Clément Jolivet


Before We Collapse
Graphic Designer
In a dystopia Paris, this is about a campaign manager named Tristan who is knocked sideways when he receives an anonymous letter containing a positive pregnancy test. Potentially suffering from a fatal and incurable genetic illness, Tristan becomes obsessed with the idea of finding the woman who sent him this test. He decides to carry out an investigation, risking his love life and his career in the process.
Mi crimen
Graphic Designer
Francia, 1935. Un investigador deberá resolver el asesinato de un banquero parisino. De entre una serie de pintorescos sospechosos destaca Madeleine, cuyos deseos de fama y fortuna se pondrán en el camino de la investigación.
Graphic Designer
Biopic sobre el legendario Leonard Bernstein, compositor, pianista y director de orquesta estadounidense
The Tasting
Graphic Designer
Jacques está divorciado y dirige una pequeña bodega, al borde de la quiebra. Hortense, decidida a no quedarse soltera e involucrada en la asociación, entra un día en su tienda y decide apuntarse a un taller de cata.