prevent it.
Un mundo de fantasía
Willy Wonka es el excéntrico dueño de una gran fábrica de chocolate. Un día decide ofrecer a cinco niños una entrada dorada que les permitirá recorrer la dulce fábrica. Uno de los ganadores es Charlie Bucket, un niño pobre de buen corazón que espera un futuro mejor para él, para su madre y sus cuatro abuelos. Los otros ganadores resultan ser cuatro insoportables niños.
El abominable Dr. Phibes
Después de que un equipo de cirujanos acabaran con la vida de su esposa durante una chapucera intervención quirúrgica, el Dr. Phibes (Vincent Price), un diabólico personaje, asesina a varios médicos con métodos horribles, todos ellos sacados de antiguas escrituras. El detective de Scotland Yard, Troute (Peter Jeffrey), está tras su pista con la ayuda del doctor Vesalius (Joseph Cotten), el jefe del equipo médico del que formaban parte los asesinados, y a los que Phibes responsabiliza de la muerte de su mujer.
All the Right Noises
A married man with two small children begins an affair with a beautiful young actress which quickly blossoms into a full blown romance, until she tells him that she is only 15 years old…
Up Pompeii
Un esclavo romano se convierte sin darse cuenta en poseedor de un escrito que contiene los nombres de los asesinos de Nerón propuestos.
Two bank robbers, Dennis and Hal, are on the run from the police after a successful heist. Needing somewhere to hide the loot, they turn to a funeral parlour where they stash the cash in Hal's recently-deceased mother's coffin. Taking the coffin, they turn to Hal's father and hide it in the bathroom of his hotel. Before long the hotel is host to the eccentric Inspector Truscott.
San Ferry Ann
Immigration Officer
A motley crew of British characters ride The San Ferry Ann to the shores of France where they embark on a weekend of calamity. The campervan family led by Dad and Mum (David Lodge and Joan Sims) create chaos from the moment they set their tires on the shore resulting in frequent run-ins with the Gendarme, while Lewd Grandad (Wilfred Brambell) finds his own misadventures with a newly acquainted friend, a mad German ex-soldier (Ron Moody). Also aboard for the ride is a saucy hitchhiker (Barbara Windsor) who causes a few heads to turn including that of a fellow traveller (Ronnie Stevens) who pursues her affection with comic results. By the end of this weekend the French may well be wishing to say 'au revoir' to these trouble-making tourists. San Ferry Ann is a humorous take on the tradition of the British get-away. A classic sound effect comedy that sits with the likes of similarly praised titles such as 'The Plank', 'Futtock's End' and 'Rhubarb Rhubarb'.
Spare the Rod
Mr. Bickerstaff
It is London in the year 1960 and John Saunders enthusiastically begins his new teaching career at a tough slum-area school. His class are bored pupils in their last term before leaving. Will he handle the grave problems that lie ahead?
El detective
Adaptación del relato de Chesterton "La cruz azul" (incluido en "El candor del Padre Brown"). El padre Brown (Alec Guinness), un sagaz y excéntrico párroco muy aficionado a desentrañar casos detectivescos, pierde una preciada cruz medieval que debía llevar de Londres a Roma. El autor del robo es el conocido ladrón de obras de arte Gustave Flambeau (Peter Finch), un experto en disfraces al que el perspicaz sacerdote intenta atrapar no sólo para recuperar la cruz, sino también para salvar su alma.
Guilt Is My Shadow
A woman is haunted by her conscience after she murders a man and then hides the body. Based on the novel 'You're Best Alone' by Norah Lofts.
The Greed of William Hart
Jamie Wilson
Hart and Moore are grave-robbers who provide cadavers to the medical students of 19th-century Edinburgh. When the supply becomes low and demand still great, the two decide to create their own supply, a plan that proves profitable when they stick to vagrants, prostitutes and drunkards. But when they poison likable Jamie, the townsfolk retaliate. NB: This film was originally written to be about Burke and Hare, but after it was completed, the British censors refused to allow its release on the grounds those names themselves were offensive; thus the entire soundtrack was recut so that new names - Hart and Moore - recorded by the film's actors, were cut into the previously recorded lines, replacing the offending "Burke" or "Hare", sentence by sentence.
Vida y aventuras de Nicholas Nickleby
Nicholas Nickleby es un joven inteligente que se ve obligado a proteger a su madre y a su hermana de las malvadas maquinaciones de su tío Ralph. Nicholas sabe tratar hábilmente con amigos y enemigos, pero abandona su círculo de amistades para vengarse de su tío.