Oldřich Halaza


Ball Lightning
Set Decoration
A comedy about exchange of 12 apartments , which, its organizer, lawyer Radosta, rightly called Action Ball Lightning. To prepare, organize and execute the exchange of twelve apartments is a work worthy champions. Radosta, who was excellently played by Rudolf Hrušínský, solved all sudden difficulties and complications on the fly and with grace. To be sure that the on the D-day everything goes well he prepares a little rehearsal, which reveals many minor issues caused for example by wedding ordered to inappropriate term or hesitation of some participants. Last but not least a night exercise announced by drunk psychologist Knotků, creates a lot of confusion that nearly sabotaged the whole operation.
I'll Be Good, Old Man!
Set Decoration
To the intolerant and bloody-minded Prague actor Bergner (Milos Kopecký) is the lead in Moliere's Misanthrope which he is studying now as tailor-made. On top of that he is malicious and he advises to the new actress Helenka (Dagmar Havlová) in such a way that she upsets the theatre director. If Bergner accuses somebody of a mischief and he is wrong, he never apologizes. When he almost crashes an older elegant lady by his car on the zebra crossing, instead of an apology he calls her an old ballet dancer... But in Brno's TV he takes part in a discussion on manners and he gives himself as an example of good manners and grace. In the train he meets a magic old man (Ladislav Pesek) who warns him and admonishes him to change his behavior. After he arrives to Prague the old man's threat comes true.
Leť, ptáku leť!
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Miss Golem
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It is the 1920's. The good-looking hostess Věra demonstrates household robots to visitors of the Futurum exhibition. Young inventor Petr comes to her rescue when she tries to flee from two men wanting to take her away. Věra confesses that she has fled from home because her father, a factory owner, wanted to profitably marry her off. Petr is fascinated by the emancipated woman and shows her round his laboratory, where he plans to create a robot of his own - but one that would be far more advanced. Věra cuts herself on a broken test-tube and a drop of her blood gets in the solution. In the morning, they are taken aback to see Věra's double. This lucky chance has helped Petr create an artificial being, Miss Golem. She has a single motive for her actions: to take care of Věra and allow her to do only what is good for her.
Panter čeká v 17,30
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The Murder of Mr. Devil
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Comedy with fairy-tale touches, about Kate, who wants to marry, and Mr. Devil, who is not interested in the heart or soul of this passionate and aging lady, but is interested in her good cooking – for Mr. Devil is a glutton.
Yo maté a Einstein, caballeros
Set Decoration
En un futuro próximo un grupo terrorista provoca un accidente nuclear. La espantosa consecuencia de la radiación supone que a todas las mujeres les crece la barba. Científicos y gobernantes se unen para hallar una solución al problema, pero todo esfuerzo parece inútil. El prestigioso profesor Moore parece haber encontrado la solución: ha ideado una máquina del tiempo. Con ella piensa trasladarse hasta 1911 y asesinar a Einstein antes de que este descubra la teoría de la relatividad. De este modo conseguirá abortar el peligro nuclear y evitar cualquier atentado. Pero una vez en el pasado la misión no va a ser tan sencilla como en un principio parecía.
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1945, Checoslovaquia. Después de la II Guerra Mundial, se producen masivos movimientos migratorios que alteran el mapa étnico de Europa de forma irreversible. Viktor forma parte del grupo de checos a los que les han sido adjudicadas en los Sudetes tierras pertenecientes a alemanes que, antes de ser expulsados, se ven obligados a trabajar para los checos recién llegados. De este modo, Viktor conoce a Adelheid Heinemann, la hija del dueño del palacete que ahora es de su propiedad. En un mundo devastado por las diferencias étnicas y la violencia nacerá entre ellos un amor surgido del dolor más profundo.
El fin de un sacerdote
Set Decoration
Un sacristán que gusta de vestir como cura es invitado, por uno de los habitantes del pueblo, a ser pastor en una iglesia sin párroco. Un profesor ateo se molesta con él y trata de avergonzarlo de varias formas, incluyendo ser atrapado con la belleza local, Majka. (FILMAFFINITY)
Královský omyl
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El valle de las abejas
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El conflicto entre razón y fe, la ausencia de Dios y la mentalidad pagana fue el eje argumental de una de las películas más recordadas de Frantisek Vlácil: El valle de las abejas.
The End of Agent W4C
Set Decoration
The invincible agent Cyril Juan Borguette alias W4C has been assigned a mission to go to a hotel in Prague, get hold of a saltcellar with a plan for the military exploitation of Venus hidden in it, and hand it over to the beautiful agent Alice. He will have to compete for the saltcellar with other agents working for the world's various greater and smaller powers. The head of the Prague counter-intelligence unit gets news of agent W4C's mission. Deficient in personnel, he nominates accountant Foustka as agent 13B. Mr Foustka takes his dog Pajda with him and the two head for the airport. Pajda helps him track down agent W4C in a classy hotel that becomes the battleground for the interests and plans of the secret agents from different countries, each trying to get hold of the precious saltcellar.
Death Behind a Curtain
Set Decoration
Intimate Lighting
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Ivan Passer’s film concerns the dreams of two musician friends, one of whom, having left their small hometown to become successful, returns to visit the other who stayed behind to become a local music teacher.
Třiatřicet stříbrných křepelek
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Finský nůž
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