Kyōko Kanō


The directorial debut of Kano Kyoko, the "older sister" of celebrity duo The Kano Sisters. Kano Kyoko and co-star and sister Mika show off their dazzling bodies with an air of luxuriance, as they present six short films on various expressions of love. While it covers various stimulating topics in its exploration of "free love" unbound by worldly morals such as homosexual love, discipline, S&M, sex-toy play, threesomes, and voyeurism, the images are nevertheless romantic and refined.
Makeup Artist
The directorial debut of Kano Kyoko, the "older sister" of celebrity duo The Kano Sisters. Kano Kyoko and co-star and sister Mika show off their dazzling bodies with an air of luxuriance, as they present six short films on various expressions of love. While it covers various stimulating topics in its exploration of "free love" unbound by worldly morals such as homosexual love, discipline, S&M, sex-toy play, threesomes, and voyeurism, the images are nevertheless romantic and refined.
Costume Design
The directorial debut of Kano Kyoko, the "older sister" of celebrity duo The Kano Sisters. Kano Kyoko and co-star and sister Mika show off their dazzling bodies with an air of luxuriance, as they present six short films on various expressions of love. While it covers various stimulating topics in its exploration of "free love" unbound by worldly morals such as homosexual love, discipline, S&M, sex-toy play, threesomes, and voyeurism, the images are nevertheless romantic and refined.
The directorial debut of Kano Kyoko, the "older sister" of celebrity duo The Kano Sisters. Kano Kyoko and co-star and sister Mika show off their dazzling bodies with an air of luxuriance, as they present six short films on various expressions of love. While it covers various stimulating topics in its exploration of "free love" unbound by worldly morals such as homosexual love, discipline, S&M, sex-toy play, threesomes, and voyeurism, the images are nevertheless romantic and refined.
Hana & Alice
Hana y Alice pasan la gran mayoría de las horas juntas, son amigas inseparables. Hasta que un día se interesan en dos chicos que coinciden con ellas en el tren. Hana se obsesiona con uno de ellos, a tal punto que le sigue allá a donde va. En uno de estos seguimientos, el chico se golpea la cabeza y Hana decide convencerle de que sufre de amnesia, y de que ella era su novia. Hana contará con la ayuda de Alice para tramar su plan, pero no cuenta con que Alice también tiene sentimientos...