Michael Dunne


The Short Sunderland Flying Boat
This documentary traces the history of the Short Sunderland Flying Boat, from its introduction to service in the RAF in 1938 it was to become one of the longest serving careers of any front-line aircraft. The Sunderland was one of the very few types to remain in operational service through the Second World War and the only RAF aircraft to perform front-line duties for the whole of the Korean War. When it finally retired in 1959, it had served for a total of twenty one years and had built up a reputation as a tough and reliable workhorse.
De Havilland Mosquito
In 1941 the RAF was being pressed to fill new and ever more demanding roles in the war against Hitler. Although first-class modern fighters, Hurricanes and Spitfires, were in abundant supply, the Air Chiefs had a serious problem with the Bomber force. This uncomfortable gap was filled by a revolutionary fighter bomber, one of the most original and versatile designs of the entire war - the de Havilland Mosquito.
De Havilland Mosquito
In 1941 the RAF was being pressed to fill new and ever more demanding roles in the war against Hitler. Although first-class modern fighters, Hurricanes and Spitfires, were in abundant supply, the Air Chiefs had a serious problem with the Bomber force. This uncomfortable gap was filled by a revolutionary fighter bomber, one of the most original and versatile designs of the entire war - the de Havilland Mosquito.
Bomber Command: 1939-1945
A condensed yet comprehensive look at the development and operations of RAF Bomber Command, from a fledgling force at the outbreak of hostilities to one of the most potent forces in the World on the final day. The video looks at the early years of 1939-1940 when the force suffered huge losses, through to 1941 when they began to possess the means of victory. In 1942 they developed new tactics and new aircraft and by 1943, with the use of the Pathfinder Force, they were making 1,000 bomber raids on Germany and for the next two years the Nazis reaped the 'Whirlwind' that 'Bomber Harris' had promised them. By 1945 they had destroyed most of Germany's towns and cities and broken the morale of the population.
RAF: Coastal Command
RAF Coastal Command is perhaps the lesser known of Britain's wartime RAF Commands, with the Fighter and Bomber Squadrons making most of the headlines. The tasks faced by Coastal Command however were gigantic. These ranged from submarine hunting to convoy protection; attacks on enemy shipping and U-boat pens to reconnaissance; mine laying to air-sea rescue. The maritime air War called for men of unusual skills and rare patience, often spending 20 hours or more on a mission. It has been said that without the destructive power of the bombers and fighters, the Allies might not have achieved victory. Without the patient, dogged devotion to duty of the coastal crews, Britain would never have survived to achieve that victory.
RAF: Coastal Command
RAF Coastal Command is perhaps the lesser known of Britain's wartime RAF Commands, with the Fighter and Bomber Squadrons making most of the headlines. The tasks faced by Coastal Command however were gigantic. These ranged from submarine hunting to convoy protection; attacks on enemy shipping and U-boat pens to reconnaissance; mine laying to air-sea rescue. The maritime air War called for men of unusual skills and rare patience, often spending 20 hours or more on a mission. It has been said that without the destructive power of the bombers and fighters, the Allies might not have achieved victory. Without the patient, dogged devotion to duty of the coastal crews, Britain would never have survived to achieve that victory.