Madeleine Carroll

Madeleine Carroll

Nacimiento : 1906-02-26, West Bromwich, England, UK

Muerte : 1987-10-02


Edith Madeleine Carroll (26 February 1906 - 2 October 1987) was an English actress, popular both in Britain and America in the 1930s and 1940s. At the peak of her success she was the highest-paid actress in the world, earning a then staggering $250,000 in 1938. Carroll is remembered for her role in Alfred Hitchcock's The 39 Steps. She is also noted for abandoning her acting career after the death of her sister Marguerite in the London Blitz, to devote herself to helping wounded servicemen and children displaced and maimed by the war.


Madeleine Carroll


La realización de una leyenda: 'Lo que el viento se llevó'
(archive footage)
Documental que muestra cómo se realizó "Lo que el viento se llevó" desde que David O. Selznick compró los derechos de la novela.
Hollywood: The Selznick Years
'The Prisoner of Zenda' (archive footage) (uncredited)
Henry Fonda hosts this retrospective on the career and films of iconic filmmaker David O. Selznick, who epitomized the era of the auteur producer in the 30s and 40s.
El abanico de Lady Windermere
Mrs. Erylnne
La señorita Erlynne, una mujer de mediana edad, se ha fijado en el señor Windermere, que ya está casado con una mujer joven y guapa pero muy conservadora socialmente y dura en sus juicios sobre los demás. El señor Windermere se interesa poco a poco en la señorita Erlynne. Su esposa descubre esto y comenta sus inquietudes a Lord Darlington, un hombre que no esconde su interés por ella y le aconseja que venga a vivir con él. Un día, la señorita Erlynne le aconseja a la señora Windermere que no cometa los trágicos errores que ella misma cometió en su juventud y le revela un secreto guardado desde hace tiempo...
No te fíes de tu marido
Paula Doane
Cuando un ama de casa (Madeleine Carroll) encuentra a su ocupado marido tonteando con una atractiva viuda, decide pagarle con la misma moneda y ponerle celoso con un magnate del tabaco.
White Cradle Inn
This drama is set in Switzerland and chronicles a fight between an innkeeper and her husband, a chronic adulterer. The trouble begins when she wants to adopt a French orphan and he doesn't.
Mi rubia favorita
Karen Bentley
Karen Bentley, una agente especial inglesa, tiene que formar equipo con el estrambótico Larry Haines, para frustrar los planes de unos espías alemanes.
Bahama Passage
Carol Delbridge
A girl, Carol whom the audience is quickly informed "has been around," and her father arrive to take over the business management of an island in the Bahamas owned by Adrian Ainsworth, descendant of many ancestors who have handled it over the years to the satisfaction of its 250 native residents. He is married to a woman who stays away from the island because she is lonely when there. Adrian doesn't want Carol or her father there, and they don't want to be there. Romance can't be lurking far behind the beautiful sunset.
One Night In Lisbon
Leonora Pettycoate
Saucy screwball comedy wherein lovely Madeleine falls in love with flier Fred despite interference from her fiancee and his ex.
Charlotte Dunterry
Post-Civil War romantic drama about defeated Southerners, starring Madeleine Carroll and Fred MacMurray.
Policía montada del Canadá
April Logan
En 1885, tres aventureros de la frontera (el maestro Riel, el traficante de whisky Corbeau y el trampero Duroc) fomentan en Canadá una rebelión contra la Corona. Sólo la Policía Montada permanece leal. El policía Ronnie Logan está enamorado de la hija de Corbeau, pero tiene que rivalizar con un ránger de Texas que busca a Corbeau por asesinato
Linda Stewart
Millionaire Baron de Courland and his fiancée Linda Stewart employ Jim Logan as a guide for their hunting trip in the jungle. Linda finds unplanned adventure in her sudden love for Jim, ultimately forsaking her future with the Baron for the joys of true love.
My Son, My Son!
Livia Vaynol
A self-made success is determined to give his son the lavish upbringing he himself was denied. Not surprisingly, the son grows up to be spoiled rotten, causing grief and pain to everyone who loves him.
Honeymoon in Bali
Gail Allen
Bill Burnett, a resident of Bali, visits New York City, meets and falls in love with Gail Allen, the successful manager of a Fifth Avenue shop, who is determined to remain free and independent. Bill proposes, Gail declines and Bill goes home to Bali. But a young girl, Rosie, and Tony the Window Cleaner, who dispels advice on every floor, soon have Gail thinking maybe she was a bit hasty with her no to Bill's proposal. Ere long she discovers that she does love Bill and can't live without him. She goes down to Bali to give him the good news. He learns that he is soon to marry Noel Van Ness. She goes back to New York City.
Cafe Society
Christopher West
A pampered heiress (Madeleine Carroll) elopes with a shipboard reporter (Fred MacMurray) just to get her name in a society column.
En la guerra civil española, un campesino se rebela ante la idea de abandonar su tierra para incorporarse a filas. Cuando es trasladado al cuartel general para entrar en combate, conoce a una hermosa mujer, que resulta ser una espía del bando contrario. Durante un ataque aéreo, buscan cobijo refugiándose en una casa que resulta bombardeada, quedando ambos bajo los escombros. El campesino intentará convencer a la mujer de que sus ideas representan la opresión...
El prisionero de Zenda
Princess Flavia
En un imaginario país, la víspera de su coronación, Rodolfo V, es secuestrado por su ambicioso hermano que desea arrebatarle el trono. Los súbditos más leales convencen a un turista, que se parece asombrosamente al rey, para que lo suplante por unas horas. Al día siguiente, se prepara una expedición para rescatar al rey, que está encerrado en el Castillo de Zenda. El turista, enamorado de una princesa de la corte, participará activamente en la lucha.
It's All Yours
Linda Gray
Jimmy Barnes arrives from Europe to be educated by his multi-millionaire uncle, Edward J. Barnes and in five years the extravagant escapes of Jimmy, now a lawyer, are the talk of San Francisco. Linda Gray is a mouse-like secretary to the elder Barnes who has fallen in love with Jimmy, but he favors actress Constance "Connie" Marlowe. Mr. Barnes dies and leaves everything to Linda but he has urged his partner, Alexander Duncan, to plan things so that Jimmy and Linda will get married. Coached by Duncan, Linda accepts the inheritance and announces that she is departing for New York on a wild spending spree. He tells Jimmy that the will can be broken but only after many months and he suggests that Jimmy follow Linda and curb her spending or there won't be any money left. In New York, Linda hires Jimmy as her private secretary. Connie also arrives in New York, as does the ingenious Baron Rene de Montigny with the intention of marrying the wealthy Miss Gray.
Screen Snapshots: Series 16, No. 12
Self (uncredited)
A tour of Hollywood, featuring such star frequented spots as the Vendome, the Lakeside Golf Club, the West Side Tennis Club, the Santa Anita Racetrack, the Ambassador Hotel's Cocoanut Grove, the Biltmore Bowl, and the American Legion Stadium.
On the Avenue
Mimi Caraway
A new Broadway show starring Gary Blake shamelessly lampoons the rich Carraway family. To get her own back, daughter Mimi sets out to ensnare Blake, but the courtship is soon for real, to the annoyance of his co-star, hoofing chanteuese Mona Merrick.
Lloyds de Londres
Elizabeth Stacy
Jonathan Blake, amigo de la infancia de Lord Nelson, asciende de mensajero a un puesto importante en la aseguradora Lloyd’s gracias a que inventa un sistema de transmisión de noticias. Lord Stacey, un bellaco altanero, odia a Blake por su influyente cargo. Sin saber que está casada con Lord Stacey, Blake se enamora de Lady Elizabeth. Lord Stacey se convierte en enemigo de Blake cuando Lloyd’s rechaza su petición de un préstamo para cubrir sus deudas de juego.
El general murió al amanecer
Judy Perrie
China, años 30, durante la devastadora guerra civil. El general Pen confía a O'Hara, un intrépido aventurero, la misión de proporcionar una gran suma de dinero al señor Wu, con la tarea de comprar armas en Shangai para ayudar a acabar con la tiranía del general Yang, que mantiene toda un provincia sometida a su despiadada bota de hierro.
El agente secreto
Elsa Carrington
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundual, a tres agentes secretos ingleses se les asigna la misión de asesinar a un misterioso espía alemán. A dos de ellos se les planteará el conflicto entre el deber de cumplir la misión y sus conciencias.
The Case Against Mrs. Ames
Hope Ames
Una mujer se empeña con todas sus fuerzas en mantener la custodia de su hijo, después de que su marido fuera asesinado, y que haya quedado flotando sobre ella la sombra de una duda sobre su relación con el caso.
The Story of Papworth, the Village of Hope
The Introducer
A educational drama about Tuberculosis.
39 escalones
Richard Hannay está en un music-hall londinense. De repente, suena un disparo y comienza una pelea. En medio del tumulto, una chica asustada le pregunta si puede ir con él. Richard accede y la lleva a su apartamento...
The Dictator
Queen Caroline Matilde of Danmark
The film depicts a dramatic episode in Danish history: the tumultous relationship between King Christian VII of Denmark and his English consort Caroline Matilda in Eighteenth century Copenhagen and the Queen's tragic affair with the royal physician and liberal reformer Johann Friedrich Struensee.
Paz en la tierra
Mrs. Warburton, 1825 / Mary Warburton Girard, 1914
Historia de una familia propietaria de una prospera fábrica textil a lo largo de un siglo (1824-1924), desde su expansión hacia Europa (Inglaterra, Francia y Alemania), pasando por la I Guerra Mundial y finalmente en la recuperación económica post-bélica, centrándose en los esfuerzos de sus miembros por mantener a la familia unida.
I Was A Spy
Martha Cnockhaert
During World War I, a young nurse in a hospital in German-occupied Belgium is secretly feeding military information to the British. Complicating matters is the guilt she feels when she has to treat the German casualties inflicted as a result of the information she's passed on, and the fact that the local German commandant is falling in love with her.
Un tenorio de coche cama
Un coche cama francés que asiste con un ojo para las damas se engancha con una viuda adinerada y se casan. Lo que no sabe es que ella se casó con él porque quiere quedarse en Francia. Sobrevienen complicaciones.
The Written Law
Lady Margaret Rochester
A man is cured of blindness but conceals his recovery from his wife.
Gwenda Farrell
Madeleine Carroll stars as a vampish actress who comes between a happily married couple, in this light-hearted melodrama from Miles Mander.
Madame Guillotine
Lucille de Choisigne
During the French Revolution, a revolutionary falls in love with and marries an aristocratic woman.
Kissing Cup's Race
Lady Molly Adair
A drama film directed by Castleton Knight .
The School for Scandal
Lady Teazle
Charles (Henry Hewitt), Joseph (Ian Fleming), and Sir Benjamin (John Charlton) are in love with Maria (Dodo Watts), and Lady Sneerwell (Anne Grey) is in love with Charles.
When Matt Denant (Gerald de Maurier) finds himself wrongly imprisoned for manslaughter, he takes an opportunity to escape from jail during a foggy day and is forced to rely on the goodwill of local people to remain a fugitive of the law.
French Leave
Mlle. Juliette / Dorothy Glenister
During World War I, Captain's wife Dorothy Glenister finds it hard being separated from her husband, so she travels to France to the village where he's stationed. Dorothy disguises herself as the daughter of a local, which leads to complications when she's suspected of being a German spy.
Young Woodley
Laura Simmons
A schoolboy falls in love with his teacher's young wife.
The Crooked Billet
Joan Easton
'International spy seeks documents hidden in old inn.' (British Film Catalogue)
The W Plan
Rosa Hartmann
A tense WWI spy thriller in which Colonel Duncan Grant (British star Brian Aherne, in his first talking role), parachutes into Germany to gather intelligence on the enemy’s secret ‘W Plan’ and to assist Allied POWs in digging escape tunnels.
A heavily fictionalized version of the RMS Titanic story.
The American Prisoner
Grace Malherb
An American sailor imprisoned on Dartmoor during the American War of Independence manages to escape and falls in love with a local Squire's daughter.
The First Born
Lady Madeleine Boycott
Would-be politician Sir Hugo Boycott and his wife Madeleine have an unhappy marriage. Madeleine is aware that Hugo is a serial philanderer, and their problems are exacerbated when she fails to produce the heir he wants.
The Guns of Loos
Diana Cheswick
Set against the backdrop of the shell crisis of 1915 at home and the Battle of Loos on the Western Front, two soldiers, one the manager of Grimlaw’s munitions factory are tested in their rivalry for Diana, a red cross nurse (Madeleine Carroll in her first film role).