Kim Hyeon-seo


A stylish crime, action film about a CEO of a private detective agency and a prosecutor to catch the axis of evil.
Ciberinfierno: La investigación que destapó el horror
Unos delincuentes campan a sus anchas en una red de salas de chat online cometiendo delitos sexuales. Para cazarlos, hizo falta una gran dosis de agallas y tenacidad.
Joo Sung wants to be a fabulous action movie star like Jakie Chan, even though he is just an ordinary college student. One day Joosung meets a nerd, Chanyeol in the filmmaking class and they decide to making a film as a project. They found a threatening letter to prof Cha by chance during their project. "I know you are involved in the admission fraud. To keep this fact out of the press, put a bag of 30 million won in cash in the trash bin at the university waste disposal until tomorrow…" After reading this letter, Joosung decide to use this letter story to making his film. And all things getting massed up because of his plan.
Black Light
Muere el conductor sospechoso de ser el autor de un accidente de tráfico en la vía central, y el conductor que se cree que es la víctima cae en un coma. Después de un tiempo, la esposa del agresor, Hee-ju, regresa. Hee-ju se avergüenza de saber que la esposa de la víctima, Young-nam, es compañera en la fábrica donde trabaja.