Location Assistant
An association takes in young LGBT people made homeless by their families. Behind the apparent comedy, the excesses, the desire to assert themselves, lie shattered lives. They all have this furious desire to exist, to find their place in society. Here, they have six months to find a job, a place to live and accept themselves as they are. It's a race against time, during which Noëlle, who runs the association, and Alex, who helps her in her mission, are also forced to face up to their own failings and question their motivation for helping others.
GEIQ Recruiter
Uno de los centros sociales más populares de Francia está a punto de cerrar, debido a recortes presupuestarios llevados a cabo por el ayuntamiento. Las responsables del mismo, que han cogido afecto a todas aquellas mujeres que se encuentran sin hogar y sin trabajo, tienen tan solo tres meses para conseguir que todas ellas se reintegren en la sociedad. La tarea no será sencilla: tan solo un 4% de este grupo es el que lo suele conseguir. Sin embargo, gracias al aplomo y entrega de las encargadas, ningún objetivo es imposible.