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twenty one pilots perform brand new reimagined, versions of catalog favorites Stressed Out, Tear In My Heart, House of Gold/Lane Boy, Shy Away, Ride/Nico and the Niners, Car Radio/Heathens in a special MTV Unplugged. This is MTV's most plugged Unplugged.
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En su último especial de comedia, Norm reflexiona sobre casinos, caníbales, testamentos vitales y más. Después de su presentación, los amigos de Norm y sus compañeros cómicos se reúnen para saludarlo.
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Cuenta la historia de amor entre un vivo y una no-muerta, Beth, quién tras un trágico accidente volverá a la vida para proseguir con la relación con su novio, si bien evidentemente no le será nada fácil.
A young man pries a cobblestone from the street and throws it at an enemy. The stone misses its mark, enters into a very low earth orbit, and from there witnesses the trials and tribulations of human relationships around the world...until it finally approaches--from behind--the person who threw it.