Production Design
In a Copenhagen suburb the 19-year-old Per is found unconscious after having been badly beaten up. He is taken to hospital in a coma. The police have no clues, but the air is thick with suspicion. His mother struggles to maintain her faith in his survival. His younger sister, Mie, begins to pick up rumors. Her boyfriend, Shadi, suspects that his elder brother is behind the assault but he cannot tell anyone. Many well-meaning people find themselves at sea in a fable about emotions leading us astray.
Set Decoration
Brodre es un melodrama familiar que, poco a poco, se convierte en un drama de resonancias más profundas. Historia de hermanos en la que la guerra, el dolor y el amor se conjugan en un triángulo de consecuencias imprevisibles. Michael tiene todo bajo control: una exitosa carrera militar, una mujer bella y dos hijas. Su hermano menor Jannik va dando tumbos por la vida, siempre al borde de la ley. Cuando Michael es enviado a Afganistán en una misión de las Naciones Unidas, la relación entre los dos hermanos cambia radicalmente. Michael desaparece en acción -es dado por muerto- y Sarah es consolada por Jannik, que contra toda previsión demuestra ser capaz de asumir responsabilidades tanto en su propia vida como en la de la familia. Pronto se hace evidente que los sentimientos de ambos han transcendido la mera simpatía mutua. Cuando Michael regresa a casa, traumatizado por su experiencia como prisionero en las montañas de Afganistán, ya nada es lo mismo...
Production Design
The basic story of a young criminal not quite living up to his won ideals of "not to give a damn" sidesteps out of his criminal career while dragging his younger brother into it, could have been interesting. Unfortunately the implementation is simply not good enough. As so often with Danish movies, there is little appreciation for detail thus leaving us with hoodlums talking like they've done time at a business academy rather than a prison. Dialects completely out of here and idiosyncratic bikers without bikes or even character for that matter. An ever accelerating surrealism towards the end doesn't help to clear the slow pace of this film but it does give a glimpse of what the story could have unfolded to become.