Rita Kender


Class Reunion 2: A Wedding and a Funeral
Class Reunion 2: A Wedding and a Funeral sees the return of the three high-school friends Mart, Andres and Toomas. This time they are planning a memorable stag party for Toomas, but due to unexpected turn of events end up at a funeral instead. It has been a year since the unforgettable class reunion and our three friends have all reached new stages in their lives. The rock star Toomas (Genka) has finally decided to get married. Mart (Mait Malmsten) is having troubles with his wife. And Andres (Ago Anderson) has declared war on the female sex and decided to become a resolute bachelor.
The Days That Confused
Finales de los años 90 en una pequeña ciudad de Estonia. Allar es ya casi un treintañero que se pasa los días con sus amigos emborrachándose, acosando a las chicas y conduciendo de forma peligrosa. Pero un accidente le hará ver la vida de otra manera.