Un paracaidista alemán herido de nombre Stroszek, es enviado a Kos, una tranquila ciudad de Creta, junto a su mujer Nora, una enfermera griega y otros dos soldados con heridas menores. Quedan recluidos en un polvorín de una vieja fortaleza y hay muy poco que hacer. Becker se dedica a traducir y transcribir inscripciones, Meinhart se divierte poniendo trampas para cucarachas y Nora ayuda a Stroszek a hacer fuegos artificiales usando la pólvora de las granadas que hay en el polvorín. Lentamente y debido al calor y al tedio, Stroszek comienza a volverse loco y querrá arrastrar a sus compañeros a una misión descabellada. Basada en un relato escrito por Ludwig Achim Von Arnim (1818).
Alemania, 1945. Últimos meses de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El conflicto se puede dar casi por concluido, pues el país ha sido invadido por las tropas aliadas. Ya no quedan soldados adultos que defiendan las posiciones, tan sólo adolescentes. En una pequeña ciudad, un grupo de jóvenes ha recibido la orden de proteger un pequeño puente. Enardecidos ante la idea de defender a su país, y entusiasmados por la ideología nazi de "sangre y honor", los chicos se disponen a cumplir las órdenes recibidas.
The young orphan Helga is raised by her aunt after WW II. At the age of sixteen, she turns her back to go her own way. As a rambler, Helga wanders through the night streets of Berlin and has brief acquaintances.
A car factory in the GDR. During a test ride there is a major accident. One driver is dead, another is seriously injured. The investigation reveals: sabotage.
Berlin, 1936. Athletes and visitors from all over the world have come to the city to take part in the Olympic Games. Anti-Fascists use the opportunity to tell the foreign guests about the situation in Germany by distributing leaflets. Being cornered by the Gestapo, the wounded resistance fighter Jakob manages to go into hiding with the help of the Swiss doctor Thea. They fall in love with each other and when Jakob joins the International Brigades in Spain to fight against Franco, Thea follows him and becomes a dedicated fighter against Fascism. The enduring battle, however, keeps preventing them from becoming a real couple.
In 1523, young Thomas Müntzer arrives with his wife Ottilie in the Thuringian village Allstedt to assume the rectorate. As a follower of Luther′s teachings, he finds in the Bible not only reasons for clerical, but also for secular reforms. But when Luther turns away from the rural population after a discord with Müntzer, it is Müntzer who becomes the peoples′ spokesman. He is forced to go to Southern Germany, where he convenes with revolting farmers. But his way leads him back to Thuringia. In 1525, he and Heinrich Pfeiffer form the centre of the Thuringian peasant uprising in Mühlhausen, but their success is diminished by the fact that peasants and craftsmen don′t seem to be able to work together. In Frankenhausen, Müntzer becomes the leader of a peasants′ army that is set to fighting the ruler′s army – and sustains a devastating loss. Müntzer is arrested and sentenced to death by decapitation for his insurgency.