Lena Stolze

Lena Stolze

Nacimiento : 1956-08-08, Berlin, Germany


Lena Stolze


Rückkehr nach Rimini
Maria Cerny
Die Welt steht still
Annette Schwarz
When the pictures from Bergamo in Italy go around the world in spring 2020, even non-medical people know what the word pandemic means. The previously unknown Coronavirus is spreading rapidly across the planet. Four days later, exit and contact restrictions also apply in Germany. Since then, the life of the Konstanz intensive care physician Dr. Carolin Mellau and her family on their heads. The female doctor becomes a member of the crisis team and is on duty around the clock to prepare the clinic for the impending emergency. As an anesthesiologist intubating those infected with COVID-19, she herself carries a high risk of infection. Meanwhile, her husband Stefan has to cancel his concerts as a musician, is no longer allowed to teach his music students and is suddenly sitting at home without an income. Teenage daughter Luzy is not allowed to see her Swiss boyfriend because the border is closed. She and brother Tim cannot go to school. But the worst case for the family is yet to come.
Money. Murder. Zurich.: Borchert and the icy death
Maria Brosi
When Borchert receives an anonymous message that a certain Franz Brosi is innocent, law firm boss Dominique can hardly believe it. After all, Brosi was her first client as a public defender a few years ago and had actually confessed. The two are investigating the case.
Frau Holles Garten
Helene Goldig
Rocca cambia el mundo
Valiente, divertida y única: así es Rocca. A sus once años, lleva una vida un tanto peculiar. Mientras su padre, astronauta, está pendiente de ella desde el espacio exterior, Rocca vive sola con su ardilla y acude a un colegio normal por primera vez en su vida. Allí destaca enseguida por su actitud despreocupada e inconformista. Rocca no tiene miedo a enfrentarse a los matones de la clase, porque defiende la justicia contra viento y marea. Y no le cuesta hacerse amiga de Casper, un 'sin techo' al que trata de ayudar, al tiempo que intenta ganarse el cariño de su abuela. Con su desbordante optimismo, Rocca demuestra, junto a sus nuevos amigos, que incluso una niña puede cambiar el mundo.
Der Wunschzettel
Wanda Schwebe
Miedo: el enemigo en casa
Randolph Tiefenthaler y su esposa Rebecca compraron una casa de 1920 y se mudaron con sus hijos. La única condición era que el hermano del ex propietario podría seguir viviendo en el sótano.
Das Leben Danach
Part of Us
From her childhood, Nadia felt responsible for her mentally disturbed and recently homeless mother, Irene. For a while Nadia had cut off all contact with Irene and tried to live her life, until Irene suddenly appears drunk at the wedding of her son, Mickey. Nadia sinks back into this quagmire of love and hate, responsibility, guilt and shame. She gathers her strength to find a home for her mother while at the same time she hides from her partner, Ian, the fact that the drunk woman at her brother's wedding was her mother. But no one can oppress Irene, let alone her daughter.
Fanny und die gestohlene Frau
Karin Steininger
Fanny und die geheimen Väter
Karin Steininger
Fortune Favors the Brave
Frau Trost
Eleven-year-old Linh shows great grace under pressure. When her mother, who’s raising her kids on her own, has to return unexpectedly to Vietnam, Linh looks after her little sister Tien and the family restaurant on her own. Of course, no one is supposed to find out, not the school, not the neighbours, and definitely not child protective services. But Linh’s biggest problem has red hair, a telescope and a sly grin: Pauline. The daredevil from across the street has the whole neighbourhood under surveillance and can’t imagine anything cooler than a life without parents. When Pauline blackmails the Vietnamese sisters into starting a gang with her, the three girls set off on a daring adventure.
Never Be the Same
Melanie and Walter seem to be happily married but then strange incidents begin to occur. Their house is broken into but nothing is missing. Someone is observing them and Walter is even pursued and harassed by a young man. The situation escalates when they find out that the daughter of their former housekeeper has died.
The Chosen Ones
In the late 70s, young Petra Grust begins teaching at the progressive Odenwald School. She is flattered by the trust placed in her by its widely respected headmaster Simon Pistorius. But gradually certain incidents at the boarding school begin to unsettle her. Petra then realizes that Pistorius is abusing Frank, a 13-year-old. When Frank is told that he has to spend school holidays with Pistorius, he tries to commit suicide. Petra tells Frank's father (the chairman of the school's governing body) but he believes Pistorius instead of his own son. Petra fails to convince people of the man's true nature. 30 years later, Frank goes to Petra, who has long since left the school and has stopped teaching altogether. He has never been able to speak about what happened but now, after the suicide of another pupil, he is no longer willing to remain silent. He wants Petra to bear witness at the school's forthcoming anniversary celebrations.
Let's go!
Frau Fingerhut
Sternstunde ihres Lebens
Frieda Nadig
Bonn 1948. The member of parliament and lawyer Elisabeth Selbert fights tirelessly for the inclusion of the sentence "Men and women have equal rights" in the Basic Law of the future Federal Republic of Germany. Despite the opposition she encounters during sessions in the Parliamentary Council , there is _she does not stop and stubbornly sticks to her plan . Selbert experiences a grandiose triumph when her application is included in the new Basic Law under Article 3, Paragraph 2 . In doing so , she lays the foundation for what has now been a 65-year political and social debate on the subjectEqual rights.
Terminally ill, Lea surprises her family with her wish to die, consciously and controlled, on her own birthday. Her mother tries everything to prevent the plan. But things turn out differently. Tragic and dignified.
Beste Freundinnen
Caro Ellermann
Die Pastorin
Doris Ehwaldt
Die Kronzeugin - Mord in den Bergen
Niño de otoño
Hannah Brenner
Como partera Emilia acompaña diariamente a mujeres embarazadas y a una nueva vida llena de retos. Ahora se encuentra en su propia "obra maestra": En un par de semanas, ella y su marido Christoph esperan el primer hijo. Con compostura profesional y lleno de anticipación Emilia prepara la llegada de su hijo. Pero todo viene de manera diferente de lo esperado.
A Family of Three
Andrea Dewenter
When novelist Andrea Dewenter dies in a car accident, the lives of her husband Christian, grown-up son Lars, and adolescent daughter Elaine go off the rails. For all three, the few days between Andrea's sudden death and her funeral turn into an emotional roller coaster that eventually shows them the virtue of being a family.
Der Mann auf dem Baum
Mahler on the Couch
Justine Mahler-Rosé
Alma Mahler's affair with the young architect Walter Gropius sets in motion a marital drama that forces her husband Gustav Mahler to seek advice from Sigmund Freud.
La montaña de la muerte
Mutter Messner
Reinhold y Günther Messner decidieron escalar la cara Rupal de la montaña Nanga Parbat, en Pakistán, en los años 70. En el camino de vuelta Günther sufre un accidente y muere, su hermano Reinhold es acusado de asesinarlo.
Ein Teil von mir
Visión. La historia de Hildegard Von Bingen
Schwester Jutta
Hildegard von Bingen (Barbara Sukowa) fue una monja alemana que, desde niña, tuvo visiones sobrenaturales en las que Dios le pedía que transmitiera sus mensajes. Su fama traspasó los muros del convento. Fue, al parecer, una mujer muy adelantada para su época por sus conocimientos de medicina natural y por sus obras musicales. Se trata de una mujer que marcó un antes y un después en muchos aspectos de la sociedad medieval.
El vértigo
Durante el reinado de terror de Stalin, Evgenia Ginzburg, una profesora de literatura, fue enviada a trabajos forzados durante 10 años en un gulag en Siberia. Después de haber perdido todo, y ya no desear vivir, conoce al médico del campo y comienza a volver a la vida.
Coxless Pair
Johanns Mutter
The film tells the story of the friendship between Johann and Ludwig as they strive for the ultimate “buddy” relationship. Going beyond, well beyond, what would be considered good and healthy, the pair attempt to become the ideal twins, driving their relationship based on their partnership in competitive rowing (coxless pairs) to the ultimate, to perfect harmony in mind, word, thought and deed. But their symbiotic relationship is thrown out of balance: Ludwig strives to tighten the bonds ever closer, but Johann discovers happiness in the form of love for Ludwig’s sister, Vera. But because Ludwig hates her, the couple keep their relationship secret. But secrets have a way of coming out and Ludwig is wounded to the core. As the finals of the rowing competition draw closer, Ludwig has already set his sights on a greater goal: to preserve their friendship forever, no longer in life but in death.
Freiwild - Ein Würzburg-Krimi
Eva Täschner
In Sachen Kaminski
Gabriele Lohse
And Along Come Tourists
Andrea Schneider
Sven arrives in nowadays Auschwitz to do his civil service at the memorial. He encounters unfriendliness, especially by Stanislaw Krzeminski, the 85 year old KZ-survivor, and Krzysztof Lanuszewski, brother of his early love affair Ania. Even his boss Herold, the places manager, does little to help Sven familiarize. But when problems accumulate Sven realises that he already has become involved.
Lapislazuli - Im Auge des Bären
La calle de las rosas
Miriam Süßmann
Después de la muerte de su padre, Hannah Weinstein, una periodista neoyorquina de origen judío, decide averiguar qué sucedió en 1943 en Berlín cuando su madre, Ruth, y su abuela fueron separadas por los nazis. Sus investigaciones la llevan a la capital alemana. Allí Lena Fischer le cuenta cómo salvó la vida de Ruth cuando los últimos judíos de la ciudad fueron sitiados por orden de Goebbles en febrero de 1943, momento a partir del cual la pequeña Ruth ya no volvió a ver a su madre. (FILMAFFINITY)
Die Verhoevens
The history of a family, in the film business now for three generations, behind and in front of the camera. The film is not only a foray through the history of this remarkable family, but also through the history of German film and contemporary history as well.
Northern Star
Ankes Mutter
I'm The Father
Melanies Anwältin
Marco and Melanie, a young married couple, are living a life of passion, chaos, and all the little frustrations of everyday existence. Their love for each other seems like a beacon on heavy seas. But career pressure, burned toast, and dirty laundry are eroding all tenderness, and they never seem to find enough time for their six-year-old son, Benny, either. Their world is about to fall apart when Melanie moves out, taking Benny with her. She files for divorce, and Marco makes a decision that is not only going to change his own life. He suddenly discovers his own unique way of being a father … I’m the Father is a modern portrait of a generation which appears to fail its own ambitions: After all, how do you combine a job, children, love and all the other challenges of everyday life – without giving yourself up in the process? And then what happens when positions become entrenched and a divorce seems inevitable?
Späte Rache
Susanne Schneider
Brennendes Schweigen
Bettys Mutter
Elke Berger
My Heart Is Mine Alone
Else Lasker-Schüler
Helma Sanders-Brahms directs this inventive film that uses the verse of Jewish poet Else Lasker-Schüler and Nazi poet Gottfried Benn to dramatize the passionate, real-life affair between the two unlikely lovers. Forced out of Germany, Lasker-Schüler makes her way to Jerusalem even as Benn discovers the true nature of the Nazi ideology he had once championed. Lena Stolze and Cornelius Obonya star.
Gefangene der Liebe
Susanne Reinisch
The Writing on the Wall
When a bomb explodes in a British RAF base in Germany, MI5 terrorist specialist Bull (Bill Paterson) is called in to investigate. However, the further he begins to dig into the secrets behind the terrorism, the more he finds himself immersed in dodgy goings-on in the corridors of power of NATO itself.
Sabine Heyer
Hermano durmiente
En el principio del siglo 19 , Johannes Elias Alder nace en un pequeño pueblo en las montañas de Austria . Mientras crecía es considerado extraño por los otros aldeanos y descubre su amor a la música , sobre todo a tocar el órgano en la iglesia local . Después de experimentar una "maravilla acústica " , sus cambios en el color de los ojos y se pueden escuchar hasta los sonidos más sutiles . Elias se enamora platónica con Elsbeth , la hermana de Peter , el hijo de un vecino , quien amar sentimientos hacia Elias desde entonces. Después de Elsbeth se casa con otra , Elias ( 22 años) decide poner fin a su vida por no dormir nunca más..
Die Vergebung
Dance of Death
Wehner – die unerzählte Geschichte
Lotte Bischoff
La chica terrible
Sonja es una brillante estudiante de una familia bávara de clase media. Tras ganar un premio europeo con un ensayo, se convierte en el orgullo de la poblacion. Pero todo cambia cuando en su siguiente trabajo decide escribir sobre "Mi ciudad durante el Tercer Reich". Las puertas se empiezan a cerrar y todo son evasiones... (FILMAFFINITY)
Man Under Suspicion
Jessica Kranz
Man Under Suspicion (German: Morgen in Alabama) is a 1984 West German film directed by Norbert Kückelmann.
The Swing
The life of 3 sisters in Munich before the First World War. Based on the book by Annette Kolb.
Last Five Days
Sophie Scholl
At Gestapo head quarters a young woman establishes a relationship with another inmate. This young woman is Sophie Scholl who tells the story of her life and of her resistance movement′s courageous fight against Hitler′s Nazi regime.
La Rosa Blanca
Sophie Scholl
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad de Munich comienza a cuestionar las decisiones y cordura de su gobierno nazi.
Die Ratten
Walburga Hassenreuter
Borowski und der Schatten des Mondes
Antje Mertins