Kerstin Ibald


The plot adheres closely to the original novel, revolves around wealthy Maxim DeWinter, his naïve new wife, and Mrs. Danvers, the manipulative housekeeper of DeWinter's Cornish estate Manderley. Mrs. Danvers resents the new wife's intrusion and persuades the new wife that she is an unworthy replacement for the first Mrs. DeWinter, the glamorous and mysterious Rebecca, who perished in a drowning accident. The new Mrs. DeWinter struggles to find her identity and take control of her life among the shadows left by Rebecca.
Gräfin Esterhazy
El musical cuenta la historia de Elisabeth ("Sissi"), la emperatriz de Austria, desde su compromiso y matrimonio en 1854 hasta su asesinato en 1898 a manos del anarquista italiano Luigi Lucheni. A través de la lente de su creciente obsesión con la muerte, como con su matrimonio , su imperio se derrumban a su alrededor a principios de siglo.