Marta Kunstová


On the Trail of Blood
Assistant Director
Major Kalas from the Prague criminal intelligence service has been sent to a small town of Dubá in North Bohemia to help with the investigation of the puzzling death of a child. A gypsy boy has been killed three weeks ago and his body found under a rock. As the investigation continues, another dead boy is found. The boy has bled to death after someone cut his artery with a handsaw. Both deaths are obviously the work of a murderer - a perverted pedophile, sadist who gets sexual satisfaction from the sight of a young boy's blood.
Yo maté a Einstein, caballeros
Assistant Director
En un futuro próximo un grupo terrorista provoca un accidente nuclear. La espantosa consecuencia de la radiación supone que a todas las mujeres les crece la barba. Científicos y gobernantes se unen para hallar una solución al problema, pero todo esfuerzo parece inútil. El prestigioso profesor Moore parece haber encontrado la solución: ha ideado una máquina del tiempo. Con ella piensa trasladarse hasta 1911 y asesinar a Einstein antes de que este descubra la teoría de la relatividad. De este modo conseguirá abortar el peligro nuclear y evitar cualquier atentado. Pero una vez en el pasado la misión no va a ser tan sencilla como en un principio parecía.
Looking Back
Assistant Director
Young script-writer Frantisek (Petr Cepek) is hired to write a film script based on the successful novel Looking Back. He meets with the novel's female author, a University professor and writer named Olga Machová (Jirina Trebická), approximately ten-years-older than him. In the beginning, they do not understand each other at all. Frantisek is a skeptic experiencing a moral crisis, unsatisfied with both his work and his private life - he lives separated from his wife and has no deeper feelings for his numerous lovers. He even gets drunk from time to time and breaks the public peace. Olga is lonesome, too, but considers her life fulfilled.
Assistant Director
Dům ztracených duší
Assistant Director
Hotel for Strangers
Assistant Director
A gifted poet checks into a Gothic hotel in hopes of meeting the woman with whom he has long been enamored. He is surrounded by a variety of offbeat characters like the hefty homosexual cook, shadowy clerks, snooty waiters, and valets prone to violence. He finally meets the woman of his dreams only to lose her and ultimately meet with tragedy.
The Murderer Hides His Face
First Assistant Director
In the forest near the village of Drahovice, a nurse from the local health center is found murdered. Three months ago, another young woman died nearby and a sexual motive was proved in the case of her murder. In the case of the nurse, the motives are not so clear. Two criminologists from Prague - Major Kalas (Rudolf Hrusínský) and Lieutenant Varga (Radoslav Brzobohatý) - patiently collect all available leads and question the villagers.
5 Million Witnesses
Assistant Director