Klaus Dudenhöfer


Fleisch ist mein Gemüse
Der Schimmelreiter
Haie an Bord
Unter den Dächern von St. Pauli
Zur Hölle mit den Paukern
Pepe Nietnagel and his fellow students of the Mommsen school come up with all kinds of ideas to get out of doing any actual school work. This includes simulating suicides, setting off the air-raid sirens and abusing the school director's new broadcasting system. They succeed in sending their teacher to a sanatorium and get a replacement that turns out to not be so bad after all.
Robin Hood, der edle Räuber
The Violin Case Murders
The first film adaptation of Jerry Cotton. FBI agents Jerry Cotton and Phil Decker are tracing a group of six murderers. Disguised as a vagabond Jerry Cotton infiltrates the gang. Kitty, the leader's girlfriend, soon becomes Jerry's most important helper. With her help, he's able to prevent a bomb's explosion in a school. The deadly attack on a rich collector he can not prevent. The gangsters flee with the loot and a hunt to the death begins ...
The House in Montevideo
A respectable professor inherits a house and money in Montevideo from his wild sister, on the condition that he himself behaves in a disreputable way.
Heimweh nach St. Pauli
Una cantante alemana que ha disfrutado de gran éxito en los Estados Unidos, regresa a su ciudad natal, en el distrito St. Pauli de Hamburgo.
Bored with her marriage, Franziska decides to travel to Venice.
Zwei unter Millionen
Black Gravel
Tensions arise when a US military base is built in a small village in post-war Germany.
Die Sendung der Lysistrata
Persuaded by Lysistrata, the women of Athens agree to withdraw all sexual favours from the men until the men agree to end to war with Sparta.
A Glass of Water
Intrigue and scheming at the court of Queen Anne of England between liberal Lord Bolingbroke and Lady Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough. German comedy after the play of Eugène Scribe.
Als geheilt entlassen
The Rest Is Silence
'The Rest Is Silence, a German-made attempt to update Shakespeare, is one of the best and least self-conscious of this minor genre. As indicated by the title, the film's script is a "mufti" version of Hamlet, with young Hardy Krüger trying to prove that his uncle has killed his father. Direct references to the Shakespeare original abound, right down to the re-enactment of the crime for the benefit of the Uncle and the periodic appearances of the ghost of the hero's father.'
Serengeti Shall Not Die
The film tells of the beginnings of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. At the end of the 1950s, the Tanzanian National Park Administration wanted to fence in the protected area around the Ngorongoro Crater. Bernhard and Michael Grzimek were invited by the national park administration in 1957 to get a precise picture of the animal migrations and to provide the national park administration with the values ​​they needed for their project. Using a new counting method with two airplanes, the Grzimeks found out that the migration of the herds was different than assumed.
Der Schinderhannes
Clear the stage for Marika
A dance and music film tailored completely for Marika Rokk: After her divorce, the wife of a composer uses her wit and charm to engage Marika as a singer and dancer on the stage. This manages to give life once again to the extinguished love between her and her former husband.
Nachts im Grünen Kakadu
Lemkes sel. Witwe
Compromiso en Zúrich
Juliane Thomas es una joven escritora ambiciosa pero desempleada. Después de romper con su amante, trabaja en un amigo dentista para llegar a fin de mes. Un día, instantáneamente se enamora de uno de los pacientes (Jean Berner) y rápidamente escribe un guión de película sobre el encuentro en el que proyecta sus propias fantasías sobre cómo resultarán las cosas eventualmente. Por coincidencia este guión de película es recogido por un director de cine que resulta ser el mejor amigo de Berner y a partir de ahí las cosas se complican mucho...
El capitán Kopenick
The 1956 movie based on the theater play by Carl Zuckmayer based on the true story of cobbler Wilhelm Voigt who dressed up as a German military officer and, with the help of unsuspecting soldiers, took over the city hall in Köpenick and confiscated the city's purse.
El general del diablo
Harry Harras es un valiente general de la Luftwaffe enamorado de su profesión, aunque no siente la menor simpatía por el régimen nazi que se ha hecho con el control en la Alemania de los años 30. Asqueado por las atrocidades de la guerra, Harras deserta, pero es apresado y torturado. Una vez en libertad, toma bajo su protección a una familia de fugitivos judíos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Columbus Discovers Kraehwinkel
Assistant Director
Two GIs haven fallen in love with "Fräuleins", decide to stay in Germany and open a typically American drugstore in the center of the small town where their girlfriends live.
Columbus Discovers Kraehwinkel
Two GIs haven fallen in love with "Fräuleins", decide to stay in Germany and open a typically American drugstore in the center of the small town where their girlfriends live.
Eine Frau von heute
Hochzeit auf Reisen
Engel im Abendkleid
The bailiff Engel is believed to be an heir to the millions via a fictitious newspaper advertisement. It is said to have a mink farm. Your debtors mean my nun that as a millionaire you can pay the debts. Some dowry hunters have seen it on them too. Paulchen, who shows the ad, has in Ms. Engel and in the end she also has a couple.
Mädchen mit Beziehungen
An unemployed engineer who does not want his fiancee to protect him has accidentally insulted his future boss, unknown and for no reason. From this meager idea, a stupidly rolled-out confusion with pop song in a Mexico bar develops.
Kätchen für alles
Die Freunde meiner Frau
Arche Nora