Courteney Swihart


American Werewolves
Cada año se informan docenas de encuentros con cánidos verticales en América del Norte. Estos seres a menudo se comportan de manera similar con muchos informes que relatan una criatura que es agresiva, espantosa e inquietante. Si bien muchos teorizan que Dogman es una especie de especie animal no identificada, muchos creen que lo que enfrentaron fue otra cosa. Algo más.
On the Trail of UFOs: Night Visitors
In the 1960s the cattle mutilation phenomenon became a widespread concern across the American west. Cases erupted around states like Wyoming, South Dakota and Colorado of livestock being preyed upon in ways that puzzled even established scientists. Today, cattle mutilations are thought to go hand in hand with mysterious objects in the skies (commonly referred to as UFOs or UAPs) and that’s what first brought indie documentary crew Small Town Monsters and investigator Shannon LeGro to the Miller Ranch in southern Colorado.