José Javier Delgado Pulpillo
La región argelina de Tinduf alberga a más de 170.000 saharauis, que viven en campos de refugiados desde 1976, año en que Marruecos ocupó la región del Sáhara Occidental. En un lugar de condiciones inhóspitas y escasez, la población saharaui vive de unas ayudas humanitarias que van a menos. Un 6% de ellos se enfrentan a una dificultad añadida: la celiaquía.
"Sobre vivir" is a documentary about suicide. It aims to make visible the problem and what it represents for a society like ours; it also aims to help break the taboo and stigma surrounding mental health and suicide. As it is a multifactorial issue, we wanted to make a photograph as complete as possible and we have testimonies from up to 60 people, including survivors, family members, psychologists, psychiatrists, associations, politicians and journalists. Some faces are familiar, but most of them are people who have told their story for the first time in this documentary. Suicide is a reflection of the society in which we live and its multiple problems: loneliness, precariousness, stress...