Julien Dubois


Madame Bovary
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Gustave Flaubert. Emma Bovary es la insatisfecha mujer de un médico rural que ansía pertenecer a la alta sociedad francesa. Sus ambiciones y un apasionado affaire con un joven aristócrata la conducirán a una situación de trágicas consecuencias. La musa de Chabrol, Isabelle Huppert, encarna a la fatal heroína.
Scout Toujours
Fla Fla
France, 1965 - An aging mamma's boy becomes the replacement leader of a rowdy group of teenage boy scouts who make his life miserable.
Passage secret
In a somewhat deflated story of robbery and deception set against the rooftops and byways of Paris, a group of enterprising petty thieves take advantage of the dog days of August to burglarize vacated apartments. At this time of year, all Parisiens are on vacation elsewhere, and the city is invaded by tourists on vacation from their own cities. In this mass rearrangement of the European population, the thieves get away with their looting until they run into an architect who catches them in the act. But his morals are nothing to brag about, as he gets more involved in what they are doing and wants some of their take. He is also smitten with one of the down-and-out women the thieves have been supporting (Dominque Laffin). As in so many French dramas, these conflicting relationships are doomed to be resolved only by tragedy.
Place Clichy
Short film part of Paris Vu Par... 20 Years After
I Wanted to Laugh Like the Others
A story about summer vacation of six young boys and their friends in France during 1917.
El amor en fuga
Alphonse Doinel
Tras cinco años de matrimonio y con un hijo, Antoine Doinel y Christine se divorcian. Él trabaja como corrector en una imprenta y está enamorado de Sabine, vendedora en una tienda de discos. Un día se encuentra allí a Colette Tazzi, la joven de las Juventudes Musicales que conoció en “Antoine y Colette” y que fue su primer amor. Antoine se encuentra también con otros muchos conocidos, como Monsieur Lucien, ex-amante de su madre, y todas las mujeres que han pasado por su vida.
Lola's Lolos
In a deliberately erratic and disjointed fashion, this film follows the adventures of Bernard (Jean-Pierre Leaud). A young man from the provinces, he makes his pilgrimage to Paris and seeks adventure while living on a barge.