Yoshie Matsumoto


Yo-kai Watch the Movie 6
Key Animation
Set in Y-Academy, an elite school that only allows students with top class abilities to enter. The protagonist, Jinpei Jiba, and his unique friends take on the mysteries of the school as transforming heroes.
Detective Conan 23 : El puño de Zafiro Azul
Key Animation
Conan viaja a Singapur, concretamente a la famosa Marina Bay Sands, escenario en el que se ha producido un cruento asesinato. La investigación parece girar en torno a una gema legendaria conocida como 'Zafiro Azul', que lleva sumergido en el océano desde finales del siglo XIX. Makoto Kyôgoku ayudará al joven detective a detener a Kaitō Kid, quien quiere robar la tan preciada joya.
Yo-kai Watch Movie 5: Forever Friends
Key Animation
Fifth Yo-kai Watch film. A yokai known as surinaki has escaped his sell and is causing trouble through out the yokai world Yasha Enma and Enma King Shien must stop him from destroying everything and stop Enma king Shein from turning to the Darkside.