Douglas Henshall

Douglas Henshall

Nacimiento : 1965-11-19, Glasgow, Scotland, UK


Douglas Henshall was born in Glasgow, Scotland in November 1965. His mother was a nurse and his father a salesman. He is the youngest of three children and has two older sisters. He grew up in Barrhead and attended Barrhead High School. Whilst at school a friend asked him to join The Scottish Youth Theatre based in Glasgow. After leaving school, he moved to London to train at Mountview Theatre School. He returned to Glasgow after training where he joined the 7:84 theater company. Eventually, he went back to live in London where he received critical acclaim for his theater work, notably "Life of Stuff" at the Donmar Warehouse (1993) and "American Buffalo" at the Young Vic (1997). One of his first successful film roles was as Edgar in  Angels and Insects (1995) before going on to star in Orphans (1998), The Man with Rain in His Shoes (1998), Lawless Heart (2001) and It's All About Love (2003) . He has also starred in many television series and is known for his roles in  Psychos(1999), Kid in the Corner (1999), Loving You (2003) and Frances Tuesday (2004). Douglas has also performed in plays for BBC radio, including the role of Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet (1999), David in "The Long Farewell" (2002), Jack Parlabane in "Bampot Central" (2004) and Richard in "Richard III" (2004). In the summer of 2002, Douglas returned to the London stage where he performed the role of Michael Bakunin in  Tom Stoppard's new trilogy of plays, 'The Coast of Utopia', at The National Theatre. During 2004 he continued stage work starring as John Proctor in 'Arthur Miller' 's 'The Crucible' at The Crucible in Sheffield and Thomas Huxley in 'Darwin in Malibu' by Crispin Whittell, at the Hampstead Theatre. In 2005 Douglas made his West End debut at The Lyric, Shaftesbury Avenue playing Biff Loman in the critically acclaimed production of Arthur Miller' 's play 'Death of a Salesman', alongside  Brian Dennehy.


Douglas Henshall


Murder is Easy
Major Horton
England, 1954. On a train to London, Fitzwilliam (David Jonsson) meets Miss Pinkerton (Penelope Wilton), who tells him that a killer is on the loose in the sleepy English village of Wychwood under Ashe. The villagers believe the deaths are mere accidents, but Miss Pinkerton knows otherwise – and when she's later found dead on her way to Scotland Yard, Fitzwilliam feels he must find the killer before they can strike again. Because for a certain kind of person, murder is easy…
A global lockdown might feel like the perfect time to write a piece of reflective drama, but for one bickering couple the creative process leads to nothing but disagreement.
The Small Hand
Adam Snow
Un comerciante de libros antiguos se ve perseguido por el fantasma de un niño y decide investigar los extraños sucesos de su vida.
Orphans Reunited
20th anniversary documentary on “Orphans” including interviews with cast and crew.
Iona returns to the island where she was born with her teenage son to seek refuge from a violent crime in Glasgow. Iona's return exposes her tormented son, Bull, to a way of life she rejected when she left the island and sends a shockwave through the family she left behind.
Scotland In A Day
Mockumentary set on the day of the 2014 Scottish Independence referendum and designed to capture a snap shot of a nation on the brink of both triumph and disaster.
The Salvation
Sheriff Mallick
Estados Unidos. 1870. Al matar al hombre que asesinó a toda su familia, John despierta la furia del cabecilla Delarue. El apacible pionero ya no cuenta con el apoyo de los habitantes cobardes y corruptos del pueblo, tendrá que buscar al criminal por su cuenta. ¿Será capaz de devolver al pueblo su alma?
Se abren las puertas
Mike Mackenzie
Mike Mackenzie es un empresario de software que ha vendido su empresa por una buena cantidad de dinero, pero ahora no tiene nada que hacer y busca una nueva emoción.
The Snipist
The struggle of a lone sniper in a dystopian future Britain plagued with rabies and ruled over by a sinistrous Ministry of Information.
How I Was Stolen by the Germans
Werner Kraus
How I Was Stolen by the Germans (Serbian: Koko su me ukrali Nemci) is a Serbian movie. Alex (52) is sufficiently renowned writer who is engaged in repairing other people's texts. It is vital, educated, talented but a bit of a misanthrope. One day in his life enters a girl Roma (6). Alex tells her the stories of his childhood ... The movie is a story of the film director childhood.
La legión del águila
Siglo II d.C. Adaptación de una novela juvenil de Rosemary Sutcliff (1954). Un legionario romano (Channing Tatum) y su esclavo celta Esca (Jamie Bell) emprenden la búsqueda de la Legión Novena, que desapareció veinte años antes en alguna parte del norte de Escocia y a cuyo frente se encontraba un general que resulta ser el padre del legionario en cuestión.
El retrato de Dorian Gray
Alan Campbell
Dorian Gray (Ben Barnes) es un joven aristócrata muy atractivo que, después de haber pasado una solitaria adolescencia en el campo, regresa a Londres, donde ha heredado una mansión. Atraído por la vida nocturna, se sumerge en ella de la mano de Lord Henry Wottom (Colin Firth), que lo conduce a los antros más recónditos y sórdidos de la ciudad. Al joven le fascina el estilo de vida decadente y amoral de Wotton. Por otra parte, su obsesión por alcanzar la eterna juventud lo impulsa a hacer un pacto diabólico: él se mantendrá siempre joven, pero las huellas del paso del tiempo y de sus terribles delitos, es decir, su degradación física y moral se reflejarán en un retrato que le ha hecho su amigo el pintor Basil Hallward (Ben Chaplin).
French Film
Jed prepares to interview French cineaste and self-appointed expert on the nature of love - Thierry Grimandi. The worldly and somewhat jaded Jed is dead-set on dismissing the auteur's musings as pompous and, well French, until his own relationship with Cheryl starts to fall apart and he is forced to re-evaluate the illusive subject. Soon everyone is talking about love: his relationship counsellor, drinking buddy Marcus and Marcus' girlfriend Sophie Beginnings, endings, tricks...could the French be on to something?
Lezioni di volo
A pair of teen friends – known as "Chicken & Curry" because they are virtually inseparable – fail their high school finals and try to cover it by claiming that Curry is in the midst of an identity crisis that can only be solved by a visit to his ancestral homeland, India. While the ruse works wonderfully on their parents, this impromptu journey of self-discovery takes an unexpected detour when Curry locates his biological sister and remains captivated by the country he first despised, and Chicken falls for an older doctor working for Médecins Sans Frontières.
Free Jimmy
Eddie (voice)
Cuatro ladronzuelos de poca monta y un elefante adicto a las drogas son los personajes principales de esta película de animación que poco tiene que ver con el cine para niños. A medio camino entre "Liberad a Willy" y "Trainspotting", "Free Jimmy" supone un torbellino de acción y humor negro en la que los protagonistas deben rescatar al elefante pastillero de un circo.
Ripley Under Ground
After his friend, a hot young artist, is killed, a resourceful American man living in London covers up the crime and tries to keep the friend's name alive in order to exploit his legacy and reap millions in the process.
The Strange Case of Sherlock Holmes & Arthur Conan Doyle
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
What led Arthur Conan Doyle to create, and then destroy the world famous detective, Sherlock Holmes? This compelling drama explores the dark secrets that surround the author and his creation.
It's All About Love (Todo es por amor)
John y su mujer Elena, una mundialmente famosa patinadora sobre hielo, están a punto de firmar los papeles del divorcio, pero cuando el mundo está a punto de sufrir un colapso cósmico, ambos se dan cuenta de que quizá merece la pena luchar por su amor.
Silent Cry
A single mother's search for her stolen new born baby sends her on a journey through the underworld of London and on a collision course with her past.
Corazones Desenfrenados
Sobresaltados por la muerte de un amigo, tres hombres deciden replantear sus vidas. Pero bajo la influencia de tres mujeres seductoras, ¿hasta dónde llegarán sus buenos propósitos? Vista desde tres ángulos diferentes, cada punto de vista de los hechos revela las realidades cómicas y sutiles de las relaciones modernas. Un viaje a través de la comedia del amor, con amigos haciendo frente a la vida, la muerte, el sexo y la desgracia.
Ultimate Fights from the Movies
Davis Dawson (Crossing the Line) (archive footage)
En su segunda compilación de películas tras su serie 'Boogeymen: The Killer Compilation', FlixMix te lleva a la historia de las películas de acción de Hollywood al cine de Hong Kong que abarca un período de 20 años. Esta cuenta con escenas de acción de 16 películas llenas de acción con gurús de acción, Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, Chow Yun-Fat, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme y muchos más.
Gentlemen's Relish
Cromwell Marsh
The career of the once successful classical portraitist, Kingdom Swann, has hit bad times. When a leading gallery rejects his work, he seems at the point of giving up. It is only the support of his housekeeper, Violet Askey, that keeps him going and it is she who encourages him to switch to photography. Soon Swann has developed a healthy (and respectable) business with portraits of naked women in classical and exotic settings. However, the nature of Swann's new work is open to misinterpretation and he finds himself at the centre of a scandal involving the misuse of his pictures by a SOHO pornographer, and the focus of a campaign by suffragettes against the expoitation of women. At the same time, he loses the support of the loyal Violet, who leaps to the wrong conclusion about Swann's relationship with one of his models. When Violet then becomes involved in the suffragette and amti-pornography movements, it seems all may be lost for Swann - both professionally...and personally.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Daredevils of the Desert
T.E. Lawrence
In the fifteenth film in the series, in October 1917, working with a beautiful lady spy, Indiana Jones is assigned to assist the British forces in their attack on the Turkish-occupied town of Beersheba. With a regiment of the Australian Lighthorsemen approaching, Indy must defuse the explosives the Turks have placed throughout the town.
This Year's Love
The big-screen debut from Scottish stage director David Kane, This Year's Love is a comedy about the romantic misadventures of six young people in Camden, North London. The marriage of tattoo artist Danny (Douglas Hanshall) and dressmaker Hannah (Catherine McCormack) gets off to a less-than-inspiring start when Danny finds out Hannah has already been fooling around with a friend's husband, so Danny takes a walk and Hannah splits with a friend to get drunk. At the airport, where the newly-weds were supposed to leave for a honeymoon, Danny meets a cleaning woman named Mary (Kathy Burke) and is immediately infatuated, while Hannah is picked up by a scruffy artist named Cameron (Dougray Scott). Elsewhere, Liam (Ian Hart), a geeky comic-art enthusiast who shares an apartment with Cameron, finds romance with Sophie (Jennifer Ehle), a single mother and full-time neurotic.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Winds of Change
T.E. Lawrence
In the nineteenth film in the series, in May 1919, Indy is working as a translator at the historic Paris Peace Conference. He meets up with T.E. Lawrence once more, but finds his ideals have changed a lot since the start of the war. Indy then decides to finally head home to Princeton - even though it means having to face his father. He gets reacquainted with his childhood friend Paul Robeson, who becomes the target of racism when they visit New York City.
Lluvia en los zapatos
Victor Bukowski
Victor Bukowski es un actor en el peor momento de su carrera. Se pelea con los pocos directores con los que trabaja, su representante es un auténtico desastre y, para colmo, todavía sigue enamorado de su ex novia, Sylvia, quien va a casarse al día siguiente con un tipo al que conoció en el gimnasio. Desesperado por intentar recuperarla, le cuenta su tragedia a todo aquel que se cruza en su camino, deseando poder retroceder en el tiempo y volver a la tarde en que confesó a Sylvia que tenía una aventura con otra mujer, para así no volver a cometer el mismo error.
Fast Food
A reformed young man with a steady job, Benny, returns to the city of his youth to find the girl he's been in love with since childhood and that's home to his four petty criminal friends, Jacko, Zac, Bisto and Flea.
A group of four siblings reunite in Glasgow on the eve of their mother's funeral, and the children mourn their mother's passing in a variety of ways—sometimes heartfelt, sometimes bizarre. As a potential thunderstorm threatens to damage the city, the situation compounds itself.
Kull, el conquistador
Kull es un bárbaro guerrero lleno de valor, destreza y fuerza que llega a ser rey en su tierra, Valusia. Adorado por los suyos y amado por la hermosa adivina Zareta, Kull pronto se convierte en enemigo mortal de las fuerzas del mal, cuyo líder es la perversa Akivasha, que intentará seducirle para asesinarle. Destronado, la única esperanza del reino y de la mujer que ama reside en una espada justiciera. Kull, entonces, se embarca en un peligroso viaje para buscar el arma legendaria que le permitirá recobrar su corona.
Crossing the Floor
Clive Colville
Political satire closely mirroring real-life British politics of the time - a self-serving Conservative minister "crosses the floor" to join the opposition Labour Party, at a time when the Conservative Party has a majority in Parliament of just one seat. Sequel to A Very Open Prison.
Ángeles e insectos
Edgar Alabaster
Tras un largo viaje por la selva amazónica y sin un penique en el bolsillo, el naturalista y explorador William Adamson conoce al aristócrata reverendo Alabaster. Al ser coleccionista de insectos, el reverendo queda fascinado por los relatos de William, e invita al joven a su mansión.
Down Among the Big Boys
Louie Gibbons
Set in Glasgow, Louie, the detective son of an upright police sergeant, is about to marry. His intended is the daughter of JoJo (Connolly), a wealthy and compulsive thief who attempts a spectacular robbery. Louie is put in charge of the investigation of JoJo's latest enterprise. JoJo learns of his peril and begins an exercise in risk management.
El gran hombre
Davie Dawson
Danny (Liam Neeson) es un ex-boxeador escocés que, tras doce años como minero, se encuentra desempleado intentando sacar adelante a su familia. Ahora por fin le ha llegado una ocasión de oro para ganar dinero fácil: el jefe de la mafia de Glasgow, Matt Mason, ha organizado un combate clandestino, sin guantes, y le ha ofrecido mucho dinero para que pelee. Cuando la esposa de Danny conoce la noticia, le abandona por olvidar sus principios. Ya con poco que perder, el ex-púgil acepta la oferta con la idea de ganar el dinero suficiente para vivir bien y poder recuperar a su esposa.
Silent Scream
News Reporter
A biopic about convicted murderer Larry Winters.
Dancing in the Dark
Dancing in the Dark details the unlikely relationship between an ex skinhead with HIV and and yuppie Asian girl
With Friends Like These
With Friends Like These is a reunion with a difference, set in the home of Simon, a hitherto struggling actor and minor celebrity whose treading of the boards for the past twenty years has finally paid off with a lead Hollywood film role. To celebrate he invites seven University friends to a large country house for one extraordinary weekend reunion. Life has been kinder to some than others, and what starts with a veneer of friendly banter and mutual respect soon descends into acrimony and resentment as old rivalries resurface. With all of the frictions between them, will they be friends when the weekend is over…?