Still Photographer
A documentary about a recovering alcoholic and addict – especially one whose story we're already broadly familiar with – doesn't sound like a great night's entertainment. But this compact and moving film made by Fiona O'Loughlin's mate, Sam Petersen, is not just thoughtful, it's also often very funny. Petersen follows O'Loughlin from the time she leaves rehab in 2016 (she spent seven days in a coma following an epic binge) to her return to the Melbourne Comedy Festival in 2018 – including a relapse that put her back in hospital again. As you might expect, many gags are cracked. Truths are told. But this is also an exploration of the way the live-comedy scene is a natural home to excess, and the dangers of the misguided but entrenched association between creativity, and drugs and alcohol. Source: The Age newspaper (
Still Photographer
A day in the life of two film-school students trying to find love and another house-mate.
Still Photographer
The inmates and guards of a modern, clean and efficient maximum security wing are slowly and increasingly brutalized until they erupt in violence. Dark and macabre, and based in truth, the story is told in a traditional dramatic style combined with telephone interviews and narration.
Additional Still Photographer
Melbourne, Australia 1978. El fenómeno punk está barriendo el país y Dogs In Space, un grupo punk, forma parte de él. En una casa ocupada, en un suburbio poco fiable, vive una colección heterogénea de inadaptados sociales y despreocupados que sobreviven con una dieta de viejas películas de televisión, drogas y buena música. Y el satélite SKYLAB podría estrellarse contra su techo en cualquier momento...