Emmanuel Blanchard

Nacimiento : , Quito, Ecuador


Por Magda
Josefina and her daughter Magda take refuge in the Andean mountains to find a way to ensure a free future, despite the fact that this decision could land them in prison.
La Playa de los Enchaquirados
Vicky is fisherman by day and bar owner at night. When she was a little boy her dream was to be a radio soap opera star, nowadays she dreams of falling in love again. How is it possible that a small, barren place in the third world has managed to achieve this special form of freedom and tolerance?
Matilde is a woman who decided to live freely in a conservative and chauvinistic country.
Matilde is a woman who decided to live freely in a conservative and chauvinistic country.
Matilde is a woman who decided to live freely in a conservative and chauvinistic country.
Ale and Emma, two twin sisters spend the weekend of the elections together, perfectly knowing that they both think differently about politics.
Ale and Emma, two twin sisters spend the weekend of the elections together, perfectly knowing that they both think differently about politics.
Ale and Emma, two twin sisters spend the weekend of the elections together, perfectly knowing that they both think differently about politics.
Ale and Emma, two twin sisters spend the weekend of the elections together, perfectly knowing that they both think differently about politics.
Narra la historia de Antonia (9 años) e Isabela (11 años) quienes se conocen durante un viaje a la playa. A través de una cámara instantánea y un último cartucho, las niñas van buscando recuerdos y aventuras para retratar. Con tan sólo 10 fotos, su reto diario será elegir un momento único para capturarlo y con ellos dejar en un libro los recuerdos de su amistad. Mientras coleccionan recuerdos, Antonia descubren junto a su abuelo la amistad y complicidad que siempre habrá con la familia.
Alfaro Vive Carajo
During the 80´s the left wing movement Alfaro Vive Carajo operated in Ecuador. The traits of this aggrupation were: critique to the orthodox political thinking, frantic growth of the organization, spectacular and clever actions, and the devastating way that the government fought them. A quarter of century later, the survivors tale the story that was hidden and disguised.
La bisabuela tiene Alzheimer
A meeting between the daughter and the grandmother of the director, Iván Mora Manzano, at a time when the memories of one, the girl’s, were taking shape, and the other’s the grandmother’s, were vanishing. This starting point is used as a pretext to talk about other topics such as the importance of family memories and the search for memory.
Fiebre de Motocicleta
In the middle of a laundry we discovered an improvised mechanical workshop. An older man talks with his tools. His son invades the space wanting to film it and at the same time making him an unusual proposal: rebuild a motorcycle together. The proposal baffles the father who little by little allows the son to enter into his world. The son begins to delve into questions and questions that go from the mechanical to the personal and open up seemingly hidden conflicts. Is it possible to restore a relationship like you repair a machine?