Zhou Tai
Fabric shop worker
Al final de la dinastía Qing, los comerciantes británicos empaquetaban el opio como "ungüento Fu Shou" y lo vendían a China, y un sinnúmero de personas sufrían mucho. Los restaurantes de cigarrillos en Guangzhou están floreciendo en todas partes, los fumadores acuden en masa a ellos, hundiendo cadáveres en el fondo del río, vendiendo niños por cigarrillos son comunes, e innumerables familias se rompen y la gente muere. Lin Zexu (Yao Yao), el Ministro de la Casa Imperial, recibe la orden de ir al sur a vender cigarrillos, pero es objeto de repetidas represalias por su participación en la cadena negra de intereses gubernamentales y comerciales detrás del opio, los asesinos y las bombas humanas.
Ah Da
Po Jun
The wolf boy with seven moles on his back is a reincarnation of the Star of Heaven, the fate of the greedy wolf
Ming Lang
Several stories about Li Xiuyuan, the reincarnation of an Dragon Arhat. Young guy from good family who accidentally meet Teacher Liuxu from dynasty of pro demon hunters
Nie Litan
During the reign of Guangxu, the country was weakening and foreign troubles were becoming more and more urgent. The uprising was crushed by the old feudal bureaucratic forces because of the traitor's informing, and it failed. However, the sacrifice of Qiu Jin and other volunteers awakened more people to join the struggle against imperialism and feudalism. Four years later, the Xinhai Revolution broke out, overthrowing the Qing Dynasty, and the blood shed by Qiu Jin bore the fruit of the revolution.
Lu Qian