Friedrich G. Beckhaus

Friedrich G. Beckhaus

Nacimiento : 1927-12-11, Berlin, Germany


Friedrich G. Beckhaus
Friedrich G. Beckhaus


Raumpatrouille Orion - Rücksturz ins Kino
Atan Shubashi (archive footage)
Christo & Jeanne-Claude: Wrapped Reichstag, Berlin 1971-1995
In 1971, Christo and Jeanne-Claude thought of wrapping the Reichstag. After endless meetings with Government officials, they were finally given permission to wrap the Reichstag in 1994. For 7 days, in June 1995, a steel framework was constructed, then a metalized material was bound with 17, 060 yards of blue rope. The Reichstag, wrapped in this shiny material, seemed to move in the wind. Five million people visited this extraordinary project.
Ein Schweizer namens Nötzli
Aufrichtige Lügnerin
¡Vampiros en La Habana!
Un científico vampiro ha creado el Vampisol, una pócima revolucionaria, que permite a los vampiros pasear bajo la luz del Sol. En cuanto la noticia llega a oídos de los grandes clanes de vampiros, todos viajan a La Habana para hacerse con el control de la fórmula: los estirados y siniestros vampiros europeos, y los mafiosos vampiros norteamericanos. Pepito, un trompetista, sobrino del creador de Vampisol, será perseguido por ambos grupos desde que se le encarga la custodia de la fórmula.
Mrs. Harris - Freund mit Rolls Royce
The Wannsee Conference
Heinrich Müller
A real time recreation of the 1942 Wannsee Conference, in which leading SS and Nazi Party officals gathered to discuss the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question". Led by SS-General Reinhard Heydrich, the Wannsee Conference was the starting point for the Jewish Holcaust which led to the mass murder of six million people.
Die Friedenmacher
Non-Stop Trouble with my Double
A wealthy businessman and the owner of a rundown pub share one thing in common - they look like identical twins! When the businessman hears of a plot against him, he hires the pub owner as a decoy. However, the pub owner is accident prone and causes more trouble than he is worth. An action-packed, physical comedy.
Un amor en Alemania
En mayo de 1983, un hombre de 49 años, acompañado de su hijo, viaja al pueblo de su infancia, en Baden. Su deseo es descubrir qué le sucedió en realidad a su madre. Sus recuerdos son muy borrosos y, además, por aquel entonces era demasiado pequeño para comprender lo que ocurría a su alrededor.
Edith's Diary
Dr. Bleibig
Edith runs a left-wing journal and when her marriage starts to fall apart (her husband is unfaithful), she can find no solace in her son who is more of a problem than an asset. On top of heading toward a divorce and being unable to handle her son's asocial tendencies, her neurotic uncle moves in, demanding personalized care. Just to keep her sanity intact, Edith starts writing in her diary to vent her own feelings and ambitions. As her son goes from bad to worse over a five-year period, it turns out that Edith's diary may be of more benefit than she could have ever imagined. In this adaptation of Edith's Diary by Patricia Highsmith, director and writer Hans W. Geissendoerfer has maintained Highsmith's psychologically tormented characters while changing the location and time of her story from the U.S. of the 1960s to Germany in the early 1980s.
Leben im Winter
Der Mann Im Pyjama
Stützen der Gesellschaft
Kleine Geschichten mit großen Tieren
Reinhard Heydrich - Manager des Terrors
Heinrich Müller
Prozeß Medusa
a TV-Movie by Wolfgang Staudte
Waffen für Amerika
Based on the play by Lion Feuchtwanger.
Everyone Dies Alone
Presiding Judge
When they start losing family members and neighbors due to WWII and the Nazi government's policies, a quiet married couple becomes disillusioned and begins spreading leaflets against the government - a crime punishable by death.
Tausend Francs Belohnung
Steig ein und stirb
Dr. Hebauer
Der Edison von Schöneberg
Hermann Ganswindt
Auf Befehl erschossen
Kommisar Fiebach
Mit dem Strom
Der Eisberg der Vorsehung
Sidney O. Buddington
Ein Toter stoppt den 8 Uhr 10
Kriminalassistent Penk
Der Fall Eleni Voulgari
Love Is Only a Word
Kommissar Hardenberg
Verena, esposa de un poderoso banquero, se enamora de un estudiante de veintiún años, pero su marido se entera y la amenaza.
Flucht - Der Fall Münzenberg
Erich Reschke
Das Ding an sich und wie man es dreht
Paul Esbeck
Angels of Terror
An Australian woman arrives in London to search for her sister who she finds is involved with a heroin smuggling gang. The gang itself is under attack from an unknown rival, who is methodically assassinating them with a shot to the head.
Oberst der NKWD
And Jimmy Went to the Rainbow's Foot
Dr. Gloggnigg
The son of an Argentine chemist travels to Vienna, to solve the murder of his father. Step by step, he realizes that his father was internationally entangled in secret service machinations and chemical weapon sales, and ends up in mortal danger himself. Meanwhile, he also realizes that there is no connection between his father's murderess and those dubious activities. Her motive for killing him goes back much futher, to a court hearing during the Third Reich...
Das Freudenhaus
Die vierzig Irrtümer des Herodes
Auftrag: Mord!
Janos Klewe
Interview mit Herbert K.
Claus Graf Stauffenberg
Generalmajor Hellmuth Stieff
Friedrich III. '...gestorben als Kaiser'
Dr. Mackenzie
Der Fall Sorge
General Uritzky
Die Verschwörung
Sir Basil Zaharoff - Makler des Todes
Gnade für Timothy Evans
John Christie
The case of Timothy Evans was the first major post-war miscarriage of justice to capture public attention. Of low intelligence, Evans was damned by his own, false confession that he had murdered his wife and daughter. The trial and rightful conviction of John Christie for one of these murders three years later, did not, however, bring about a pardon for Evans. Despite having four alibi witnesses, the 28-year-sailor, who was described by his own defence lawyer as a "semi-civilised savage", was convicted and executed within six months of the murder. Three years after Mr Evans was hanged, John Christie, a neighbour in the house at 10 Rillington Place, confessed to strangling eight female victims - including Beryl and her baby daughter. He too was executed. It was to be many years before the judiciary and the government were to finally allow the late Timothy Evans a pardon.
Im Auftrag der schwarzen Front
Van Gogh
Der Fall Liebknecht-Luxemburg
Reconstruction of the murder of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg and the following farcical military court procedures.
Der Senator
General Attinbrough
Kimper & Co.
Georg Brandt
Tragödie in einer Wohnwagenstadt
Der Röhm-Putsch
SS-Gruppenführer Sepp Dietrich
Ein Mann, der nichts gewinnt
Hans Martin
Die Mission
Das Großstadtpony
Herr Buck
Der Reichstagsbrandprozeß
Wer rettet unseren Ackerknecht?
Albert Cobb
Der Fall der Generale
Geld, Geld, Geld - 2 Milliarden gegen die Bank von England
Zuchthäusler Otto Kaschube
Paris muß brennen!
Président du Conseil Municipal
Freispruch für Old Shatterhand
Karl May
The Racetrack Murders
Jockey Palmer
The son of a British racehorse owner conspires with a bookie to ruin the odds of his father's thoroughbred winning an important event.
Das Bild des Menschen. Gespräche einer letzten Nacht
Erste Wache
Jenny und der Herr im Frack
Der Fall Jakubowski – Rekonstruktion eines Justizirrtums
Josef Jakubowski
Das Kriminalgericht
Max Götze
La posada del Támesis.
Un asesino en serie llamado El Tiburón aterroriza Londres matando a sus víctimas con un arpón y luego, vestido con un traje de buzo, utiliza los túneles del alcantarillado de la ciudad para escapar.
In 1957 Gustaf Gründgens staged a new production of Goethe's Faust in which he once again played Mephisto, a part he had played since 1932. The brilliant production was a huge success and ran for a couple of years. In 1959 Peter Gorski captured the performance on film in his directorial film debut. Basically it is a registration of the production, but Gorksi did manage to accentuate the details of the acting by using enough medium and close-up shots which give a view on the acting you normally would not able to see in a theater.