Emy Hagman

Emy Hagman

Nacimiento : 1906-06-09, Göteborg, Göteborg- och Bohus län, Sweden

Muerte : 1976-01-30


Emy Hagman


Just a Waiter
Fabian Bom is a waiter at a hotel in a small town. But he dreams of doing something else - to dance and sing on a stage. He is madly in love with Matilda Roos, singer and diva. Fabian is too insensitive to notice that Annie, who works in the kitchen, is in love with him. Encouraged by Matilda, Fabian leaves the hotel and goes to Stockholm to become famous. But, as he soon learns, it is more difficult than he first thought.
Fridolf sticker opp!
Selma's Friend
A comedy about the shunned office worker Fridolf who gets into trouble when a rationalization expert audits the colonial goods company. It doesn't get any better when Fridolf invites the clerk Lisa, who is newly employed and feels lonely, to his home, a visit that his jealous wife Selma does not appreciate.
Lille Fridolf blir morfar
Fridolf's daughter becomes pregnant and Fridolf and Selma become strongly involved in this.
Pettersson i Annorlunda
Woman at customs office
Swedish propaganda film for the Social Democrats.
The Lunch-break Cafe
"Lunch- Break Café" - A café in the old Klara district in Stockholm attracts an offbeat clientel. Among those who gather at the café is a prisoner on the run, a prostitute, a journalist and a student who is having an affair with the cafe's waitress. Naturalism.
Blondie, Biffen och Bananen
The factory manager Rudolf Carlman lets Biffen and Bananen take care of his stable for race horses.
Ingmar Bergman: Making Commercials
In the early 1950s Ingmar Bergman made a series of imaginative commercials for the soap brand "Bris".
Kanske En Gentleman
Lisa, hembiträde
After watching Stig Järrel star in a production of Pygmalion Mister Haglund bets him that he can turn anyone into a gentlemen in a few months.
When Bengt and Anders Changed Wives
Britta Bengtsson
Two neighbours, each with a small plot of land, hate each other. Both are dissatisfied with his wife.
Åsa-Nisse på jaktstigen
Wife of the Singing Farmer
Nils Nilsson from Åsen, better known as Åsa-Nisse and his friend Klabbarparn goes Moose hunting. As a result of a sabotage, staged by their wives, Åsa-Nisse is accused for hunting with illegal weapons.
Pippi Longstocking
In a small town lies Villa Villerkulla, and in that villa a small girl, Pippi Longstocking, has moved in with her horse and monkey.
Jungfrun på Jungfrusund
Spoiled upper class girl must change places with a housemaid.
At a parish meeting Åsa-Nisse suggests that they should hire a common home help, who could give their wives some relief by staying one week at each household. The meeting assents and decides that the order of her rotation should be established by lot. The two bachelors of the village claim their right to the home help as well, arguing that they are also taxpayers. When Elsa Haglund arrives from Gothenburg she starts her first week of work at one of the two bachelors, the village shop-keeper Sjökvist. He is immediately infatuated by her and begins a flirtation. At the end of the week Elsa happens to meet the other bachelor, Eric Broo, called "the singing farmer". She falls in love with him, but doesn't know how to hook him, as he is very shy and unskilled in courting women. In the meantime Åsa-Nisse, the village rogue, carries out some of his pranks.
Maj på Malö
A con artist arrives to a small island to swingle money from the fishermen.
Stiliga Augusta
The maid quits at the Sommer family household and because no one in the family can cook they desperately needs a new maid. The son in the family, Åke, is a famous actor at the theater and when the up and coming actress Marianne (who also has a crush on the famous Åke) hears about the Sommers needing a new maid, she seizes the opportunity and goes undercover as a maid to get closer to Åke and the big roles in the theater.
Bröderna Östermans huskors
Anna Söderberg
The Österman brothers have come to realize that they need a housekeeper. Oldest brother Kalle travel to town and return with the young and modern Anna.
Vi mötte stormen
Documentary footage mixed with acted scenes portray events of the Second World War from a Swedish perspective.
Olycksfågeln nr 13
Squadron-leader Borring has bought a TV that does not work because it lacks a certain screw and that creates a lot of problems.
Göranssons pojke
Frk Anna Fagerlund, föreståndarinna för en mjölk- och brödbutik
Two movie actors are conscripted; at the regiments spies are trying to get hold of secret documents.
Vi Masthuggspojkar
Hjältar i gult och blått
Ulrika, housemaid
The tailor Tosse is ordered to return to his old regiment to practice what he learned many years ago. But he asks his assistant Loffe to go there instead of himself. Everything is fine until Loffe gets the same order - at the same regiment. When Tosse comes to the regiment, it becomes a case of mistaken identity. Due to the confusion, Loffe is now Tosse's platoon commander. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Just a Trumpeter
An army musician is mistaken for a company manager and fall in love.
Simon i Backabo
Jenny, Karls fästmö, Marys hembiträde
Simon lives a quiet life on his farm until one day he discovers he is the heir of a great fortune.
Hemliga Svensson
Eva Blomgren
The little town Västerköping needs a new police man - but the only applicant is the small and tiny Fridolf. He gets the job but has to work with the big and strong police inspector Göransson. The town is visited by a crook who has specialized in stealing from local councils. Can this unusual pair stop him?
Flickan från varuhuset
Stina Svensson, Salesclerk
During a night at the big department store a gang of thieves are active, while the CMO is staging a pr coup to increase sales of swimsuits. The clerk Ann Marie and CEO's son Erik, manages to catch the thieves and then spend the night in the store dining and dancing.