Shin Kyung-chul


Unit Production Manager
Sang-hyeon es dueño de una lavandería y voluntario en la iglesia cercana, donde trabaja su amigo Dong-soo. Los dos manejan un negocio ilegal juntos: Sang-hyeon ocasionalmente roba bebés de la caja de bebés de la iglesia con la ayuda de Dong-soo, quien borra las imágenes de CCTV de la iglesia que muestran que dejaron un bebé allí, y los venden en el mercado negro de adopción. . Pero cuando una joven madre, So-young, regresa después de haber abandonado a su bebé, los descubre y decide irse con ellos en un viaje por carretera para entrevistar a los posibles padres infértiles del bebé. Mientras tanto, dos detectives, Soo-jin y el detective Lee, les siguen la pista.
Candlelight Revolution
Line Producer
“What kind of person do you think former President Park Geunhye is?” Sohn Seokhee, a journalist, gives a clear and sharp answer that he “shares the common ideas that people in our country have.” That common idea has led millions to bring candles to the streets, correcting a thread of history that has gone awry, and gather a sense of hope among people. Candlelight Revolution portrays the voices of citizens from various generations, political figures of different parties, and the witnesses of an administration under improper influence. It is a documentary that identifies the genuine structure of politics and society by following how Park entered politics along with government records up until March 10.
The Box
Line Producer
A drama about a young man aspiring to become a singer and a washed-up former hit producer. The two men head off on a road trip filled with music and jamming sessions.
Stone Skipping
Line Producer
Intellectually handicapped Seokku lives in the countryside, and befriends Eunji, a teenaged runaway looking for her father. When Seokku is involved in a crime, the conflict between a Catholic priest defending him and a shelter adviser convinced of Seokku’s guilt intensifies.
Golden Slumber
Line Producer
A delivery man has to flee for his life when he is framed for the assassination of a political candidate and the evidence against him begins to accumulate.
Unit Manager
Narra la historia de Mija, una joven coreana de viaje en Estados Unidos que debe arriesgarlo todo para detener a una poderosa multinacional que pretende secuestrar a su mejor amigo: un animal gigantesco llamado ‘Okja’
The Phone
Line Producer
When his wife is murdered, Dong-ho loses the light in his life, breaks down and falls into depression. But he knows that as long as the killer is still around, he can not get out of his loss. Then, one day, he receives a call and can not believe who he is listening to.