Roman Knizka
Nacimiento : 1970-02-08, Bautzen, Germany
Roman Bergmann
Un adolescente acomodado y sus amigos, alumnos de un instituto de élite, destapan una siniestra conspiración mientras investigan una serie de extraños eventos sobrenaturales.
Enno Göss
Jochen Schröder
Un verdadero castillo como tu nuevo hogar. ¿Te imaginas algo más genial? Castle Geroldseck es un hogar de ancianos lleno de abuelas y abuelos arrugados. Pero para que su madre, una enfermera geriátrica madre soltera, también pueda trabajar en turnos de noche, Max ahora vive en Raven Tower. Como el único niño entre todos estos viejos... Max pronto encontrará amigos entre los ancianos residentes de la casa: la actriz Vera, el entrenador de fútbol Horst y el investigador Kilian, juntos mejor conocidos como Wild Bunch. Max también nota que algo extraño está pasando en las viejas paredes.
Jiri Ceyka
Patrick Cameron
Nelly es dama de honor en la boda de su hermana Eve y su novio Bill. Allí se reencuentra con Leo, amigo del novio. La pareja nupcial quiere emparejarlos, pero no saben que ya se conocían de antes.
Martin Luther
Paul Leonhard
La vida de Gerris da un emocionante giro cuando decide empezar a escribir cartas a familiares y amigos, en las que les cuenta con sinceridad, todo lo que opina de ellos.
Anthony Miller
Tres años después de la muerte de su esposa, Eric cree que es buen momento para volver a enamorarse. Es entonces cuando conoce a Hannah, la nueva novia de su hermano
¿Cuánto cuesta el mundo? Siguiendo este lema el inestable Eric Steiner en Berlín,disfruta de su vida. Él ama a su novia Verena y quiere que sean felices. La familia, la responsabilidad y el compromiso son para él palabras mayores. Cuando se entera de la muerte de su hermano Christopher, que vivió como un productor de leche en Sajonia-Anhalt, entra en shock... Podrá asumir la responsabilidad de los niños, Nico de 16 años de edad, y Leoniey de 11 años , hijos de su difunto hermano, y de la granja lechera familiar en el que se crió?
Marcus Hansen
Patricia Engel, abogada experta en negligencias médicas, se enfrenta a dos nuevos casos mientras descubre e intenta asimilar que su marido Thomas va a dejar a su familia por otra mujer de la que se ha enamorado. (FILMAFFINITY)
von Wohllebe
Horst Krause still can't believe that his sister Meta moved to Cologne because of love. When a stranger surprisingly asks for a room, some excitement returns. Albert has been abandoned by his wife and does not know how to proceed. But why does the sailor end up in Schönhorst of all places? Strange hints awaken buried memories - could it be that the liaison that Krause had with a circus artist in the summer of 1961 was not without consequences?
Jenny tiene una carrera exitosa en la Ópera de Múnich y ha encontrado en Tobías al hombre ideal. Pero sus vidas cambian al hacerse ella una prueba de embarazo, dándole positiva.
Adam Black
Oliver Frantisek
Rainer Raabe
Alexander Eichler
Juri Schukow
Clemens Vogelmann
Una antigua cafetería de Hamburgo, "Hansen", necesita urgentemente un estilo más moderno. Por ello , le piden un proyecto a la diseñadora de interiores Gretchen Fingerhut (Janin Reinhardt).Esta,una vez más, superó el límite de su cuenta al comprar zapatos y ropa. Junto con su amiga Sarah (Josephine Schmid) desarrolla un concepto. Pero el dúo de diseñadores tiene un competidor inteligente en el complicado Clemens (Roman Knika).
Seven-year-old Andrej scavenges the nuclear wasteland of Chernobyl for discarded documents to trade on the black market.
Ben Kremer
A love connection clicks for Lila when she moves back to Berlin and meets Christopher -- never realizing that she's fallen for a rock star who's signed a contract to remain single for life.
Thomas Hellstern
Kater Minkus
Once upon a time there was a miller who had three sons. When the miller died, the three sons shared the inheritance. The oldest, Hermann, got the mill, the second, Hubert, the donkey, the third, Hans, the tomcat Minkus.
Dr. Svoboda
On the escape of the violent Poles 1946, the child of Rosemarie get lost. And Rosemaries tries to find her daughter.
Sebastian Mores
Pretty Floriane does not believe in love anymore, since she has learned that her boyfriend is really married and does not even think about leaving his wife. Surprisingly, the charming townspeople Sebastian comes into their lives: The handsome contractor was actually just passing through - but after a car breakdown, he hired himself in Florianes small country inn. It does not take long for an intimate love to develop between the two. But then it turns out that Sebastian also has a girlfriend who is ready to fight him.
Steven Brookmüller
Wolfang Zenker es un vendedor ambulante de ropa femenina, de mediana edad, que está en un aprieto: su joven competidor a muerte amenaza con robarle sus mejores clientes ya que Zenker ha perdido el carnet de conducir. Agobiado ante la perspectiva de quedar rezagado, decide cancelar las vacaciones de su hijo y emplearlo en contra de su voluntad como conductor. Las cosas van de mal en peor: el banco le persigue, Hacienda da con él, su mujer le deja, su hijo le informa de su homosexualidad ¡y se enamora del adversario de su padre! La familia y el enemigo se reúnen en un clamoroso enfrentamiento final en el que volarán los malos entendidos y las balas.
Four years have passed since Bogdan left the Pichlerhof and Anna remained heartbroken. At first glance, the farm with its "three-women economy" is well there. Neighbor Gerhard builds on a common future with Anna. Then suddenly Bogdan reappears. He has made a career and wants to ask Anna - the woman of his life - to come with him. The encounter surprised both and brings everything out of balance.
Robert Marqward
Hilde Reimer is overjoyed when her three grown-up daughters and their partners move into the old family villa. The only thing that really bothers Hilde is that her three girls are still not married, despite having children and being very much in love.
Achim Kriechbaum
Thomas Encombe
Due to the accidental death of Pichler Bauer his wife Ilse, Granny Burgi and especially the youngest daughter Anna are suddenly alone on the mountain farm. Contrary to expectations and traditions, Anna inherits the farm. A well considered decision of the father: For Anna wants to stay mountain farmer, to preserve the inheritance of her father. In contrast to her mother and her uncle. In order to receive her father's farm and to be able to cope with the heavy and exhausting work, Anna hired a Bosnian guest worker, a Muslim, as a servant. They manage to continue the successful business on the farm.
Oliver Klein
El joven estudiante de medicina Jo Hauser (Barnaby Metschurat) llega a un hospital de Berlín, donde será captado por una sociedad secreta dispuesta a vulnerar cualquier principio moral con tal de conseguir avances médicos.
Alemania, años veinte. Tras la muerte de sus padres, dos hermanas gemelas son separadas. Una crecerá con una tía en Holanda, llevando una vida acomodada, mientras la otra lo hará en duras circunstancias en una granja alemana propiedad de su tío.
Josch Klauser
Josh is about to turn 30; he's mentally retarded, and likes to play at being a vampire. His sister Nicole is 15, and dealing with her impending womanhood; middle brother Mike is the "normal" one, but in some ways the most childish - his latest conquest is Nadine, who runs the dog kennel at his security guard job. Nic is fixated on getting laid, and watches Mike and Nadine through the skylight with Josh. Josh also gets fixated on sex, though he has no clear idea what it's all about, and in particular on Nadine; to Mike's chagrin, she seems more interested in Josh than in him.
A comedy about three men who have reached the lowest rung on the social ladder. This story about lust for life and miracles that are possible only with the aid of extraordinary women unfolds at a place which reflects life, love and death like no other.
Rene Rottländer
Anyone can hold a mini-DV camera. Anyone can get 99 euros in credit. And everyone has already written a five-minute story in school. So everyone is actually prepared to make a 99euro-film. but "99euro-films" is more. It is the proof that German films can also be wild, new, modern, funny, political and entertaining. And all that in 80 minutes. 12 young German filmmakers come together, inspire exciting young actors and go: have an idea and simply film it. Just do it and be independent.
Robert Vegener
Michi Holzner
Nigel Finley
Jan Nehm
Paul Binder
After an argument with her boyfriend Dennis in a disco Anne goes home alone, leaving him and his friends Raf and Nicole behind. The next day she reads in the paper that two men and a woman are wanted for stabbing a man to death near that disco.
After a successful bank robbery, Erik and Bingo have to part again. While Erik is stuck in a demolition house with his booty and broken foot, Bingo believes Erik has settled with the money. The accomplices become bitter rivals.
A crime drama directed by Rolf Silber.
Kort Holm