Carmen Arbues-Miro


La maternal
Makeup & Hair
Contará la difícil y casi tóxica relación entre una madre y su hija Carla. Forzada a ir a un hogar de acogida por los servicios sociales tras quedarse embarazada, Carla dará a luz allí y tendrá que enfrentarse a un mundo de perplejidades, decisiones y situaciones complicadas junto con otras jóvenes madres del centro.
Romeo & Giulietta: Ama e cambia il mondo
Makeup & Hair
Makeup Artist
Anne is a figure painter who has been in a melancholy slump for a number of years. She is awakened from this dulled state by news that she only has a year to live. Thus, when she sees an interesting man with a lively appearance during a visit to the library, she decides to try and track him down, perhaps to arrange for a sitting. It turns out that the man is a serial killer, but, given her short life-span, this knowledge does not prevent Anne from developing a relationship with him, though she is understandably skittish around him.