Colin Towns

Nacimiento : 1949-01-01, London - England - UK


Rawk ‘n’ Roll: The Rex Sessions
Interview with Composer Colin Towns
Gillan: The Glory Years
he Glory Years is a DVD of the rock group Gillan, released in 2008 by Eagle Rock Entertainment. It consists of a live concert recorded at Oxford Polytechnic, England on February 18, 1981 for the BBC series 'Rock Goes to College', and several of the band's guest performances on German TV and BBC's TV chart show Top of the Pops.
Half Broken Things
A middle aged house-sitter meets two tearaways, and together they form a surrogate family
The Man Who Lost His Head
Martin Clunes stars as a straight-laced museum curator who finds himself travelling to New Zealand to settle a dispute with a Maori community about an ancient carving - with unexpected consequences.
Gillan: Live Edinburgh 1980
This is 1980 and it is the band GILLAN‘s year. The album “Glory Road” entered the UK charts at Number 3 and they had just returned from the USA from doing what they did best – playing live. The concert footage on this DVD was performed for and filmed by Scottish TV (STV) to an audience whom Gillan had eating out of their hands by the end of their performance. Classic Rock from Gillan – in their prime.
Red Mercury
Three young Muslim men, part of a terror cell, are making a bomb in a London flat, when they get a call to vacate immediately with their gear. The police have been alerted and they are under suspicion.
Not Only But Always
The story of the working and personal relationship between the comedians Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, a hugely popular duo in the UK during the 1960s and 1970s. Focusing primarily on Cook, the film traces the pair from their first meeting through their career as part of the Beyond the Fringe review, their television series Not Only... But Also and various other projects before their later estrangement as Moore became a successful Hollywood film star and Cook remained in the UK.
King of Fridges
A play about an ambitious young manager of a Dixons-style electrical warehouse who gets saddled with a 65-year-old re-trainee on a frenetic bank holiday.
Prometheus Bound
Based on the play of the same name by Aeschylus , it retells the myth of Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to benefit mankind, and as a result was crucified atop a mountain.
Los ríos de color púrpura 2: Los ángeles del Apocalipsis
Original Music Composer
Para Niemans el hombre que encontraron emparedado en un monasterio de Lorena no es una víctima cualquiera. Las marcas esotéricas grabadas a su alrededor y el extraño rito de su sacrificio hacen pensar en algo muy distinto… Paralelamente, en la zona se van multiplicando los asesinatos. En todos los casos unos misteriosos monjes dotados de una fuerza sobrenatural eliminan de manera espectacular a una serie de desconocidos y luego desaparecen sin dejar rastro. ¿Quiénes son estos ángeles del apocalipsis que van sembrando el terror? ¿Qué relación tienen con las profecías de las sagradas escrituras? Niemans y Reda (Benoît Magimel) no entienden nada, hasta que se dan cuenta de que todas las víctimas tienen el mismo nombre y la misma profesión que los apóstoles.
Angelina Ballerina: The Show Must Go On
It's Christmas, and Angelina Mouseling (Finty Williams) is auditioning for the lead role in the musical extravaganza, Cinderella Mouse and the Ugly Whiskers. She is devastated when Penelope Pinkpaws (Jonell Elliott) is chosen to play Cinderella and she is cast as the Wicked Stepmouse. Taking Miss Lilly's (Dame Judi Dench's) advice to "think horrid" much too literally, Angelina storms off in a fit of a temper. Then a toboggan race goes wrong and it seems that the production will have to be cancelled. Realizing how selfish she has been, Angelina determines to sort things out, because as every aspiring star knows, "The Show Must Go On".
Hot Money
Original Music Composer
Three women, Bridget, Liz and Jackie, embark on a plan to steal thousands of pounds of banknotes that were due to be destroyed at the Bank of England's incinerating plant in Essex. Fictionalised account of a real-life case.
My Fragile Heart
Trina Lavery returns home to Stoke after 20 years, to look after her ill mother. She learns that Bernard Cleve is also living in Stoke. Bernard was accused of killing Trinas best friend many years ago but was never convicted. Another girl is killed and Bernard is again a suspect. Trina thinks he is innocent but places herself in danger in trying to prove it.
Essex Boys
Original Music Composer
Jason Locke (Sean Bean) sale de la cárcel, después de 5 años de condena, lleno de odio y ambición. Tiene un único objetivo, volver a recuperar el control de la distribución de drogas y hacerse rico lo antes posible. Junto con sus antiguos compinches y empujado por su fría mujer Lisa (Alex Kingston), terminará con todo aquel que se cruce en su camino. Pero no cuenta con un pequeño detalle, el joven conductor que contrata para sus desplazamientos y que irá perdiendo la inocencia, según va presenciando todos los crímenes de Jason.
Maybe Baby
Lucy Bell (Joely Richardson) y Sam (Hugh Laurie) son una pareja que lleva una vida apacible y acomodada, pero a la que le falta algo fundamental: tener un niño. Tras probar toda clase de métodos posibles para la concepción del bebé, deciden recurrir a un singular ginecólogo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Hotel Paraíso
Original Music Composer
Los propietarios abusivos y la comida podrida, son algunos de los horribles detalles del hotel más barato de Inglaterra.
The Waiting Time
Original Music Composer
When British Intelligence Officer Tracy Barnes attacks visiting German politician Dieter Krause, solicitor's clerk Joshua Mantle is called to help unravel the events which led to the assault.
The Dark Room
In hospital, photographer Jinx Kingsley wakes from a coma after a car crash - a failed suicide attempt, prompted by her fiance Leo jilting her to elope with Jinx's lifelong best friend, Meg. The discovery of Leo and Meg's bodies - brutally murdered in the same manner as Jinx's first husband - makes Jinx the prime suspect. Then, with the help of eminent neuroscientist Dr.Alan Protheroe, some memories begin to surface. Memories of desperation and paralysing terror.
While waiting for their new home to be renovated, Nellie and her younger brother George are sent to a farm in the countryside, much to George's delight and Nellie's disgust. However, the farmhouse and the surrounding area are teeming with fey creatures. The first the two children encounter is a somewhat crotchety and unfriendly hobgoblin named Broom, who is (more or less) secretly looking after the farm.
Money Kings
Original Music Composer
Vinnie's a bookie, happily married, running his operation for 30 years out of his bar in Brooklyn. Times change, the boys up the chain want a bigger profit, so Vinnie's expendable He's assigned a hotheaded kid, Tony, the nephew of a local mobster. Vinnie's told to school the lad, use him for collections, and teach him some sense. What Vinnie doesn't know is that once Tony learns the ropes, Vinnie will be out. Tensions mount when Tony goes around Vinnie's paternalistic ways, takes a bet from an unemployed alcoholic, and demands that the loser's wife pay the vig in trade. Is there any way out for Vinnie - with or without his good name?
The Locksmith
When his estranged wife is brutally attacked by a burglar, a law-abiding locksmith unconvinced that the junkie charged for the crime is the real attacker starts his own investigation.
The Willows in Winter
Original Music Composer
Hailed as the "rightful heir" to "The Wind in the Willows", William Horwood's critically acclaimed sequel comes to magical life in this beautifully animated feature-length classic. Join four of the best-loved characters in children's literature for their heart-warming and hilarious new adventure along the Riverbank, narrated by Academy Award-winner Vanessa Redgrave.
Space Truckers: Transporte Espacial
Original Music Composer
Narra las aventuras de John Cabyon, un viajero espacial que recorre la galaxia transportando mercancías. Su misión más arriesgada será transportar un extraño cargamento que puede suponer una grave amenaza para el planeta Tierra.
El viento en los sauces
Kenneth Grahame's literary classic about an enchanting world along the Riverbank has delighted readers for nearly a century. Now, this enduring beloved tale comes to life in this beautifully animated feature film from the producers of "The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends" and "The Snowman".
Gavin St. Clair es un abogado que suele llevar casos de la mafia. Después de un accidente de coche conoce a Dora, una mujer enigmática. St. Clair terminará asesinando al marido de su amada.
Alguien mueve los hilos
Los alienígenas han llegado a la Tierra, empezando a controlar a los humanos de un pequeño pueblo de Iowa. El método es controlar y manipular el cuerpo y la mente de los habitantes como si fueran marionetas. El encargado de acabar con esas maléficas intenciones es Andrew Nivens, un agente de seguridad americano que, con un equipo altamente cualificado, intentará evitar que los alienígenas se apoderen de todo el planeta.
Alguien mueve los hilos
Original Music Composer
Los alienígenas han llegado a la Tierra, empezando a controlar a los humanos de un pequeño pueblo de Iowa. El método es controlar y manipular el cuerpo y la mente de los habitantes como si fueran marionetas. El encargado de acabar con esas maléficas intenciones es Andrew Nivens, un agente de seguridad americano que, con un equipo altamente cualificado, intentará evitar que los alienígenas se apoderen de todo el planeta.
Wide-Eyed and Legless
Diana and Deric have an ideal marriage: they thrive in each other's company, they're funny, and they enjoy their two grown children and Deric's dotty mother; the trouble is, Diana can no longer walk and her malady defies medical diagnosis. To care for Diana, Deric is letting his business slide, but at a civic luncheon, he is seated next to Aileen Armitage, a novelist who is blind. They have a nice time, and on the sly, Diana contacts Aileen to made an odd request. Diana's declining health and her resolve bring this triangle of unlikely friends to a surprising place.
Don't Leave Me This Way
Original Music Composer
British academics Loretta and Bridget run into Sandra, an old school friend at a book launch. Although Sandra appears to be gay and carefree, Loretta notices an undercurrent of tension while Sandra stays with her for a few days. Loretta is saddened to learn her friend was killed in a car accident, and comforts Sandra's estranged husband Tom, her daughter Lizzie, and emotionally disturbed son Felix. While doing so she becomes to believe the accident may not be what it seems, spurred on by the information a local policeman provides her.
Truckers, the first of Terry Pratchett's novels to be adapted for TV brings to life the story of the Nomes. 15000 years ago the Nomes crashed to Earth in a scout ship from the starship Swan. Generations of them have come and gone with the passing years and the changing countryside. Suddenly faced with extinction, the ten surviving Nomes, guided by their reluctant leader Masklin, must face many exciting adventures during their search for a new home and hiding place in the big, bad world of the humans.
The Sandman
Original Music Composer
Inspirado en un relato del alemán E.T.A. Hoffman (“Der Sandmann”), narra la historia de un niño que se va a dormir pero es incapaz de coger el sueño...
El límite del destino
Original Music Composer
Una atribulada joven se dirije a Transilvania para localizar a su padre que, al parecer, se ha convertido en el rey de los vampiros.
Tierra de lobos
Original Music Composer
Durante un frío invierno del siglo XIX, los voraces lobos invadieron Inglaterra. Willoughby Chase es un palacio inexpugnable en una tierra feroz. Ningún lugar es seguro si la Bestia está dentro. Y en Willoughby Chase hay una Bestia. Humana. Bonnie y Sylvia habían vivido encerradas en un sueño. Al final despertaron en una pesadilla...
The Fifteen Streets
In northern England around 1900, the worker John O'Brien lives near poverty in a small house in the worker's district. He falls in love with Mary, the teacher of his highly intelligent younger sister Kathy and daughter of a rich family. Their love is doomed by the social difference, but the vigorous Mary refuses to allow outer circumstances destroying their love.
Besos de vampiro
Original Music Composer
Un agente literario de Nueva York, empieza a comportarse de forma muy extraña, a raíz de la visita de una misteriosa joven. Está obsesionado con la idea de que la joven es un vampiro y que ésta le ha mordido. A medida que las visitas se repiten, aumentan sus trastornos.
Born of Fire
Original Music Composer
For reasons unknown, a flautist and an astronomer find themselves drawn to one another. But, when the flautist stumbles upon a secret regarding his late father, the two wind up in a celestial duel against the ancient Master Flautist for earth's future.
Rawhead Rex
Howard Hallenbeck es un antropólogo especializado en culturas precristianas que se encuentra de gira por Irlanda con su mujer y dos hijos realizando un importante estudio centrado en la presencia de indicios paganos en las antiguas iglesias rurales. No es fácil compaginar la exigente vida familiar con su pasión, pero en su momento optó con llevarlos consigo a modo de sugerentes vacaciones para ellos mientras él se dedicaba a su estudio. Lo que no sabía es que en uno de los muchos pueblos que iba a visitar, un semidios primigenio se iba a alzar en un sembrado para comenzar una antigua batalla contra la Cristiandad, y él y su familia, sin pretenderlo, iban a quedar atrapados en medio…
Original Music Composer
A young man discovers that not only does he have the ability to read minds, but that if he holds a camera next to his head he can transmit the thoughts he sees onto film.
The Rocking Horse Winner
In Paul's family, there is always talk about needing more money. The tension in the household over lack of funds weighs heavily on Paul's young mind. After Paul's uncle cracks a joke about "filthy lucker", he becomes obsessed with finding luck, so that his family will have the money they need. His luck at the race track begins to improve, but the cost may be higher than anyone knows. Nominated for a BAFTA award in 1983.
The Dumb Waiter
A woman on her way home notices a car following her.
Original Music Composer
Después de la muerte de su hija, Julia Lofting, una adinerada ama de casa, se muda a Londres para reiniciar su vida. Todo parece estar bien hasta que la atormenta la tristeza de perder a su propio hijo y los fantasmas de otros niños.