Susan Kottman


En tierra hostil
80-Year-Old Woman
Mathew Andrews es un geólogo que descubre unas grietas en el subsuelo de la ciudad de Nueva Orleans que suponen un peligro para la población, que se halla en medio de las fiestas del Mardi Gras. Sin embargo las autoridades no se toman sus advertencias en serio. (FILMAFFINITY)
Visiones extrañas
Mrs. Ramsey
Mike Hayden, un detective que persigue al asesino en serie más famoso del país, que deja una carta de baraja junto a sus víctimas, ha conocido a Harry. Harry parece un loco, pero le da a Mike datos que es imposible que conociera. Harry dice poseer poderes fantásticos y, al parecer, lo demuestra. Mike decide utilizarlo en la investigación de su caso...
La ciudad de los monstruos
Mrs. Honeywell
Una joven rebelde aquejada de esclerosis múltiple es ingresada por su familia en un centro especializado. Sintiéndose abandonada por los suyos, comienza a relacionarse con los internos entre los que figuran mudos, ciegos y discapacitados psíquicos, hasta el punto de llegar a considerarlos como su verdadera familia con la que vivirá momentos tanto tristes como alegres.
Valentine's Day
Mrs. Duckworth
Detective Jack Valentine is reinstated from his desk job to go back onto the streets. His first assignment ends with the death of a mobster who was about to turn states evidence. The killing came as the mobster was with his girlfriend Alma. Jack suspects Alma of being involved - even more so when he finds her involved with one of the mob family, Michael. However he begins to fall for her himself and finds himself involved in the deadly game where not everything is what it seems.
Christmas in America
TV movie depicting a father and son's strained relationship with the mother often trying to be the bridge between the men in her life. The father, Frank Morgan (Kenny Rogers), is a photographer who is too often absent, according to his son. When his son, David Morgan (Kenneth Rogers Jr.), finally attends a display of his father's work despite still being bitter about their relationship, he finally realizes how important his family really was to him.