Christine W Chen


Root Letter
Location Manager
After Carlos, an impoverished teen from a fractured home, receives a desperate note from Sarah, a pen pal he lost touch with a year ago, he uses her letters to solve the mystery of her disappearance and crimes she may have been a part of.
Root Letter
Digital Imaging Technician
After Carlos, an impoverished teen from a fractured home, receives a desperate note from Sarah, a pen pal he lost touch with a year ago, he uses her letters to solve the mystery of her disappearance and crimes she may have been a part of.
Room 203
First Assistant Director
Dos compañeras de cuarto fueron atormentadas por los espíritus vengativos que habitaban en su apartamento alquilado de estilo gótico, que contiene una pieza central ornamentada.
Room 203
EMT #1
Dos compañeras de cuarto fueron atormentadas por los espíritus vengativos que habitaban en su apartamento alquilado de estilo gótico, que contiene una pieza central ornamentada.
First Assistant Director
A bitter financial consultant is forced to challenge his jaundiced view of the world when a quirky stranger sets out to dismantle his reality before the sun sets.