Documentary about Duvivier's Deadlier Than the Male.
Documentary about Chinese film director King Hu.
Documentary about Chinese film director King Hu.
Documentary about the history of Philippine cinema.
Documentary about the history of Philippine cinema.
Documentary about the history of Philippine cinema.
South Korean cinema is in the throes of a creative explosion where mavericks are encouraged and masters are venerated. But from where has this phenomenon emerged? What is the culture that has yielded this range of filmmakers? With The Nine Lives of Korean Cinema, French critic, writer and documentarian Hubert Niogret provides a broad overview but, nevertheless, an excellent entry point into this unique type of national cinema that still remains a mystery for many people. The product of a troubled social and political history, Korean cinema sports an identity that is unique in much modern film. Niogret's documentary tells of the country's cinematic history - the ups along with the downs - and gives further voice to the artists striving to express their concerns, fears and aspirations.
South Korean cinema is in the throes of a creative explosion where mavericks are encouraged and masters are venerated. But from where has this phenomenon emerged? What is the culture that has yielded this range of filmmakers? With The Nine Lives of Korean Cinema, French critic, writer and documentarian Hubert Niogret provides a broad overview but, nevertheless, an excellent entry point into this unique type of national cinema that still remains a mystery for many people. The product of a troubled social and political history, Korean cinema sports an identity that is unique in much modern film. Niogret's documentary tells of the country's cinematic history - the ups along with the downs - and gives further voice to the artists striving to express their concerns, fears and aspirations.
Documental sobre la vida y obra del director alemán Fritz Lang (1890-1976)
In Paris, a young Argentine screenwriter attempts to escape his daily routine through a fictional story set in Argentina. This attracts the attention of those around him, including Alice, a young actress. But his story gradually escapes him and he becomes inextricably entangled in dreams and reality.
An intimate window into one of the great movements in film history that brought about an evolution in the art of cinema. The documentary portrays the movement with insight on the lives and works of Jean-Luc Godard, François Truffaut and other principal players in the New Wave.
This somber drama chronicles the writings of Paltiel Kossover (Michel Jonasz), a Rumanian Jew who was incarcerated in a Stalinist prison. Zupanev (Erland Josephson) is a sympathetic court registrar who smuggles the documents and later presents them to the poet's son Grisha (Vincent David).
Brazilian multi-instrumentalist, composer and maestro, Paulo Moura, talks about his influences and show his passion for the samba.
A brief history of origins of brazilian carioca samba and its types.
Gilberto Gil talks with friends and share his thoughts, influences and reveal his impact on brazilian music and vision of the black people.
Executive Producer
Fabian Cortés, un músico latinoamericano, virtuoso del bandoneón, desaparece de su casa parisina donde vive desde hace doce años. Su mujer, Danielle, una joven abogada, decide avisar a la policía tras una investigación infructuosa. Unos días después, Fabián reaparece sin dar ninguna explicación.
Noel Burch’s fascinating and well-made (if at times historically contestable) six-part BBC television series, about early silent cinema in Denmark, England, the Soviet Union, France, Germany, and the U.S., mixes beautiful clips of rare films with various social theories about their significance.
Sun Ra, Archie Shepp and company in concert in Paris, 1984. Documents performances and rehearsals in Paris, France, 1984. It includes the compositions "Love in Outer Space," "Nuclear War," and "1984" by Sun Ra and the standards "Tea for Two" and "Blue Lou," as well as interviews with Sun Ra and Archie Shepp.
Line Producer
En los callejones sórdidos de Marsella Gérard, un estibador, busca obsesivamente el violador de su hermana, la cual, no soportando la infamia y el horror, se ha suicidado. Un día Gérard es golpeado por Loretta, una bella joven al volante de un magnífico Ferrari rojo. Este es el punto de partida para una historia de amor imposible, en un clima de soledad, venganza y desesperación.
En Madrid de los años 20, numerosas mujeres se alquilan como nodrizas para las familias burguesas. La leche se paga muy bien, por eso las mujeres recurren a los honestos servicios de Paco, cristalero de oficio, que redondea el sueldo de final de mes dejando embarazadas a las clientas que pagan por ello. Sin embargo, María, su mujer, obsesionada por la maternidad, no consigue embarazarse. Federico, que lo tiene muy bien considerado, lo quiere contratar para que forme a futuras prostitutas, pero Paco se niega en redondo y le pasa el trabajo al farmacéutico, un mujeriego que pagaría por hacer su trabajo.
A charming tale of murder, perversity and narrative echoes told through shots of barking dogs and a La jetée-like series of stills.
Roberte, 40, resistant during the war, Calvinist and anticlerical, is deputy to the chamber and inspector of Censorship. She married Octave, an old Catholic aesthete, professor of canon law, whom she saves from impeachment for collaboration during the war. He submits his wife to a perverse custom: the laws of hospitality or prostitution of the wife by the husband.
Unable to put a single word on paper, a youngish man with one novel to his credit finds that his life is crumbling to ruins around him because of his severe case of writer's block. He tries every remedy known to man and makes up a few new ones in this comedy. All his efforts are futile: he loses his girlfriend and his apartment and has a succession of misadventures until finally, homeless and hospitalized, he rediscovers his inspiration.
Basada en la novela "Ese dulce mal" de Patricia Highsmith, es la historia de una obsesión, la de David, un hombre que está dispuesto a matar por una mujer a la que ama de una manera enfermiza, aunque ella haya decidido rehacer su vida con otro hombre.
Un joven franco-canadiense, que tiene una visión idealizada sobre Francia, sobre la base de grandes obras de la literatura y el arte decide visitar a su patria ancestral mítica, y descubre que los franceses son seres humanos comunes y corrientes. Una vez allí, conoce a varias personas, y tiene un romance con una jurista mujer con un matrimonio infeliz.
An English novelist is lured, with disconcerting and disorienting results, into purchasing a crumbling mansion by what he imagines are the deliberately "literary" ploys of its housekeeper and two mysterious, lurking women.
Historia de la Colonia Cecilia, comuna anarquista inspirada por el veterinario italiano Giovanni Rosi y establecida en el estado brasileño de Paraná en la década de 1890. (FILMAFFINITY)
The photographer (uncredited)
Georges de Saux es un acaudalado banquero que decide apartar a su hija de la mala vida que lleva a cabo. Para ello, contrata a un detective privado, llamado Franz, para que la tutele y la conduzca a un balneario. Sin embargo, resulta que dicho balneario resulta ser un burdel en el cual las jóvenes son entregadas a maníacos sexuales para que sacien sus apetitos.
Production Manager
Georges de Saux es un acaudalado banquero que decide apartar a su hija de la mala vida que lleva a cabo. Para ello, contrata a un detective privado, llamado Franz, para que la tutele y la conduzca a un balneario. Sin embargo, resulta que dicho balneario resulta ser un burdel en el cual las jóvenes son entregadas a maníacos sexuales para que sacien sus apetitos.
Production Manager
Injustamente acusada del homicidio de su amiga, Alice clama su inocencia ante los interrogatorios de jueces y policías, pero sus declaraciones son confusas, entre la realidad y lo imaginario. Sin embargo, llegará a convencer a una joven abogada arrastrándola en sus juegos eróticos.
The Photographer (uncredited)
Injustamente acusada del homicidio de su amiga, Alice clama su inocencia ante los interrogatorios de jueces y policías, pero sus declaraciones son confusas, entre la realidad y lo imaginario. Sin embargo, llegará a convencer a una joven abogada arrastrándola en sus juegos eróticos.
Assistant Director
A film by Yvan Lagrange.
Assistant Director