A short documentary about Montag from Wizard of Gore
Take an outrageous ride through this wild world of exploitation films with this thoroughly entertaining documentary, HERSCHELL GORDON LEWIS – THE GODFATHER OF GORE! Featuring cult director John Waters, Drive-In Movie Critic Joe Bob Briggs, Herschell Gordon Lewis himself and a “cast of thousands,” you’ll witness the innocent bare-naked era of Nudie-Cuties before Lewis schocked the world with “Blood Feast,” the first ever gore film!
Reverend Roscoe Boone
Television news celebrity April Carson turns to the services of private investigator Isaac Beaumonde to seek her missing sister, a stripper known as Gigi Spot. Carson assumes a role in a horror movie in the process, eventually learning that the movie's director, Able Whitman, is not only the culprit, but that he has rendered her sister's body into props for the production.
A pastor's cherished wife is thrown into despair and experiences a crisis of faith after his mysterious death.
A street prostitute takes in an abused young woman on the run from her misogynist boyfriend, leading to both facing off against the prostitute's dreaded pimp and a relentless police detective out to arrest all of them.
Mark Cahill is a good family man with a loving wife and two wonderful children. Mark also happens to be a hit man who is haunted by his last victim, a blonde, who keeps appearing in his bedroom at the worst of times. His life becomes even more complicated when he becomes caught up in the schemes of two business partners, one of the partner's spouse and her boyfriend(s).
After her mother is killed by a car bomb, a 17-year-old girl lives a reckless and decadent lifestyle. She begins having sex with a boy who works at a local ski resort. He falls in love, and she tells him of her suspicions that her strict father was responsible for her mother's death and wants him to help her out of her situation. He must decide whether she's telling the truth or using him to her own ends.
Officer 2
After her mother is killed by a car bomb, a 17-year-old girl lives a reckless and decadent lifestyle. She begins having sex with a boy who works at a local ski resort. He falls in love, and she tells him of her suspicions that her strict father was responsible for her mother's death and wants him to help her out of her situation. He must decide whether she's telling the truth or using him to her own ends.
During the summer of 1955, seventeen-year-old Eric Hansen embarks on a journey in his new town, a journey which will change his life forever.
During the summer of 1955, seventeen-year-old Eric Hansen embarks on a journey in his new town, a journey which will change his life forever.
A child is traumatized when his father, a stuntman, dies in an attempt to go over Niagara Falls. Later, his mother meets and marries a truck driver, and things seem to be going OK. Then the new husband's creepy brother shows up, and the boy begins to get a sense that neither of the brothers is quite what they claim to be.
Un sacerdote se vuelve loco atacando a una pareja y asesinandolos. El sacerdote es atrapado y metido entre rejas, pero años mas tarde vuelve a escapar volviendo a aterrorizar a jovenes parejas...
Un sacerdote se vuelve loco atacando a una pareja y asesinandolos. El sacerdote es atrapado y metido entre rejas, pero años mas tarde vuelve a escapar volviendo a aterrorizar a jovenes parejas...
Mary Lou Maloney es un diablo con cara de ángel. Un ser que regresa del infierno para causar estragos en la Escuela Superior de Hamilton, en donde murió a consecuencia de un espantoso fuego, en la noche de la graducación de 1957. Mary Lou está buscando amor..y para el estudiante Alex Grey, es la "fantasma" de sus sueños. Pero su sueño celestial pronto se convierte en una pesadilla cuando la reina de la fiesta de graduación del más allá comienza su reinado de terror.
Dolores has everthing she wants for her birthday: a party, 18 glowing candles, and Stephen, the handsome stranger who's more than a guest. He's a prisoner. COLD COMFORT bristles with the suspense, passion and danger of three people caught up in a madman's game.
Mary Lou Maloney, reina de la promoción de 1957 en el instituto Hamilton High, es asesinada por su novio la noche del baile de graduación. Treinta años más tarde regresa para vengarse.
Harvey Keitel interpreta a Penfield Gruber, una vez gran científico, reducido ahora a la gestión de un hotel de mala calidad. Gruber monitorea las idas y venidas cotidianas de sus inquilinos, principalmente por su propio interés, hasta que las figuras del submundo le piden que espíe a un presunto doble traidor.
Executive In Charge Of Production
Hard boiled tales of tough molls and trigger happy gangsters, screwball chases, and wartime intrigue are spun together in this send-up of the 40's film noir adventure, with a modern twist. Stars David Foley, Roberta Weiss.
Executive In Charge Of Production
When the peaceful Morris family move to a small town and buy the town grocery store, they run afoul of the Cullen family. The Cullen's have been bullying the town's folk for years, and now they are harassing the Morris family every chance they get. Matt meanwhile meets and starts seeing a lot of Becky who also likes him. Unfortunately her last name is Cullen, and when the rest of the family finds out about their relationship, they decide to get even, and their harassment is elevated to vicious assault.
A man investigates the disappearance of his sister with the help of her roommate. He uncovers a trail of prostitution, incest, blackmail...and murder.
Second Unit
Un grupo de adolescentes llega a una isla para pasar las vacaciones, pero lo que no saben es que están invadiendo el territorio de un monstruoso psicópata deforme.
First Assistant Director
Los habitantes de una pequeña localidad minera deciden celebrar el día de San Valentín por primera vez en 20 años. Se dejaron de organizar festejos porque en esa fecha, dos décadas atrás, se produjo un accidente en la mina, debido a que los responsables de la seguridad de la misma se encontraban en la fiesta. El único minero superviviente mató a los culpables y advirtió a la ciudad de que nunca se volviera a celebrar San Valentín.
Un grupo de jóvenes pilotos en una remota región de la selva canadiense comienzan a escuchar extraños informes en sus radios sobre aviones que se estrellan, coches que se paran y una mortífera plaga que se ha apoderado del planeta. Se hace evidente que la Tierra está en medio de una invasión. El grupo de pilotos decide abarracarse en una cabaña en lo profundo del bosque y esperar su inminente perdición.
Barney the Bartender
A ditsy reporter enlists the help of a sleazy private eye to solve a series of gory killings of female strippers at a Chicago nightclub.
Second Unit
A ditsy reporter enlists the help of a sleazy private eye to solve a series of gory killings of female strippers at a Chicago nightclub.
Sid Angelo
A country-western singer is recruited to run for the U.S. Senate, and soon clashes with his unscrupulous campaign manager on the tactics to run his political campaign.
Assistant Editor
A redneck con artist sets himself up as a preacher in a small Deep South town to run his moonshine distillery and clashes with a number of locals and a federal agent bent on shutting his operation down.
Assistant Director
A redneck con artist sets himself up as a preacher in a small Deep South town to run his moonshine distillery and clashes with a number of locals and a federal agent bent on shutting his operation down.
A redneck con artist sets himself up as a preacher in a small Deep South town to run his moonshine distillery and clashes with a number of locals and a federal agent bent on shutting his operation down.
Assistant Editor
Momtag, el mago, lleva a cabo terribles mutilaciones, presuntamente trucadas, para un espectáculo circense, y con este fin busca mujeres voluntarias que se pongan en sus manos. Todo parece marchar bien, pero a la hora de la representación los trucos cobran una sangrienta realidad. Cler y Ratay deciden investigar cual es el secreto del misterioso mago, pero Cler, una hermosa mujer, esta en el punto de mira del mago…
Montag the Magnificent
Momtag, el mago, lleva a cabo terribles mutilaciones, presuntamente trucadas, para un espectáculo circense, y con este fin busca mujeres voluntarias que se pongan en sus manos. Todo parece marchar bien, pero a la hora de la representación los trucos cobran una sangrienta realidad. Cler y Ratay deciden investigar cual es el secreto del misterioso mago, pero Cler, una hermosa mujer, esta en el punto de mira del mago…
A teenage gang led by the vicious Dexter; his girlfriend Mitzi; and friends Denny and Lummonx; create havoic in a small Florida town by harrassing various people, vandalizing property, well... just for the hell of it. When a former gang member, Doug, tries to prevent their ever increasing violent antics, Denny takes it upon himself and a few loyal members of the gang to target Doug's girlfriend, Jeanne, to make him back off.
A suburban high school teacher is fired from her job for teaching sex education. But she continues to give private sessions at her home to her former students leading to rumors and complications around town.
Sleazy music promoter Boojie Baker convinces a pop band to come work for him. He arranges play dates, publicity, record contracts, and the band's loyalty by getting his hired girls to exercise their feminine charms on all who stand in his way. Thus he creates the new music sensation, The Big Blast, but the band is unhappy about Boojie keeping most of the money. When they try to leave, Boojie sets them up for trouble with the law, but offers to bail them out if they sign the contract. Can't anyone stop this scum bucket?
Actor in Drive-in movie
An elderly woman has her son kill and scalp various young women to use their hair for her wig shop. A persistent coed tries to link various killings on a local Florida college campus to them.