The story revolves around a humble, divorced Indian woman named Ananya and amidst her mundane-routine life, she finds herself on a secret intelligence duty in Pakistan. But her love for Urdu literature will have her falling in love that will eventually put them in a tug of war with each other.
Tammy ‘hates boys’ and will only settle for the kind of standards her father sets for her; both with the way he is and the 'knowledge' he imparts her with. Sanju is one of the men she dates, a man-child who refuses to grow up. But when both part ways on such uncertain terms, what brings them together again?
Tammy ‘hates boys’ and will only settle for the kind of standards her father sets for her; both with the way he is and the 'knowledge' he imparts her with. Sanju is one of the men she dates, a man-child who refuses to grow up. But when both part ways on such uncertain terms, what brings them together again?
Tammy ‘hates boys’ and will only settle for the kind of standards her father sets for her; both with the way he is and the 'knowledge' he imparts her with. Sanju is one of the men she dates, a man-child who refuses to grow up. But when both part ways on such uncertain terms, what brings them together again?
The paths of a man and a woman, who have both been recently divorced from their spouses, intersect at an art exhibition in London.
Jai Khanna
The paths of a man and a woman, who have both been recently divorced from their spouses, intersect at an art exhibition in London.
A couple lives though three different lives over different eras as destiny conspires to make them fall in love with each other, against all odds.
A couple lives though three different lives over different eras as destiny conspires to make them fall in love with each other, against all odds.
A couple lives though three different lives over different eras as destiny conspires to make them fall in love with each other, against all odds.
A couple lives though three different lives over different eras as destiny conspires to make them fall in love with each other, against all odds.
Aaliya is not ready for commitment even after a decade-long friendship with Abhay. She remains indifferent when he follows her to Australia, but is finally shaken when he announces his marriage.
One day they pray to God for help and he does help them. He sends his most mischievous, childlike, lovable angel to the rescue, with a mission to bring Ranbeer and the kids together. Geeta (Rani Mukerji) comes bicycling down a rainbow… and bursts into Ranbeer's house as the selfproclaimed new nanny. And then starts the roller coaster ride of fun, emotions, magic and love.
One day they pray to God for help and he does help them. He sends his most mischievous, childlike, lovable angel to the rescue, with a mission to bring Ranbeer and the kids together. Geeta (Rani Mukerji) comes bicycling down a rainbow… and bursts into Ranbeer's house as the selfproclaimed new nanny. And then starts the roller coaster ride of fun, emotions, magic and love.
Zooni Ali Beg (Kajol) es una niña ciega de Cachemira que viaja sin sus padres por primera vez con un grupo de baile a Delhi para actuar en una ceremonia por el día de la independencia. En su viaje, conoce a Rehan Khan (Aamir Khan), un casanova y guía turístico que coquetea con ella. Aunque sus amigos le advierten a Zooni sobre él, ella no puede resistirse a enamorarse de él y él la lleva a un tour privado por Nueva Delhi. Pero hay más en Rehan de lo que parece y Zooni tendrá que tomar una decisión desgarradora.
Zooni Ali Beg (Kajol) es una niña ciega de Cachemira que viaja sin sus padres por primera vez con un grupo de baile a Delhi para actuar en una ceremonia por el día de la independencia. En su viaje, conoce a Rehan Khan (Aamir Khan), un casanova y guía turístico que coquetea con ella. Aunque sus amigos le advierten a Zooni sobre él, ella no puede resistirse a enamorarse de él y él la lleva a un tour privado por Nueva Delhi. Pero hay más en Rehan de lo que parece y Zooni tendrá que tomar una decisión desgarradora.
The encounters of two people who run into each other on several occasions under circumstances ranging from friendly to hostile to loving. Along many years and countless run-ins, the two despise each other, befriend each other, and fall in love with each other—in no particular order.
The encounters of two people who run into each other on several occasions under circumstances ranging from friendly to hostile to loving. Along many years and countless run-ins, the two despise each other, befriend each other, and fall in love with each other—in no particular order.
A man falls in love with his childhood friend, but her sister is the one who reciprocates his feelings.
A man falls in love with his childhood friend, but her sister is the one who reciprocates his feelings.