Fabrice grew up fascinated by his father. His only way to get his admiration: follow in his footsteps, become the local boss and stick up for their land at all costs. But now, his wife Laetitia is urging him to move on, to break free from his father's grip. Torn by the conflict between his desire for freedom and the fear of losing his father's love, he will fall into a spiral of violence.
Fabrice grew up fascinated by his father. His only way to get his admiration: follow in his footsteps, become the local boss and stick up for their land at all costs. But now, his wife Laetitia is urging him to move on, to break free from his father's grip. Torn by the conflict between his desire for freedom and the fear of losing his father's love, he will fall into a spiral of violence.
Without giving any warning, Jean-Jacques quits his job to pursue his dream: to become a showman at local dance nights.
Director of Photography
Without giving any warning, Jean-Jacques quits his job to pursue his dream: to become a showman at local dance nights.
Without giving any warning, Jean-Jacques quits his job to pursue his dream: to become a showman at local dance nights.
Monsieur Ohayon
Uno de los centros sociales más populares de Francia está a punto de cerrar, debido a recortes presupuestarios llevados a cabo por el ayuntamiento. Las responsables del mismo, que han cogido afecto a todas aquellas mujeres que se encuentran sin hogar y sin trabajo, tienen tan solo tres meses para conseguir que todas ellas se reintegren en la sociedad. La tarea no será sencilla: tan solo un 4% de este grupo es el que lo suele conseguir. Sin embargo, gracias al aplomo y entrega de las encargadas, ningún objetivo es imposible.